
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

[Article] HJ on SS501 and Wanting to be Judged as the Best

Honestly, I took me a while to hit the publish button for this post. I just feel that it might start another unpleasant discussion. But in the end hitting the publish button wins. This article also mentions about the comment Hyun Joong made about being the best. The translation in this articled is pretty much different from the earlier I posted. I have been reading that the translation from Chinese to English is way much better and in this article this is somehow how it should be read.

Again, let me appeal to everyone reading this to take this calmly, with an open mind and sensitivity. Also please if possible no mentioning of any member's name as I think it would just cause again another endless debate.

I have actually encountered this article yesterday. The article sort of hit some sensitive part in my heart and reading more insensitive comments would give me more pain. I bet I am not the only one feeling like this. I certainly know who these wonderful people who is also hurting (regardless of the degree) and genuinely care for SS501. But I still have hopes, not an album though but a get together. Nothing is impossible. Also I believe that if all wants it there is always ways on how, but if they are not up to it there is always the excuse.


[News] Kim Hyun Joong talks about SS501 getting back together?
Source: MK via Nate
Courtesy of Cow Far / KPopFever

Former SS501 member, current actor and singer Kim Hyun Joong talked about the possibilities of SS501 getting back together.

Kim Hyun Joong stated at a recent meeting with reporters, “Honestly, there are members I still keep in touch with and others I don’t. 5 of us never really all got together in one occasion. When the members get together we talk about being true to what we are doing now”.

Kim Hyun Joong also added, “What the fans want would be when the album would be released but it would be disappointing to promise something and to not be able to come through. The name SS501 belongs to a different company and for 4 companies to produce one album together is realistically not easy. Perhaps a collective stage might be possible but to release an album together seems tough in reality”.

The SS501 members have left DSP Media and other than Kyu Jong and Young Saeng signing with the same company, they all have gone their separate ways with a different management company. The team’s name SS501 still belongs to DSP Media currently.

Kim Hyun Joong was also honest in admitting, “I want to be judged to be the best out the 5 members of SS501 as a solo”.

Kim Hyun Joong has released the second solo mini album ‘Lucky’ on October 11th and will start promotion with the title song ‘Lucky guy’. A Japanese tour is scheduled involving multiple cities including, Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya and the Asian Tour for next year is in planning.


  1. Anonymous10:19 AM

    I might not agree with everything he says but at least he's honest. It hurts a bit though that he doesn't talk to certain member. I guess the bonds the five proclaimed was just for show and that's the most hurtful thing about this article. Whether SS501 comebacks, I've come to accept is next to impossible but I really thought they were all close.

  2. lacrm2510:22 AM

    Just want to say every artiste or person would want to be viewed as the best. I am sure non of the members who went up the stage want to be viewed as the worst solo artiste, everyone would want to be viewed as the best. Is a way to motivate themeselves to give the best on stage.

  3. Anonymous10:22 AM

    i think its pretty obvious he doesn't keep in touch with baby and jungmin. not that i wanna speculate but its SO OBVIOUS. i'm just curious to know whats going on between them, why did they fall out? its hard not to suspect that they gone solo not just for the sake of going solo but there is some discord between them. sigh.

  4. Anonymous10:30 AM

    sorry, i am the above poster 10:22 and i did not oblige to the rule about not mentioning the members names, cause first of all i really feel the need to as i love them so much so i feel really strongly about their relationship with each other. secondly i feel that by now most fans would have found out anyway or at least suspected as it is so obvious but they just wanted to be in denial or just to keep quiet. i mean, leader is never around when baby and JM are present so i think it doesn't take a genius to see that. feeling pretty sad now actually, i myself didn't wanna think about this issue but since this article came up so...

    no hard feelings pretties, i love them as much as you gals do!

  5. Anonymous10:32 AM

    ................................................................................................................................................................. i've read the article in Chinese before reading this English version and honestly, I felt really sad while reading. it made me face up to reality and (slowly) accept the cold, hard fact that it might be next-to-impossible for the 5 boys to release another album together. after all, there are many practicalities to consider, most pertinent of which is the name SS501 belonging to DSP. grrr...

    maybe all these while i have been deceiving myself that SS501 will comeback (i thought it wld be this yr!)... it seems like yesterday tt we fans were trending the topic #SS501comeback2011 (it was actually at the end of 2010?)

    ahh, at least Leader is honest about how things really are and nv give us false hopes... really, KUDOS to him, cos i'm sure he jolly well knows he'll be getting flak for it..

    sometimes i tink the more the members did their solo activities, the more achievements they attain, the more used to their solo careers they'll become. so much so tt their former group activities will feel soo long ago. ah well, this is another thing we fans have to accept... our boys have to grow up, as much as we love the good o' days of 5AS1......

    I'll always be a TRIPLE S and i'm not giving up on our boys. i love them too much! but i guess its time i learn to be more realistic in a way...

    peace and love, everyone!
    will always love SS501, 5AS1!

  6. Chrystal10:37 AM

    BRAVO to Leader's honesty. I like him for that. It's not easy being honest in an entertainment industry where you are constantly being judged by strangers. Actually, I'm not surprised that it's difficult to keep in contact with each and every member, cos everyone has their own activities to pursue and not much time to stay in touch. Eg, even I rarely stay in touch with some of my friends because everyone of them are busy at work or with family. As long as you know they are still there and will support you if need be, it's ok. I'm really hoping for a comeback stage though. PRAYING HARD!! Thx Liezle for sharing. Am glad u push the publish button.

  7. Anonymous10:38 AM

    hm, i don't think there is/was discord among the members, necessarily. maybe they don't keep in touch as often, but it doesn't mean they don't still have their bond.
    when i went away to college, i lost contact with lots of my high school friends, but when we came home for summer, we always hung out like nothing happened and no time had past at all. same with family. when you grow up and move out, you don't see or talk to your siblings every day, but when you do see them, you're as close as ever, right? that's what i believe is going on right now.

    it's good that HJ is honest, like about how hard it'd be to make an album together in their situation, but at least the others said they all want it and will try to make it work and keep their promise because they want it so much.

    i'll be so happy with a combined stage, but i'll wait forever for an album if i have to!

  8. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Somehow I knew something like this would come out sooner or later and it would be from HJ. Personality clashes will always happen, whether we like it or not. I've always realized this so I'm not surprised. I hope the backlash from this won't hurt them too much. I also hope that we keep in mind that separation is part of growing up. Most of us don't have the same best friends that we had 5 years ago. They are no different. Honesty isn't always good in the entertainment industry. I can see it now that some fans will be leaving him. As for me, I will continue to support him.

  9. Anonymous10:45 AM

    This article seems to be preparing the fans that SS501 may not comeback. I've been noticing this for awhile. The other members all stated they would make a comeback repeatedly in the beginning and would give an estimated time fame. Lately they have been vague on the subject of when SS501 would come back. I still feel that a comeback is something they would love to do but the realities of how difficult it is keeping it from happening so far.

    The subject of HJL not keeping in contact with all members isn't really surprising either. Even during group activities it was clear that certain members were closer with each other then with other members. It makes sense that now that they are busy with solo activities they will keep in contact mostly with those members.

    Its a reality fans have to face that the group even if they comeback won't be like it was before.

  10. I have always been pretty rational about it so I never really thought they would come back because I know they won't. Trusting in them is good but there will always be a limit to how much a person can trust. I only feel that it would be better if they could be more honest in the first place. Not wanting to hurt fans is considerate but leading them on is not. I think we can deal with disbandings, why not? Not like the world is gonna crumble or anything. They can't be in a group forever also and its only natural people go their separate ways. Its just life and part of kpop industry. So yea, I've dealt with it since last year.

  11. Anonymous11:04 AM

    the others weren't being dishonest or leading fans on. they made it clear that the situation was difficult, but they said they still wanted it and would still try.
    and yes, it's normal to "outgrow" group status, but that's what makes SS501 different, their bond of brotherhood is real. they don't need to hang out or talk every day. just look at Shinhwa. in fact, they need to talk to Shinhwa hyungs and get some advice on how to make it work! ;)

  12. I love Hyun Joong's honesty. What i love the most about SS501 compared to other bands is their bond. After reading that Hyun Joong doesn't keep in contact with some members is just hurts me. Jung Min is busy in Taiwan & Baby just showed us the SS501 bond at Kyu Jong's stage comeback along with Young Saeng. Therefore, I was looking forward to more of these news. After reading all the articles of Kyu Jong's interview regarding SS50's comeback my hopes were high. What Hyun Joong stated is what I had in mind about 4 Companies and SS501 still under DSP. But I still have hopes cuz they aren't like any other bands! They have strong bonds, visiting each other when they're free. But, Reading this article makes me feel like "I'm broken". As a tripleS, I still have this hope because I cannot "Let it go". I love them all individually but, I like them better when they're "Not Alone". SS501 "Please" make a comeback!
    Sorry for mentioning names! :x I just wanted to express my opinion, just didn't know how w/o saying names.

  13. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Tina, love ur play with the boys' song titles :)

  14. @11:16 LOL using their song titles to express my feelings about them makes me feel better. Especially when they do fit my exact thoughts. I felt like I was about to "Break Down" reading this but, "My Love" for them still remains! I do really hope they can atleast be on stage together. I totally do not mind them singing their old songs :) it brings great memories! ^^ Just gotta stay positive no matter what!

    SS501, I "Love Ya" "Forever" and I'm "Crazy 4 U" :D

  15. Anonymous11:58 AM

    @TINA, hahaha! love it! :D

  16. Anonymous12:08 PM

    I think that they truly want to be together except HJL just being more realistic so he never mentioned about they will be together again. Kyu is the only person make me feels like he loves SS501 together just like fans. Actually after BOF, I sensed that HJL is different toward his members. He acts differently around them. I don't think they are not bonded but they are matured now and HJL loves to drink so naturally he bonded to YS and KJ more. I don't think they will come back with albums but i think they will come back with concert. Hopefully, HJL will not disappointed TS. With his personality, he can make impossible to possible if he truly devoted to it.

  17. slimz180812:22 PM

    haaa,kudos to Liezle for pushing ur post button ^^
    I tink HJL is being realistic here,i was nvr having hopes of a new SS501 album that soon anyway.
    But I do think it is still possible for them to come on stage tgr and perform. Rem Kyu mentioned in one of his interviews that he likes the idea of them singing each other's songs as a medley at some yr-end event ..
    Releasing album under SS501 tag is near to impossible (unless they buy the name from DSP).
    But being on stage together (perhaps some concert) is more possible ^^
    relax girls, let's enjoy their individual activities for the time being =D

  18. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Looking on the brighter side, I'm still HAPPY with what our boys achieved as a solo artist. Come to think of it some senior boy bands was never given an opportunity to have release a SOLO album for each member because of their contracts with their companies. Some boy groups have LEGAL problems that made them separate. (tvxq). Some have accident and drug scandals at the moment like BigBang. So I guess we still should be thankful that our boys doesn't have these kind of problems. Coz if u look around you, if Triple S are hurt right now, I can't imagine how much hurt Cassies and VIPs are feeling right now. So we should be thankful that there is still hope for our boys to perform in one stage in the future. Triple S pls be united and patient.

  19. Anonymous1:39 PM

    WHAT ??! leader ... noooo ... dont break my heart like this :(

    there are some members he doesnt keep in contact with ?? members that hes stopped being friends with?

    no impossible ... my heart is breaking

    and why did u all promise it to us if you knew it would never happen?
    i keep remembering that video we triple S made for them when it was announced that they were leaving DSP
    "SS501 - uri midhoyo" we beleive in you

    oppas please try harder to make it happen no matter what it takes - we still beleive in you so keep your promises !!

  20. Anonymous2:00 PM

    my heart just broke :'(

  21. Anonymous2:02 PM

    @12:08 I do agree with you that HJL changed after BOF. To me, he became quiet, always stepping back for the others, and at times wasn't into the playful group antics. He always looked unhappy. This was how I felt when seeing videos of them together. People would always say that fame got to him but what if that was the result of the people around him changing (not necessary his members only)? *Fame not only changes a person but also the people around them - this has been said many times.* I'm not defending him but just giving another point of view to why we saw the changes in him after BOF. Like you, I can only guess at the million things that did or didn't happen during that time. We may never find out.

    I don't think it's fair to hand over the burden of making their SS501 comeback solely onto him. He may be able to do it but it's just not fair. He would have to step up to buy the name "SS501" from DSP. I won't be hating on him if he doesn't wanna get back together with them.

    Just my 2 cents... :)

  22. Anonymous2:36 PM

    I'm looking at the picture of three members right now, you know who they are. I, WE knew something's up with them. We just chose to look past that because we know they do love each. And maybe the others who commented before are right. It might not be a fallout but just a loss of contact. Yep, the ever hopeful me. It's just that...I love Leader, I truly do. But then I love the other members as well and I like watching them together. The relationship thingy, it'll be back.

    They never kept it a secret that their comeback won't be so soon. It'll will be very difficult but since we believe, it will happen. I won't lose hope as long as the boys still hope they will comeback as five. I think everything just boils down to that. As long as they believe, so will Triple S. As long as they don't disband, they will always be SS501.

  23. Anonymous3:05 PM

    LOL I'm not surprised about this. I told you before that leader doesnt in contact with some of the member *coughbabycough*

    He didnt come to baby's musical and radio when he was promoting his first solo come back.

    But guess what? Most Triple S (90% Henecia) bashed me and calling me haters or 'youre not a triple S!' and bla bla bla

    I told you guys lolz. Now he says it by himself..

  24. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Lolz and then you guys said "They're must be secretly contact with each other! T^T hyunjoong oppa.."

    -__- look now, read what he said.

    I'm not a hater, I'm a Triple S since 2006, I just know when something is wrong with them.

    Tho I'm still hoping that they will come back next year... I'm still praying for that day.

  25. Anonymous3:45 PM

    I knew it, more exactly, sensed it. Watching their more recent non-broadcast videos of them, there is absolutely no brotherhood skinship, no joking around and even no slight interaction between some of them. I miss the old happy days when the boys were talking and fooling around with each other. HJ did not come to Music High when he came to virtually almost all other radio programs (maybe not want to come, was not welcomed, felt awkward, don't point the arrow to anyone here). During the time Playful Kiss ratings flop, surprisingly no one gave a word of support or mention. They probably didn't watch cause they were busy tweeting when the drama was on air.
    I have eyes and even if I want to, I cannot brush the fact. I have been disappointed, since a long time ago. But instead of denying the obvious fact and forcing my belief, I still love and support the boys, each and every of them no matter how close they are with each other. I just love them for who they are and believe in them as the person they are.
    Anyway, I won't judge anything cause we are not them, so we don't know exactly how close they are. We are not in their shoes, so we can't say whether the union album is possible even if they want it. Even if all wants, there is NOT always ways. There may be no way cause it is not them solely who can decide the way they want it. They are not God who can control everything in their hand, they are just one person in their agency. There are still many people and factors involving in the decision making process, 4 agencies, DSP, contract, schedules,... If you say those are just excuses and one can do everything at his will, then you are biased and put the blame on someone for not wanting to come back

  26. Anonymous4:08 PM

    im a bit upset and sad about this cos one day i watch kyujong's interview and it gave us so much hope and next day i read articles like these.

    wen each of them signed into their new companies, 1st thing each side said was SS501 activities are going to be 1st priority, even before their solo stuff. then i figured they must have worked things out with dsp.

    that was the reason i believed that they can get back together wenever they wanted. well guess not but nevertheless im still gonna support all 5.

    afterall this is life, their life. who are we to help them, or should i say force them, to make decisions. we all grow up and move on, from high school to universities to work. and while working we all want to be promoted and get better pay so we can get married and raise a family, and on it goes. its the same for them.

    now i jus have a lil hope inside that maybe they are all working hard so that they can afford to take back their group name from dsp (jus like shinhwa's eric did). but even if they dont get back together, its okay i jus hope they can still keep in contact with each other.

  27. Anonymous4:09 PM

    hey all pretties..
    Everyone's feeling bad about this news, actually i felt something bad alrdy since yesterday when the news about ldr and his schedules and retirement plans appeared.
    For that few seconds yesterday when i saw the news, i hated ldr. I hate him for not even mentioning the comeback as 5. I hate him for having such a tight schedule knowing that TripleS hopes so much, day and night, for the 5 of them to comeback, esp when kyu always said next yr. I hate him for, he doesn't seem to want a SS501 comeback anymore.

    But hey. i scolded myself after that few seconds. WHATS WITH ME, AS A TRIPLES, HATING LDR? Its not his fault, hes just being truthful here. Not having contact with some members, every TripleS can see, they seem to have split into 2 grps, tom&jerry and hyunkyusaeng. Some might think, it has been like that everytime since debut, yada yada yada~ People are spreading rumours, all the ridiculous rumours that dont have any evidence to it at all.

    But look. TripleS, we have all seen and watch our boys as they grew. No matter if it was right from 2006, or just recent 2010, if you're really a TRUE TripleS, you would have known very well their relationship, their brotherhood. Its something very special, something that makes them different from other BBs. If you cant see that as their TripleS, their pretties, their pea princesses, then let me tell you you aren't a TripleS.

    We should trust them. no matter what. Even if at the end of the day there isnt any album, we have to continue our promise to love and supporteach and every one of them. Im sure the boys are tired, like how we are tired sometimes when we love them, but im sure too that they aren't giving up. They'll try their best to do everything they can. We just have to wait and support. Ignore those rumours that are spreading like wild fire, becos they're from mouths of those TripleS who arent strong enough to love our boys and to trust them and to keep their promise. We cant give up if our boys didnt give up completely, right?

    Lastly, hwaiting everyone! None of our efforts waiting or loving will be wasted, because we know loving our boys will never be regretful. If you know what i mean, then keep believing, and loving, these 5 lovely boys of our lifes ♥

  28. Anonymous4:38 PM

    I myself, a girl, haven't had contact with my 14 years-close friend for 7 months. And we didn't have any discords, not at all!So don't be surprise with boys!

  29. Anonymous4:42 PM

    i don't think they've split into two groups, well not exactly in that sense where its solely mal/baby + hyunkyusaeng. i think mal/baby are still on pretty good terms with kyusaeng, as they've seen to be supporting each other ie. baby went to find kyu recently during his musical as well as kyu and mal appearing on muhigh this april. baby also tweets about kyusaeng's solo events pretty often, asking fans to support their comebacks. it's just something between baby/mal & leader that is not right.

    seriously speaking, i doubt things are so simple that they gradually lost contact. it looks like its done on purpose like friends who are no longer talking to each other. pains me to see them break apart into two groups like that :(

  30. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Actually, at least, I feel this is the reactions I expect and respect from true hardcore TS! Not blaming any one, level headed and still being supportive! ThanKyu TS!

  31. Anonymous4:49 PM

    I agree that leader changed, now that someone mentioned about it. I recalled about this HK interview with eunice, leader was rather quiet and aloof while the rest were fooling around... like JM drinking from Kyu's glass. Is it really because of fame that cause a person to change? I don't wanna believe its like that but then leader has never been my bias so its easy to think negatively about him. I just wish its not the case.

  32. Anonymous5:16 PM

    @2.02PM very well said about how people may change around HJL because of his wide popularity as compared from before BOF.
    Good POV!

  33. Chara5:20 PM

    Seriously, breaking news.

    Leader has made up his mind. He has nothing to loose.

    I'm waiting for another one.
    Like he is now, it's possible it won't be long. And if that happens I'll be just completely speechless laughing out loud, without being able to grab the content, even while I expected it.

    Leader, you live up to your title as Leader. If you won't nobody will.

    I skip my words to this article. There's too much unsaid and it's better that it stays like that.

  34. Anonymous5:27 PM

    come on, what's with the topic of who changed? Leader changed? That thought is so short-sighted and biased. Someone has said when a person becomes famous, possibilities are either he changes or the people around him change. If you say leader changed because he becomes quiet, then I can also say other members changed and isolate leader, which makes him the black sheep in the group. That's why he becomes quiet, sad and lose his smile. But that's not what I really think. I only say that as an example/possibility to show that there is two sides of a matter and you gotta look at it from other perspective as well. Of course Triple S the annon above, who has prejudice about leader and can easily think negatively about him (you said it yourself), will always blame leader, not other members. Whatever happens, it's always leader's fault, not anyone else. Even when the album comeback is difficult, it's his fault as well? Although there are 5 people and 5 agencies involving, Hyun Joong bears all the responsibilities and receive all the bashing/disappointment just because he's honest to face the reality and speak the truth. He well may just promise a group comeback without a confirmed date then never do it like others. The he may receive praise and love. Babo leader!

  35. Anonymous5:38 PM

    hearing all this. i have to add on too :P

    I dont care if ldr has changed for those TripleS who tinks that way, but he never had for me.
    And yes, everything always seems to be his responsibility since hes the ldr. Thats why we have to think sometimes, dont you think wuri ldr is too tired?
    Remember someone said before, when our boys were still staying in the dorm, the neighbours complained that the fans were too noisy. ldr had the other 4 members go off for schedule and he alone stayed behind to explain to the neighbours.

    He might have become quiet, but he hasn't changed. Still that ldr of ours, the one who leads the whole family of 5 and TripleS.

    I dont know what might be really happening to the boys that we TripleS dont know. Discord, misunderstanding, whatever. But the more important is, im sure they'll be fine. They've been 5 for years, its not a friendship that will end like *click* just like that! They'll solve, whatever it is, whether it existed or not.

    The most important thing we should do now is just to continue doing our job, and LOVE them :D

  36. Anonymous5:50 PM

    After BOF, leader indeed has changed.

    However, I feel that it's not the kind of change when one become aloof, brag on his success and look down on others after becoming famous. It's not that kind of change. He just become more quiet, not talk much, not smile much and not joke around when he's with the members. He was always alone by himself after BOF. And he would always stay low key at the back during interviews and let others do the talking, only talked when being asked. It is just my feeling but he seemed sad. But when he's with other people like his friends, dances hyung, codi noona, his staff, he's back to his usual self, smiling and playful leader. He still talks and jokes around with those people. So I'm not sure if he really changed or not, and what kind of change. Just pure observation of mine, no judgment.

  37. Anonymous5:56 PM

    After BOF, something may have changed. However, I feel that it's not the kind of change when one become aloof, brag on his success and look down on others after becoming famous. It's not that kind of change. He just become more quiet, not talk much, not smile much and not joke around when he's with the members. In the group, he was always alone by himself after BOF. And he would always stay low key at the back during interviews and let others do the talking, only talked when being asked. Back then I view him as sad and pitiful rather than cocky because of fame.

    But when he's with other people like his friends, dances hyung, codi noona, his staff, he's back to his usual self, smiling and playful leader. He still talks and jokes around with those people. So I'm not sure if he really changed or not, and what happened. Just pure observation of mine, no judgment.

  38. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Rather than 'changed' I would prefer to use 'mature' - not only for Leader but all of them. It may be distressing to all anxious fans to see the hope of a reunion become dimmer but do note that HJL's phrase is 'very tough', not 'impossible'. I personally feel they are individually still in the process of forging their career paths as 'adult' professional artistes as opposed to boy band or idol group. Most of us who are followers of the K entertainment scene must admit it's not an easy path, fraught with immense competition. I'm just thankful each one is doing relatively well and will pray for their continued success. When the time is due, they will know what to do but it's immaterial to me. It's more critical they re-unite because all 5 want it and not because of the pressure of fans. It's like what Leader said , "To be true to what they are doing".

  39. Anonymous6:10 PM

    i actually felt that he was quiet during interviews so that his members can get more limelight since everyone was always just talking about him. but he was still playful around his members if you have watched the shows and bts of love ya and all.

    and recently kyu mentioned that wen saying SS501, almost everyone thought of hyun joong. and that hurt the members and hyun joong more. so i dont think it was something between the members.

    more like cos of media was always talking about him and ignoring the others, maybe they felt going solo could give everyone a chance to shine on their own?

  40. Anonymous6:14 PM

    chage or not,lie or not,comeback together or not, keep in touch with another member or not, fought with another member or not, care with another or not..

    I always support all of them ^^
    because I love all of them with same portion (every member get

    I buy all of their solo album..
    I watch all fo their solo activity..

    Because I think all of them are the BEST..^^

  41. Anonymous7:17 PM

    @anon 5:56, i really agree with your observations...Therefore, I conclude that he is still the same-our 4D, honest, humble & charming leader. It's just that some people around him are the one who change their attitude towards him because of being envious maybe?If you want proof that he's still the same khj we know as before, just take a look at all his non celebrity childhood friends who are still friends w/ him 'til now.They stick w/ him through thick & thin because they know the real khj better. Also, another evidence that fame doesn’t go up in his head was during his interview @ Lee Sora’s 2nd proposal-khj said that his dream is to become a cool ahjussi(uncle). The MC even asked him why not a cool actor or singer, why not other fields of career, why a cool ahjussi? And he answered “in about 20 yrs.or so, I will be at the age where elementary school students will see me as an ahjussi. Rather than being considered an actor & singer who is famous or doing very well, I rather be a friendly neighbourhood ahjussi who can readily buy some ice cream for a neighbourhood kid who wants one. I would like to live my life in a friendly and intimate way with others. I feel that as I grow up in my work, my fans really stood by me” Well, please be assured leader that I am one of that fans who stood by you & believe in you forever simply because you are you~the one & only khj…

  42. Anonymous7:36 PM

    @7:12PM: agree with you.

  43. Anonymous8:42 PM

    Not surprise to hear that he did not contact some members.
    During group activities he mentioned in some shows that out of the 4 he sees YS the most. This shows that he seldom contact some members also when they are group. HJL did not changed after BOF. This is becos he ever mentioned that he don talk much. Maybe becos KJ and YS is a good listener than JM amd HLB.
    Lets not becos of what he said that u people start to dislike him. I'm not a TripleS but I like him beocs of his honesty.

  44. Anonymous8:48 PM

    @anon 5.56 and 7.12, I totally agree with u too

  45. Anonymous8:48 PM

    Here' s another thought, HJ was quiet after BOF because maybe there were too many things going on for him at that time.
    Between group projects, concerts, interviews, photo shootings, CF shootings, promoting BOF, etc., I was surprised that he only became quiet and not gone mad or something like that.
    I realised that after BOF, his eyebags became like, well permanent.
    Another thing is, their contract was coming to an end soooooo I guess his mind was always busy contemplating whether to stay at DSP or change agency and fly solo. This was probably one of the most important decisions in his carreer.

  46. Anonymous8:54 PM

    I think they are still SS501 professionally but i can feel the hurt from hyun joong's statement. Something seems off. Someone must have said something against his ability to be alone as a solo artist. Could have been saud during that time when he and another member were not on speaking terms for such a long time. Not the style if hyun joong to quarrel but not to speak or someone in SS501 not speaking to him says it was something serious.

    When they declared they were going solo and hyun joong the peace-loving fella jumping ship first, it seemed a consequence of something that happened.

    Now this statement just gives me a clue that why work so hard and push himself so hard to prove a point? He must have taken into heart a challenge or an insult to prove himself.

    These are my thoughts.

  47. Anonymous9:09 PM

    Indeed he look sad and pitiful after BOF, always seemed low key and tried to stay behind lime light... I was so worried about him then, and I am so glad that he escaped from that surrounding. Fly as high and as freely as you like, do things that you like to do, hyun joong, I ll always support you

  48. Anonymous9:10 PM

    @Anon 8:54 - i totally agree but then its hard to believe any of the members would insult or challenge him. just hard to believe. our boys are not like that :(

  49. Anonymous9:30 PM

    This situation with SS501 sooo reminds me of when American pop group NSYNC fell apart several years ago after Justin Timberlake exploded into the huge star he is now. I remember reading stories about how JC Chasez, Joey Fatone, Lance Bass and Chris Kirkpatrick felt overshadowed by Justin, and how their bond with Justin just seemed to fade away altogether even though they all had said repeatedly they were like brothers and would remain close forever. I haven't read anything about any of them remaining close with Justin in years. I always thought Justin had used them as a stepping stone to get the solo success he now has because it may not have happened for him if he hadn't started out in a group first. I see a similar situation occurring with SS501.

    However whereas with NSYNC there is only one member who has become the most famous and successful - a la Mr. Timberlake - with SS501 I see all of them achieving great fame and success - Leader and Jung Min perhaps becoming the most famous out of the five of them. At least SS501 let us fans know what was going to happen with them and didn't leave us in dark wondering like how NSYNC did - they never did tell us American fans what they were going to do and just broke apart. Found out years later that it was Justin who wanted to end things with NSYNC and the others didn't want the group to end. At least Leader is being honest in basically saying between the lines that he wants out of SS501 and is letting us fans know now and not later. I can respect him for that. He hasn't kept his feelings hidden like how Timberlake did.

    I was disheartened when I read Leader's article. After having to watch Rain Bi enter the military yesterday and knowing he'll be gone for the next 2 years (he's the reason why I found out about and fell in love with K-pop)... Leader's article really bummed me out. This sooo reminds me of NSYNC's fallout in sooo many ways. I wish things had been different for SS501. I really loved them together a lot. But at least Leader is being truthful.

    And for the record, I'm not defending Leader and he definitely is not my bias (the other 4 are my biases equally; I never really have been that fond of Leader but did like him as apart of SS501); I'm just expressing how I view the situation. And I'm sad about it. SS501 were truly awesome together. :-(

  50. Anonymous9:35 PM

    I think that fame consumed him. How often do you see him talking about the group as compared to the other members. Look at how all the other 4 supports each other except him. Probably he did not have the intention to regroup to the group at all in the first place.

  51. homakp9:43 PM

    I think people are a bit hursh. he just said the truth and there's the fact that it's been only one year. fans should be patient.

    and you're right. if they want to get together, there's always a way. and if not, there's no way we can change it. I mean we can't force them to have a comeback!

    yet there's another fact and that's what they promissed (we won't stop till we get a daesung), I hope they remember it!

  52. Anonymous10:12 PM

    Totally agrees with Anon 9:35 PM

  53. Anonymous10:35 PM

    Anon @8:54, please in your line of defence for KHJ, please do not try to shift the blame to other members ". Someone must have said something against his ability to be alone as a solo artist. Could have been saud during that time when he and another member were not on speaking terms for such a long time."

    Is that no obvious that you are trying to make another member(s) look bad, trying to say that KHJ is acting like that BECAUSE SOMEBODY HURT him in some way?! So for all the negative things that KHJ may seem to portray, its because of other members in the group that makes him like that?

    Please, while you may want to protect him, please do not even try to make suggestions or HINT that its the fault of others. "KHJ is not like must be have been others...The leader is like is not like that...someone could have said something to spike him to do that..." blahblah..

    Refrain from doing that. I didn't want to sound so agitated, but if you dont want fellow fans to attack KHJ on the smallest matter, KHJ-biased fans should refrain, too, from putting other members in a bad light, even with the most subtle hints.

  54. Anonymous10:52 PM

    @anon 9:30: when did he say between the lines that he wants out of SS501? He never did. It's you who likes to read too much into what he said and turned it into what you want to believe. After all, other 4 are your bias equally and he's not. So you will easily interpret negatively of what he said. Never bend his words, never interpret it your way which is influenced by your bias and prejudice against him. Please take what he said as it is. I really hate your comparison SS501 with NSYNC. Justin is the one who wanted to be out of the group while others did not. So are you saying that Hyun Joong is the same too? Do you have proof for what you say? Any of the members told you that? If not, don't just make up a fact and say it groundlessly.

    Well, people always believe what they want to believe. If they don't like someone, they always that person is at the wrong whatever happens. If they likes someone, that someone will always be amiable whatever he does.

  55. Anonymous11:07 PM

    @anon 9:35 - fame does not consume him. He is still the leader that we know. We all know that he has difficulties expressing his emotions even with people close to him like his family. He is not the type who can say things like I love you, I miss you. So I doubt he will say he miss the group, he loves the members. He talked about the group when being asked, so do other members. That's it. Do not nitpick and view him with double standard.

    When did he not support other members? (well, maybe some members, maybe. but those members do not support him either). He did visit YS with KJ when he had his comeback. He visited Kyu during musical Goong practice. He came to watch the final show of the musical too. Actions speak louder than words. Saying things like "I love you, I miss you" is much easier than actually do something. He may not say much but he does it. We all see.

    Don't make up a fact beginning with "I think, probably" when it's not true. Only say something that you have proof for.

  56. Anonymous11:19 PM

    I guess after reading through 53 (!) comments, i had to leave my viewpoint as well.

    I myself have gone through a period where i was jealous of someone else in my group getting more attention. I felt that I had put in a lot of effort as well, so I didn't feel it was fair why that person was more popular. It took me some time before I could talk to that person again, and in turn, that person could sense my feelings, so things were cold between us for some time.
    Slowly I reminded myself not to be like this, and I think she also did her best to let everyone get some attention.
    We are now back to normal, and in fact I even just had dinner with her today and we talked and laughed.

    When I read this whole case, it reminded me of what happened with me and that girl. Real life incident, really.

    I don't think there's any right or wrong, it's just human nature.
    And before I get bombarded with comments, I just want to say that it "reminded" me of what happened with me. I'm not saying that this is what truly happened between these 5 guys.

    But I do think that we have to try to put ourselves in each of their shoes and try to understand it from their viewpoint. If you hate the leader, put yourself in his shoes. If you blame any member, put yourself in his shoes.
    Think in those emotions of the moment, REAL human emotions, and try to understand from all of their viewpoints.

    And then we tell ourselves not to judge and think in terms of what's best for them, and show your support in the best way possible.


  57. Anonymous11:43 PM

    (continuing from above..)
    i just read the chinese translation, it said:

    "Honestly, there are members I still keep in touch with, and members I don't.
    Until now 5 of us never really got together in one gathering,
    I hope to meet with them and talk honestly about everything we are working on now."

    The last part of this sentence was not really translated well into english, that's why I went to read the chinese translation.

    He never said that he never will meet up with all of them 5 together again.
    He was just factually stating that they have not met up for some time, and hopefully they can all meet up and have a chat.

    And that by the looks of it, a collective stage is more possible than releasing an album.

    It seems like he is a very fact-for-fact person, who states things as it is.

    But I do admit that his style is quite straightforward/ blunt, so it might be too "harsh" for those who need the "softer" touch.

  58. Anonymous12:02 AM

    Thank you anon@11:43 for making things clear. I do like his straightforwardness which makes me clearly aware of all the possible scenarios and be prepared for the worst. Rather than give fans false hopes and making them even more disappointed later on, he chose to give the straight fact even if that means being hated by many fans.

    Baby did promise about a year ago about their comeback the next year (i.e 2011) but their will be nothing like that. Instead of saying sugar coated words to reassure fans and disappointing them later, just get it straight. I find it rather amusing when those making empty promise without doing it gets all the love and who dare to say the truth/undeniable fact get all the disappointment.

    Maybe those needing softer touch should live in their sweet dream forever without waking up to look at the bare truth

  59. Anonymous12:08 AM

    Hmm I'm sad. I'm happy that Hyun Joong can be honest with this kind of things as we know its not easy to open up and spill everything. He even mentioned there ARE memberS that he doesnt contact with, so I guess, we as the Triple S know who he meant. Well, maybe there's something between them. Luckily they are good in keeping their problems or whatsoever far away from the reporters. I wish not to know anything from the aspects of problems. I hope they'll just keep it close to themselves. I dont want others to criticize these five men of my life.

    I dont expect SS501 comeback to happen this soon and as soon as I see HJL is coming back, I have the thought of "ohh very fast". I dont wanna have such thought but it is the real thing. I never see HJB and PJM tweet abt HJL comebacks or what and from there, we can think. But I beg to differ on that point. I keep myself positive because I truly believe in them. I know they are real.

    I just hope everyone will succeed in no matter what they do. And one more, Im sad whenever I see Kyu Jong. He's so obvious. He got that sadness in his eyes. Blahh. I better stop before I burst into tears.

    Whatever it is, TRIPLE S, lets keep on supporting them no matter what goes in the way! :) Hwaiting!

    I actually posted this comment twice as I posted in the wrong comments articles previously. -_-''

  60. Anonymous12:15 AM


    if im not mistaken, sometime back one of the member mentioned they were gonna release a digital single but cos they're all too busy so it didnt happen. maybe it was young saeng, nt sure

    but pls dont try to put the blame on isnt the only one who talked about the comeback. maybe they were planning to get back together but as leader said its not as easy to release an album as they thought. and they are indeed all busy with jungmin flying arund and hjl's schedules all lined up.

    they do have to all get together and plan it. its not gonna happen with jus 3 or 2 members talking.

  61. Anonymous12:38 AM

    Thank you very much 11:43 PM . Thanks so much for your translation from Chinese language. I think it really sound like him the most. In my experience Kim Hyun Joong is blunt and straightforward but he has a good heart and honest to his fans . I admire him a lot for his gust. Please do double check with all translation regarding the interview. One little thing can really hurt people . I hope all TS are aware of the Chinese translation.

  62. Anonymous1:00 AM

    @9:35 I've never thought that fame consumed him. In a way, I think it made him more humble and appreciative towards the fans. I don't see many artists that would have free events for fans. I think he's often labled as cold towards fans. His actions says it all, he values them but doesn't do the fan service that others do. He has also kept the dancers and the cordi noonas that were with SS501 since the beginning. He gives his dancers credit and let them shine as well. He shares the limelight and also his sucess. I don't think these actions are from someone that is/was consumed by fame. If he cared so much about fame and popularity, he would never mention things that will cause a stir in the TS fandom. I think he's smart enough to know that he will lose some fans in the process. It doesn't bother me that he's not keeping in touch with some members. Maybe they just need space at the moment. What I get from him now is that he's trying to prove that he deserves his fame. And I am one of those that thinks he deserves every bit of it because he does have talent.

  63. Anonymous1:37 AM

    @Anon 10:35  

    I am Anon 8:54

    Peace!  Don't get too excited. I am dropping hints beause a lot cannot take what I think. 

    This is a blog where we can air our views and a lot of theories have come up. This is mine. I respect those having different thoughts even if preposterous as mine.  If you read the tone of my post,  they are musings or possible scenario and not facts.

    Facts available to me are: leader was getting more commitments that were not group related causing delays in SS501. This caused another to have a falling out with kHJ for weeks. As pointed out here that KHJ was already hanging out with other people like the dancer hyungs and his interests were different. He was taking a backseat in the group while active in the background.  Clearly he was already losing interest and this was exacerbated by an awkward relationship with a member, what do you think is the next thing? The quarrel was just the last straw.

    When kHJ made this statement, naturally many would point to his competitiveness. But to me, his passion, determination and hard work is so great.  His motivation is more of one who is hurting from being underestimated that he has to really prove himself.  

  64. Justina1:53 AM

    to come to think of it, they're just humans like us. maybe there was really a fallout, just MAYBE. but whats so bad about that? it happens to everyone. even married couples often drift apart after many years 'cause people change.

    perhaps their bond were too strong to begin with, in fact that was what got me hooked towards them as so far i have not come across any other groups with this kind of bond. therefore we wanted them to be like this forever but sadly it just cannot happen. if things remain the same, its a bonus but even if its not then let us all take things positively, deal with it as it it just human nature and be supportive of them individually.

  65. Anonymous2:08 AM

    @1:37 I'd like to know what you really think. I can handle it. :)

    I think it would be nice if we can say what's on our minds without having to worry about backlash. So far in the comments, we're doing really well - no major dramas. :) We as fans can only speculate so really no one is right or wrong - just opinions and different point of views. We are not them. We will never know what really happened, if anything at all happened. It may be as simple as growing apart as they have different dreams for themselves.

  66. among the five members, who said first that they will comeback this year? who tried to make TS believe that they are coming back despite the obvious problems of coming back as five members? was it Leader? well if it is him then, i think it is kinda late for him to clarify things like this because they should not make us believe that they would comeback this year, in the first place. i first read his plans when he reached 30 and that already broke my heart but plus this, i am shattered. i know i will be healed once again i just need time.. same to the TS and non TS that feel the same hurt i felt..

  67. Anonymous4:24 AM

    @Lexi - Leader never really made any statements about a comeback. He only said to trust in SS501 and not believe rumors at the Newton fan concert. Why feel hurt? I didn't read anywhere that he said it won't happen. I only read where he said it will be difficult to make it happen. As long as there isn't the word 'never' in those statements then there is always the possibility. Also you have to know that other the members have future plans too. They all have to have plans for their future or what's the point in doing what they are doing. I am excited to see what each and every one of them is going to give to us in the future because they are an amazing and talented bunch of young men.

  68. He thinks it's hard to realese album as 5 yet Shinhwa works this way, moreover they back in March 2011.

  69. Anonymous5:17 AM

    @olga - One of the members of Shinhwa bought the rights to the group name. DSP still owns the right to the name SS501. There is a HUGE difference.

  70. Anonymous5:18 AM

    It is hard to be the leader-number one among your peers.One is a lonely number and yet carries the yoke of responsibilities.It was difficult for HJ to be burdened even at that point of going solo when he could not control what DSP wanted to do with all 5 of them and nobody outside of DSP wanted to take all of them either.He was deeply hurt that he was accused of jumping ship first,or abandoning his members.When their DSP contract ended they cannot claim SS501 anymore legally and at that point had severed ties to it. What was left were emotional ties and fond memories.Now whether he has a falling out with some members,is beside the point.They can still have professional performances.It is their work as entertainers and I believe commitment has been deeply ingrained in them.

    If HJ had been blunt, honest, straight forward,etc,it is because there is no way but to do it that way. That is being professional. They are now maturing,they are doing their solo activities with all the seriousness we now expect of them.But they also need our respect,support and understanding. We cannot expect them to think and behave certain ways because we are not them.

    Let us go go past the hurt,though easier said than done and just look back to the good old days of fond memories.Then tell ourselves the boys are now men,they have their careers ahead of them ,if we are still interested, then continue holding them in high esteem.If not we live in a free world ,stars don't choose their fans, we choose the stars to love.

  71. Anonymous5:26 AM

    theyre probably not as close anymore LOL so dont expect too much. .

  72. Anonymous10:00 AM

    i'm proud of TripleS. 70+ comments and most were rational and supportive, or at least politely open to discussion and fair. Green Peas are the best! ^^

  73. Anonymous3:42 PM

    i think there might be some misinterpretations again... hjl said it's hard for them to come up with an album bec they now belong to different companies, but they will try to hold joint projects. They just might not get in touch with each other often but i want to believe that they are still supportive of each other.

  74. to the anonymous who "replied" to me. thank you for clarifying that it was not leader who said that but i want to know who maid the statement "we will comeback in 2011" or something to that effect that made us believe that they can do it even though it looks impossible during that time. and i am sorry if i am hurt. i can't help it. i was made to believe that they can do anything to make it happen but now, JUST NOW, leader admits that it is "very tough" which i would like to translate into "quite impossible". i just want to be more realistic this time.

  75. Anonymous10:49 PM

    mabye we all green pees can buy the name from DSP and give it to the boys so they can make an album...period...hehehe.. thats if we all have the money..hehe..

  76. Anonymous10:55 PM

    So many having so much to say just proves that SS501 has many loyal fans and that's good.
    We'll just wait and see what happens in the coming months and years to the 5 of them. It's gonna be very interesting and harsh at the same time. Showbiz is really competitive and it's the survival of the fittest or just that BIG break badly needed to make it.
    Interesting indeed then it will be time for going to the army for them and they'll disappear for 2 years and reappear very matured man already in their 30s.
    Then would be the true litmus test of their career future, will they still be able to go on and make it in showbiz? Who will the most whatever? Who will get married first? blah blah blah....

  77. Anonymous12:43 AM


    yea that would be soo awesome if we fans can buy the name back for them, if only we did have that money and if they really want to work in a group. maybe they really do want to go solo at the moment and do what they have always wanted to but couldnt..

    but even if they do buy back the name i think there will still be many things to work out like the distribution of profits w/ 4 companies and each member and all...

  78. Anonymous2:53 AM

    If they all stand in one stage again whenever that is its fine with me cause personally I think each of them came out of their shell.....They're shinning brightly and getting confident in themselves especially Kyu jong and can't wait to watch KKJ and KHJ next week...We all have to remember them as they were and are now... PJM will always be the crazy, aggressive one, HYS pretty, quiet boy, KHJL straight forward,in his own demention. Kyu joong quiet, witty, opened minded boy. and KHJM cute and adorable boy.Isn't that why we all
    fell in love with them... They themselves balance one another.. Lets not waver our feelings as fans to them. Cause each and one of them never forget Triple S whenver something good goes there way. So my sizzling handsome solo artists my heart, my eyes, my ears are glue to you all...God bless you all in everything you guys do!

  79. Anonymous7:51 AM

    It's quite a shock after reading the article - it hurts and I wasn't able to make any comments. After going through all the above comments (very overwhelming indeed), I rather people not further interprete what it is said, especially involving other members in a not so friendly way. This is what leader thinks and said and just simply take the face value of it.

    Plans can constantly change and have a different outcome during implementation. It's nothing wrong for members to share what they think and plan along the way - you learn how they feel and walk with them (as long as they are not hurting others or bad words). So don't compare or blame. Also want to clarify one thing - one of the comments mentioned YS and I can tell you that he didn't say that. Even if another member said that, so what it may be true at that time.

    I only like SS501 (with Saengie my biased), one and only one in my life and don't think I can like another one the same way. But I have more and more respect to Shinhwa's not easy at all..

    Thanks to Chara and I totally agreed with you.

  80. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Hyun Joong's words are always final is it?? Why does his words have so much worth than the other members?? Kyu, Baby , YS all said SS501 will comeback so why dont people believe them?? Arent their words enough to convince evryone or does everyone have to wait for hyun joong final call?? Why do people think he has to make all the decisions?

    This just shows how much people put the responsibility of SS501 one him. I just want him to enjoy doing what he wants without having to carry that huge burden around. And am glad he let it off his chest about what he feels the situation is. But should his words he considered final? The responsibility for SS501 should fall on everyone equally, and if SS501 doesnt comeback, every member should be blamed not just one person since every member is just as much a part of SS501 as Hyun Joong.

  81. Anonymous10:49 AM

    one article is 43, this one is 80. there seems no hint to stop any sooner.
    is it only just for speak out your mind ?
    it seems more like the way to let out of your anger.
    is it really that hurt? can not take it?
    i can really picture how weak our heart are ?!
    take good care of yourself for your own sake

  82. Anonymous10:50 AM

    one article is 43, this one is 80. there seems no hint to stop any sooner.
    is it only just for speak out your mind ?
    it seems more like the way to let out of your anger.
    is it really that hurt? can not take it?
    i can really picture how weak our heart are ?!
    take good care of yourself for your own sake

  83. sinthia5:10 AM

    well Liezle, just like you said, that words really hurts who cares about SS501... To be honest, I've thought about these difficult he mentioned before, and have found it a issue really hard to be solved. But in my fan's heart I've always believed it could be overcome.
    Although I know that what he said makes sense, I can't help but feel very sad reading this article... =(
    I just hope he doesn't give up on the hope of reunite with members, even if it is with another name.

  84. sinthia5:33 AM

    wow!Some fans are already assuming they'll never be together again! Calm down girls... it was not a definitive decision. He just said it's hard, but not impossible.
    I still think if they really want it, they can do it.
    When Shinhwa contract finished with SM ent, members overcome all problems to keep the group together, because they wanted be together. So I think it's not the end yet.

  85. Anonymous6:46 AM

    I like how he doesn't string fans along, even during a crucial time like his comeback. He tells it as how he feels and sees it, knowing all too well that he'll be loosing some fans in the process. He lets the fans choose whether to stick around or not. Seems like he doesn't want fans to follow him blindly. I love him for that and I'll be sticking with him. :)

  86. Anonymous7:03 AM

    @10:49 Yes, all this can be emotional for us fans but I can assure you that none of us will be jumping off a bridge because of this. Thanks for your concern.

  87. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Thank God, an SS501 member finally admitted this..... I am Not a leader bias, he is 4th on my list but I appreciate his frankness and honesty....

    true, we TripleS wants to see ALL of them together, we want to believe that everything is well but in reality its otherwise.... its obvious from his interview who the other members he was and wasn't close with...

    people change, priority, ideals and views change...SS501's meaning as 5 forever as 1 --to us TripleS will hold true but the Leader of the band has already left and let go.....

    i have raised the question several times on how will they have the opportunity and chance for them to have an album and be together under 4 agencies during the early days of them "separation"...but i was consoled by comments here by fellow TripleS

    so who do we believe in : Leader's words or the other 4 who still wishes to have an album?

    Me? right now...i am sad and hurting and hoping....

  88. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Even back in SS501 days it was evident who were really close with each other. Just got the vibes.

    I feel kinda relieved that Hyun Joong let it out. He's been carrying all the anger and hate from so many fans and he has kept it all inside him. We saw how it actually hurt him inside when he cried in his showcase. I think those who trust him and believe in him will stick with him and those who dont can do what they want. They never liked him when he was in SS501, they wont like him now. So it doesnt change anything.He will be bashed by people who already didnt like him in the first place.At least, he doesnt give us false hope.
    Only time will tell what is in store for them. Loyal fans will support them forever.

    For now, I will support him and the other members in their individual activities.

  89. Anonymous3:31 PM

    If leader has time with JYJ and Rain, why he didn't have time with his group members. I think JYJ and Rain should be more busy than his group members. It is just an excuse for leader. Nowaday with high technology, if you want to close to each other, it is very possible. I think only leader would say that he wants to be the best solo. Other members more likely would say "hope everyone success and do well on their solo." Leader knows what status he is on. Just look how grand is his 'Lucky Man" MV and how fast he can go to Strong heart show. How can he not success. His promotion is ten times greater than other members. Money can make thing happen and make a person change. I love SS501 and I am still waiting for their comeback. Thx.

  90. Anonymous4:02 PM

    Someone said, "Still that ldr of ours, the one who leads the whole family of 5 and TripleS." This statement was too strong. If he is a true leader, he will consider others (TS and members) before he acts. This is not honest but immature for me. It hurts LOTS of people who love SS501 - the group made him be known.

  91. Anonymous7:43 PM

    Totally agrees with Anon 3:31 PM & 4:02 PM

  92. Anonymous10:28 PM

    Anon @ 3:31

    Thats the whole purpose of carrying solo activities. To be able to be recognized in ones own right.How many people thought that KHJ would actually be this successful after he went solo?People thought he would just die out coz he was only riding on the success of BOF.They didnt think he would succeed didnt they? That why KHJ was so adamant in trying to prove them wrong and he did. Actually even me as a fan didnt expect him to do this well.

    So even other members should try to stand on their own feet. With KHJ's success right now, even if they comeback, non fans are only going to say that SS501 popularity is because of KHJ. Wasnt it the reason why TS were always pissed off before. Now you want the same thing all over again? Do you think the other members will want to be in his shadow all the time? Am just stating a fact. So before its time for them to unite again, I hope everyone can be successful in their own so that no one can point out that its only Leader who shines and why all focus is only on him.

  93. Anonymous12:02 AM

    I agrees with Anon 3:31 PM & 4:02 PM. Also want to say that neither SS501 nor responsibility is a burden.

    Leader has always been clear when he speaks of his mind - he said he's the one suggested solo activities and he wants to be the best out of five. I'm only stating a fact, and he is truly at the stage of going solo - he has many more fans than SS501 in terms of popularity (whether you like it is not the issue). However, just please don't overly interprete what he said and put the blame on other members, or how he said it for other members and take in all the blame.

    Also, members don't split into groups and you can't compare friendship - YS said in one of his interviews that he's very close to HJB. He was the "photographer" of JM's store, not to say he's close to the other two obviously. Leader said he's not in contacts with others and I won't interprete more than that. Look at their schedules and I think only YS can have time to connect with them (sorry my biased Saengie - can you be more active and have less contact with your members).

  94. Anonymous12:34 AM

    Anon @12:02

    It is a burden when people expect too much. Its a burden for his fans to see this tension, where do we stand on this and I think it is the same for all TS.

    Hope everything sorts out. BTW I just wanted to point out to the commentor above that there were other members who said who wanted to the best. Check out their older interviews and vids. U can check out "Intinate note with KARA" about their future plans. Hyun Joong is the least ambitious when he says 10 years from now he wants to marry, have 4 kids while the others were talking about business and music. He didnt plan all this. It just happened. He's just taking it one step at a time. Give him time.

  95. Anonymous7:11 AM

    @12:34am The other members didn't say best "out of 5 (SS501)". They just say it in general terms - want to be the best. A lot of opinions have been shared on this topic so I'm not commenting more.

  96. Anonymous9:55 PM

    ys said that he didn't want to be recognized as SS501 member, he wanted to be recognized as Heo Young Saeng. on arirang during his solo promotions.
    baby said that he wanted to be the center of attention in SS501. during LLT days.
    jung min said that his solo songs were special to him and his favourite. during LY days.
    assume if HJL said i didn't want to be recognized as SS501 member,.......
    they chose solo way to be recognized. it's not wrong if you want to be the best. who would want to be the worst? you?

  97. Anonymous12:34 AM

    Totally agreed with Anon 3:31 PM & 4:02 PM

  98. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Disagree with 4.02 The group does not make his name know He make is group know. Most of the new SS501 fan came to know the group thru him and not the other way round.Most of his fan know him thru BOF and then know SS501...

  99. Anonymous2:32 AM

    Totally agreed with Anon 3:31 PM & 4:02 PM

  100. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Disagreed @9:55pm. No new comments required as opinions already shared.

  101. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Its sad to actually think of this famous group maybe disbanding. Lets all hope for the best. Its true about the name being owned by DSP, but maybe just maybe them together can buy the name or maybe just leader can do it!! Have anyone suggested that to the leader?? The fans should suggested.!! I also hope words are just words and his commitment to their fans can be stronger than anything...Lets showed him that we support them together as well as solo careers...If they are in not speaking terms...Well, they are family after all and family eventually forgive and make up. They do love each other and they will find the path back to each other. Lets pray for them to unite again.

  102. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Its sad to actually think of this famous group maybe disbanding. Lets all hope for the best. Its true about the name being owned by DSP, but maybe just maybe them together can buy the name or maybe just leader can do it!! Have anyone suggested that to the leader?? The fans should suggested.!! I also hope words are just words and his commitment to their fans can be stronger than anything...Lets showed him that we support them together as well as solo careers...If they are in not speaking terms...Well, they are family after all and family eventually forgive and make up. They do love each other and they will find the path back to each other. Lets pray for them to unite again.

  103. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Why would KHJ leader go back to SS501 when a lot of the TS hates and bash him ? At least now he knows who are his true loyal fans.

  104. Anonymous4:35 AM

    Anon @1.01

    There you go again.. Its leader's job everytime to do things for SS501? Now we have to request leader to buy the name for us?? If the boys and fans want SS501 together so bad, everyone should chip and not put everything on leader.. This is what I meant when people try to put all the responsibility on him..

    I dont want KHJ pulling out money out of his own pocket for everything no matter how rich he is.. He worked so hard for it and he deserves to have it.. Didnt he buy the LLT song for the group too??

    BTW KHJ's Lucky debuted at No. 5 in the Billboard World Chart.. Just a random note coz am so happy right now..and so proud of him.

  105. Anonymous1:52 AM

    Totally agreed with Anon 3:31 PM & 4:02 PM

  106. Anonymous11:57 AM

    I disagree with Anon 1:52 AM

  107. Anonymous2:37 AM

    Totally agreed with Anon 3:31 PM & 4:02 PM

  108. Anonymous5:51 PM

    He is the best so whats the harm in speaking the truth. Mama always told us to right? LOL.

    Who cares anyways. Its all in one's own destiny. Whats to be will be.

  109. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Hey, it’s not only leader’s fault he doesn’t keep in touch with Jung Minnie and Baby.. It’s baby and Jung Min’s too. I don’t remember anon what time said she feels something is happening between Leader, Baby and Minnie. I don’t think so. On Jung Minnie’s official facebook, he mentioned, “Hyun Joong, Young Saeng, Kyu Jong, Hyung Jun, I miss you” and not long ago, Young Saeng, Kyu Jong and Jung Minnie attended Baby’s birthday party. He was interviewed after that. When the reporter asked, ‘did leader attend?’ then baby answered “he didn’t come. I’m not surprise he didn’t come. He always forgets our birthday..” thus baby said, ‘bad leader, bad leader’ in joking style.. one more, leader said he wants to meet them all to discuss. See, nothing’s happening between them. I’m not leader biased, I love them equally. But I feel bad for him… I also disappointed with him. Yes, he looks like happy for being himself now. All the members always say about SS501 but he doesn’t. But how we know what he feels? He is actually fighting to get back with the members. I read it, leader said he wants to work hard for SS501’s future. Leader is not the person who expresses his feelings. Do understand him. He was told not to sing SS501’s song, so TS shouldn’t say he has forgotten his group when he doesn’t sing it! Leader was said bad leader, irresponsible leader blah blah blah.. leader didn’t want to join WGM but he joined to promote SS501. He didn’t want to act the role of Jihoo but he did. It’s all because he wants to promote SS501. Leader said it many times, maybe you guys don’t notice it. He wants to work hard for SS501’s future.

  110. Anonymous8:33 PM

    From Sheryl:

    Hi , today is 8/5/13..It may be way too late for me post a comment in reference to the article that has given a lot of thought and speculations towards KHJL and the rest of the SS501 , but if i may i would like to give my share also..

    The article was years old , so maybe in 2013 this really doesnt matter anymore...I believe , before Kyu went to military service , all 5 of them met and at same time bid kyu good luck and goodbye.

    In one of Saenggie's guesting in happy together - where he appeared to be Shinhwa's fan , he mentioned that all 5 of them were thinking the same thing about how Shinhwa reunited , and that after the show ( happy together) they will be meeting each other.

    Just recently ( 4 of the members) , posted in youtube a video . they greeted everyone - on their 8th anniv. Though KHJL was not their , but still in his showcase he did mentioned that its their 8th anniversary and even sang one of their songs.

    Im not really into leader thing , im more of a Young Saeng fan , but i think , leader has gone through a lot ..and lets admit it , he has proven so much , most especially in his Unbreakable, which tremendously amazing!!!

    Overall, I truly hope that all of them will find in their hearts the value of their early years in the entertainment , the struggles and pain , they have shared together as one , the success they have achieved as a group and most especially the brotherhood they have founded amongst themselves. Hopefully all of these will not be wasted just because of some petty quarrels. They are more mature and has grown a lot , they should know how to handle these things without giving up their friendship..If they cant come back as SS501 - at least they come back as the person they used to be when they were still in SS501 and they remain as family... (im sorry if its too long)
