
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

[Article] After Talking about UFO and Aliens now Hyun Joong Talks about Dogs

After talking about UFO and aliens now our 4D prince talks about speaking to dogs. Ei, what coming up next with this funny guy. ^_^


[News] Kim Hyun Joong Can Speak to Dogs?
Courtesy of dakrnnaznguy / Soompi

Kim Hyun Joong recently revealed that he can have a conversation with dogs.

On the "Stars From Andromeda Special" episode of MBC "Come to Play" that aired on October 24, Kim Hyun Joong, Eun Ji Won, Kim Ji Sook, and members of Baekdoosan (Kim Doe Kyun and Park Chan Hee) appeared on the show.

During this episode, Kim Hyung Joong stated, "I can speak to dogs."

He added, "Whenever I need to ask a dog if it wants food, I simply have the question in my head and bark at them - I do the same thing whenever I need to get the dog's attention. This of course doesn't work for all dogs. There are different methods for different types of dogs. For some reason though, I can only speak to Korean dogs - I tried speaking to a foreign dog but it just wouldn't respond no matter how hard I tried."

After hearing this comment, Park Chan Hee asked, "Then how do Korean dogs and foreign dogs speak to each other?" Kim Hyun Joong replied, "I think they just follow their instincts."

Kim Hyun Joong surprised the fans again later when he told the show he saw an actual UFO. "I saw a UFO in Japan. In order to make everybody see it I yelled 'Wuaaak!' It was similar to the one that appeared in Gwanghwamun...Aliens are at the end of the evolution. They have big eyes and their skin is transparent," Kim Hyun Joong said referring to a video published online recently of a UFO in the Gwanghwamun area in Seoul.


  1. Anonymous4:49 PM

    oh... 4D 4D .... oh..... I'm speechless....... What's next with this funny guy? Hahaha.....

  2. Anonymous5:18 PM

    I just love Hyun Joong's imagination. Like he said his brain is more wavy than most. So there is your answer. Hahaha.

  3. Anonymous8:42 PM

    What does Hyun Joong really think in his head?
    Why so 4D and funny.
    He makes me always smile with his shows.

  4. pengfoo9:45 PM

    This one kills me. Can anyone be more funny Just when you think he is all grown up he throws you a funny curve...hahaha. He is a real fruit cake. So good for laughs.
    Just love him.
