
Thursday, October 13, 2011

[Article] Kyu Jong Off with Cute Image

Much much thanks to Honeyeee of Love501 for doing the translation of this article and sharing on Love501 FB page,

Another one of those nice read interviews of Kyu Jong.


[2011. 10.09] Kim Kyu Jong 'Mature Man, off with cute image'
Source: Sports Seoul
Translation: Honeyeee @

Kim Kyu Jong (24) from group SS501 embarks on his solo path.

Kim Kyu Jong recently made a comeback with title song 'YESTERDAY', a medium tempo dance song in his mini album, produced by composer Han Sang Won who also composed SS501's hit song 'U R Man'. Since SS501 members, Park Jung Min, Kim Hyung Jun, Heo Young Saeng and Kim Hyun Joong have all released their solo albums respectively prior to this, Kim Kyu Jong was the latest member to begin his solo activity.

- Amongst the members, as the last member to release solo album, was not impatient.

In fact, I did not have plans to produce an album within this year. If i was given chance, I hope to try out as an actor in musicals (Kim Kyu Jong participated in the musical 'Goong' and took on the role of Prince Shin) and also in dramas before I become active as an singer again. Then one day, my agency's president found the current title song for album and came to me. He said "This song is really good" He suggested that i give it a try and resume my activities as singer. I liked the song too so agreed readily and everything happened.

- After leaving SS501, don't you feel the burden despite being alone on stage.

I grew up (matured). In the past, I have members with me to fill up the stage. But now I have to do it alone right from the beginning till the end. Talked to the choreography team hyungs a lot regarding the stage. When I was in SS501, I had the cute image but we agreed that now I should present a more mature and masculine appearance. Therefore, we are using the suspenders as props as we showcase the dance. It gives off a retro yet stylish feel.

- Which of the other member's solo album do you particularly like?

Personally I like Hyung Jun's album the most. Hyung Jun originally has sense in music. And because I like songs with pop style, Hyung Jun's album has the style that is similar to what i like.

- Heo Young Saeng who was from the same agency as you did a rap featuring in your song 'My Love'. In SS501, Heo Young Saeng was a lead vocalist. Having him featured in rapping was unusual.

Young Saeng has always like rapping. I have seen him rapped when we go to NoRaeBang (Karaoke) and thought he was pretty good. He can do Outsider's speed rapping well too…. I requested to Young Saeng Hyung "Help me with the rap featuring" , but he was concerned about "Do both of us sound good together?".

- What is the focusing point of releasing the solo album?

Worried a lot about the title song. How do we keep up with the current trend. Also, if the genre will suit and if it will be popular in overseas. I want a song of my own. Wanted a song that is dreamy yet have a manly style that people will remember it. Like Top Singer Tommy Page, his songs are the style that i want.

- The member which you have been in contact with.

Since Jung Min is having activities in Taiwan, I haven't been able to keep in contact with him. If time permits, I want to act in Taiwan too. Hahaha. I met Hyung Jun recently and he heard my album too. Hyun Joong hyung is preparing for his 2nd album as well and he also asked me to monitor him.

- Were you reminded of the SS501's days?

Of course i think of it. Whenever I see Super Junior or other idol groups who were doing activities as the same time as we do in the past singing on TV.

- Plans of getting back together

If between members there is an opportunity next year, we also wish that we can do it together for once. Only if we can clear the busy schedules then we can do that…

- Enjoyed yourself in musical

I enjoy myself but I tend to always worry that i might make mistakes. So I often pray at night. Haha.

- SS501 had the reputation of Hallyu Star. Plans to promote overseas as solo artiste.

I will be holding my first fan meeting in Japan next month. Firstly, i will promote as singer in Korea. I also wish to show myself more and be more active as an actor in overseas. I should be doing various overseas promotion some time next year.


  1. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Kyu Jong is someone who I've liked but because he wasn't my bias, I don't know a lot about him. I'm so glad that he did his solo debut because the more I learn about him the more I like him. He is such a sweet guy that it's no wonder that each member seems to have a close relationship with him. To me he is the reason SS501 is known for having such a great bond. He is the glue that keeps SS501 together. He is the reason why I don't worry about the future of SS501. Even if they don't come back with an album or contact each other for awhile they will remain friends.

  2. Anonymous1:03 PM

    kyu you have so successful album release. if saengie has his album release now, it will be awesome, but it seems possible this year, but why you b2m give us hope before but :(

  3. Anonymous1:07 PM

    yep, without sweet kyu, ss501 will not be the same. he is the one who keep all the members together & love by everyone. thankyu ^^

  4. Anonymous1:25 PM

    kyu, i love your album the best, the best of all.
    but i still listen the others songs because they are members of ss501

  5. Anonymous1:37 PM

    I believe for what Kyu Jong said.. every member want to comeback as SS501 but because of busy schedule.. it can't happen soon.. I believe that Youg Saeng and Kyu Jong won't have any problem to B2M if each member decided to comeback as SS501.. I check SS501's official website(from DSP) and I saw that at the left side there are Young Saeng's and Kyu Jong's official individual website

  6. Anonymous4:40 PM

    kyu, you are the best out of all. you can act, dance, sing, musical ......
    is there sth you can not ? ^^

    you are the reason i am proud of, thankyu :)

  7. Anonymous5:29 PM

    i love kyu - he never fails to comformt me and make me smile
    what an absolute sweetheart <3
    when he talks abt ss501 it really makes up for all the horrible articles that have come out recently

  8. Anonymous6:44 PM

    love you kyu!!

  9. sinthia2:47 AM

    the funny thing is I keep seeing him like a matured-cute guy. ^^
    otokajo? xD
