
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

[Article] Kim Hyun Joong wants to be SS501′s best solo artist

Thanks Marvie for shoving this here.

Hmm, I hope that this post will not be one of those kind of posts that I will block the comment box. Let me just remind everyone who'd like to comment to think first before doing so. We have our own opinion on this. If you think your opinion will just trigger some negative reactions please stop.

We all know that all members said on their individual interviews that they want to do their best in their solo career and want their name to be known. That is currently being realized by them. They are Hallyu stars and have proven to us that they are better than good doing solo activities and that they've shown to us their best.


[News] Kim Hyun Joong wants to be SS501′s best solo artist
Credit : carolicity@AKP

SS501‘s Kim Hyun Joong held a press conference commemorating the release of his 2nd mini-album, “Lucky“, where he discussed the goals he had for his latest work.

The 2nd mini album starts off with “Do You Like That” and “Lucky Guy”, two tracks that carry a pop-meets-punk rock flavor. They are then followed by the softer songs, “I’m Your Man” and “U”.

Kim Hyun Joong stated, “The 1st mini album showed you the first glimpse of my image as a solo artist, and my capability in being able to ‘fill up’ the stage by myself without having all the members of SS501 there. The 2nd mini album will focus more on music in itself; as in it’s meant to be listened to, rather than being a background track for the visual components.”

He continued, “I didn’t dream of being a rocker, but I’ve always liked rock before joining SS501. I was in a school band during middle school, and played bass at church. I wanted to become a musician behind a cool rocker. I want to incorporate more rock genre music into future concepts.”

Although the promotion period for the 1st mini album was short, Kim Hyun Joong managed to sell 130,000 copies and the responses from international fans were also very positive.

He confessed, “It wasn’t easy promoting alone. There was a lot of work to do, from developing the album concept to finding songs, and it was exhausting. Before, I only had to do well on my parts, but as a solo artist, I had to calculate things like where it was hard for me to breathe while dancing; consequently, it was more difficult.”

Kim Hyun Joong continued, “But through the 1st solo promotions, I learned a lot of things such as how to control the tempo and speed.”

When asked what his goals for the new album were, Kim Hyun Joong stated, “I want this album to do better than the 1st mini album, and I want to hear that I’m the best as a solo artist out of all the SS501 members.”


  1. Chara8:41 PM

    "and I want to hear that I’m the best as a solo artist out of all the SS501 members.”

    Ho ho ho, I huess that will make waves again. I hope Henecians and TripleS are more cautious this time with words. We know our Leader... No way he would betray TripleS and SS501. He loves us too much, even when saying that and it SEEMS like seeking attention... But... not to forget: this is just a translation.

  2. Anonymous9:04 PM

    Hmm, i guess this is one translation of the article. Don't go bananas, folks, cos for all u know the reporter gave this title as a headline in order to get more reaction n attention from the fans/netizens. As far as i know, HJL has always been pretty diplomatic when answering this type of questions n he is not one to seek attention. However, if he really said this, then all i'll say is, go for it, baby! Show 'em what u got n enjoy yourself, ya!

  3. Anonymous9:30 PM

    You are the best, Hyun Joong ah.
    Love your ambition and hard working.

  4. Anonymous9:50 PM

    I'm really disappointed with this and somehow, I feel like all the other members will be sad for what he said (I think even SS501's manager will be sad).. I really want another translation to make it clear.. AKP have a history to mistake translation

  5. Anonymous10:11 PM

    well, we just hope that he will keep his promise... that they will comeback as ss501 in the future... he promise that...Triple s fighting...

  6. Anonymous10:49 PM

    There is no mistranslation. He said what he said. Take it in a negative or positive light if you please.

  7. Anonymous10:57 PM

    Well, who wouldn't want to be the best! It's just natural. I would be very surprised if someone is mad at this remark.
    Good luck to him!

  8. Anonymous10:59 PM

    hyun joong jjang...
    THE BEST!!!

  9. Anonymous11:00 PM

    well.......i'm keep my thoughts to myself since i don't want to create trouble here. all i'm going to say is that i'm VERY disappointed..........but not at all surprise by the statements.

  10. Anonymous11:28 PM

    Why is he even mentioning SS501? Its not like he cares about the group anymore. Does he care about the members? Yes. But as far as the group and what they represent, I feel like he could really care less.

  11. @9.50pm the chinese translation says "金贤重想成为脱离ss501光环下的最优秀的solo歌手", meaning "he wants to be the best solo artiste even without the clowning glory of SS501".

    Is there someone who wants to be the worst solo artiste? :)

  12. Anonymous12:18 AM

    Thanks Kelly, i understand chinese, so i appreciate your chinese translation post ^^
    Sincerely, i think that as Kyu and Saeng said before in their interviews, SS501 is not the typical boyband that parades their friendship for all to see.
    I truly believe that they are more low key about it but silently rooting for each other, and I respect them all the more for it.
    SS501 fighting! Hyun Joong fighting! I love your new album, btw, all the songs are amazing!

  13. Anonymous1:09 AM

    there's nothing wrong for Hyun Joong said he wants to be the best solo astist among SS501, i am sure all the other members have the same thought too, 5 best solo artists will make this group become the best group in kpop industry.
    i really admire Hyun Joong for saying that.

    ps. how can i not like this guy?

  14. Anonymous1:11 AM

    lol he doesn't need to worry about that cus he is already doing better in sales than all of them so congrats to him achieving his dream..enjoy it while it lasts.muhahaha cus i think the other members r gonna be hard competition in the future.

  15. Anonymous1:29 AM

    Serious @1:11, are you the same person posting the same comment. You are obviously not a Triple S but an Henecian. What are you going here? Why are you trying to ruin the atmosphere for the rest of us. Yes he has more sales but so what. The others are succeeding in their own way. I'm honestly so sick of Henecians (not Hyun Joong biased) just Henecians at this point.

  16. Anonymous1:56 AM

    His confidence is finally back. He better be the best. Who wants to follow a leader who is not the best?

  17. Anonymous2:13 AM

    anon 10:57 PM:
    It's natural that someone wants to be the best. But the best out of SS501 members is another story.
    Since the beginning, the members have mentioned they do not want and will not ever want to compete with each other.

    The ones who would be exhilarated at HJL's statement (if the reporter even jotted it down correctly) are either Henecians or Anti fans. Triple S, even if not disappointed, won't be ecstatic upon seeing those words.
    I'm not asking you to love the other 4 members. But please do not only have eyes on HJL and treat everyone else on this world like sh*t, show some basic respect to others. You are not only showing an ugly side of yourself, but also reflecting on your idol. I always believe the idol and his fans reflect each other. Just like how Triple S' reputation and relationship with SS501 were built over the 6 years by SS501. They love us a lot, but they also do not hesitate to lecture us.

  18. Anonymous2:31 AM

    anon @ 2:13 AM:

    Really love your comments. 1 of the most level headed I had read.
    thrumb up to you!
    you got my respect!

  19. Anonymous2:45 AM

    i totally agree w/ 2:13.
    there's nothing wrong with having ambition, but no, not all the members have the same thought. KJ said the exact opposite, that he doesn't expect or desire a big hit, only for "the song's not bad" kind of comments and and to reflect well on SS501.

  20. Hm, I wish he'd said, "I want to hear that SS501 has the best solos out of all the groups."

  21. Anonymous3:02 AM

    Well said, tetsu_girl ^^

  22. Anonymous3:23 AM

    Drama! Drama! Drama! That's all it is anymore when it comes to anything the members say or do anymore. Ok so let's see if I really understand what some of you are saying here. So it's ok for one member to say I want to be the best but just because another member adds the SS501 in the comment some act like he committed a mortal sin. Didn't the member who said that he wanted to be the best say relatively the same thing since he stated he wanted to be the best over everyone? If you say no then in my opinion you are being a hypocrite.

    Look I don't know what the deal is with all this nonsense but I do know that KHJ cares very much for all the members. He has proven that over and over but for reasons I can not understand some will just not believe it or be satisfied. He just wants to do well and the fact that he considers SS501 as his solo competition is actually a compliment to them and their abilities and apparently a big inspiration for him to work hard, improve, and give his very best each and every day.

    I am here to support all of SS501 and I thought that's why people came to these kind of blogs. So come on and just support them or if you are here for a certain bias (as I am beginning to see a lot of) then support that bias but please quit trying to make drama where there isn't any. Without each and every single member there would be no SS501.

  23. Chara3:52 AM


    Does it have to be like this? Come on girls. Just believe in our men. We have seen them getting along for 5+ years now. Even solo.

    A report like this is able to shake the faith we layed in those special artists??? So easily? No, I refuse.

    Please be careful with your words, Henecians and TripleS. As liezle said, hopefully this won't be curse of having to shut down the comment box. It's not worth it. Just believe. Please!

  24. Anonymous4:13 AM

    I'm not trying to cause drama, I just genuinely can't remember. Which member said they wanted to be the best again? ^^; I just remember them saying they weren't competing with one another, though the quality/success of all of the solos push them to try hard to keep it up.

  25. Anonymous4:21 AM

    "and I want to hear that I’m the best as a solo artist out of all the SS501 members.”

    He actually is. O_O" LOL. well the most popular anyway.. everyone knows that lol. he's just admitting to it.? there's nothing much more to it.

  26. Anonymous4:44 AM

    Don't know if I should say this or not but oh well...both Baby and Jung Min have said they wanted to be the best. Baby even said something to the extent that he wanted to rise to the top over or above the other members. Saying that does not mean they don't care about SS501 or that they are arrogant though just as what Hyun Joong said doesn't mean he doesn't care or is arrogant either.

  27. Anonymous5:09 AM

    HyunJoong's statements are always topics of controversies. As Henecians, we accept this about him and are used it. We will stand by our man - battling it out for him on the music charts. At the end of the day, album sales speaks volumes. :)

  28. Anonymous5:13 AM

    anon@4:44 Hyung Jun never said he wanted to be the best over the other members, he said he wanted to be HIS best. Meaning that he wants to the best he can be as a solo artist. He also didn't say he wanted to rise above SS501. He said that apart from the success he has as a member of SS501 he also wanted success under his own name. Please don't do this he said she said stuff in order to defend a bias. All the members have supported each other during their solo activities and mentioned how they want to live up to the SS501 name. You either believe this or you don't but please stop nitpicking each thing a member says.

  29. Anonymous5:25 AM

    anon@5:09 Please stop acting like your bias is the only one who ever comes under question. This happens to all the members. I'm a Hyung Jun bias and I don't know how many articles I've read on this site where he was criticized in the comments. You just have to realize that this is apart of being an idol. No matter how well intended your bias is. There will always be someone who will misunderstand. Also great that your bias is the most popular which translates to higher album sales but please don't use this to belittle the achievements of the other members. Remember your bias also had a head start when it came to solo activities. I'm not saying the other members are guaranteed to have the same success as HJL given enough time. That might never happen. But please be aware that the degrees of success the members are having now is a reflection of the popularity they had during group activities. Its the next year or two when they've had several solo projects under them that will tell what their true popularity as individuals is.

  30. Anonymous5:30 AM

    @anon 5:13 I wasn't nitpicking. Someone asked so I only quoted what I read from a translated news article. If it was wrong then thanks for correcting it but I watched several shows where the members talked and laughed about that news article. Amazing how things get lost in translations sometimes isn't it? Oh and I don't have a bias. I love all the members. Sorry for the mistake.

  31. Anonymous5:57 AM

    I see nothing wrong with Hyun Joong saying that he wants to be the best...who doesn't??? In the entertainment world, everyone strives to be the best. If that's not your ultimate goal, then you will likely fail in this business. He very candid but always honest. Just like I read in a recent interview…. he said it will be very difficult for SS501 to come together to produce an album anytime soon. They (all 5 members and their current companies) do not own the rights to the SS501 name. It belongs to DSP. In addition to that, it’s difficult for all 4 companies to come together and agree on a date. He said that he doesn’t want to promise something and have it not come true and then the fans will be even disappointed. Remember when Baby first mentioned that they would be coming back over a year ago??? Well, when that didn’t happen….all the fans were sad and disappointed. I rather him being blunt and honest as opposed to sugar coating the situation and promising something they cannot keep. That’s my opinion.

  32. Anonymous6:32 AM

    Controversial as ever with a polarizing effect on the fans.

    Much as i love you kim hyun joong, you need pinching in your ears then a bear hug.

    Your hard work and appeal will make you ahead of the others but not on all things.

  33. Anonymous6:41 AM

    Have a laugh, a good laugh.

    Wanna bet that this statement will push the other SS501 to come up with better-selling albums, especially the dongsaengs? How can SS501 fill a concert hall when only KHJ's songs made it to the top?

    Rock-paper-scissors is what KHJ and company enjoy doing.

  34. Anonymous6:44 AM

    anon@5:30 Sorry if I came off criticizing you. I know the shows that you're talking about but even in those shows Hyung Jun clarified what he meant and the other members backed him up after they got their teasing in. I just get frustrated when things like this get repeated when its already been cleared up. Also the nitpicking of members statements wasn't really directed at you. I should have clarified that better. This was more a general statement to all. Each thing the members say gets analyzed to death and now its happening to HJL. He's not my bias but I do feel its unfair that one statement is being used to define his feeling towards SS501.

  35. Anonymous7:17 AM

    There is definitely honestly a big difference when a person saying in my face that "I want to be better than you", than just saying in general "I want to be the best of the world". However, having said that, I don't believe that's what HJ would say or mean it. Also, what is "best" anyway - everyone is unique and popularity doesn't mean best.

  36. When I first read about this article on Hyun Joong saying that he wants to be the best solo artist among SS501 members, I admit,I was sad upon knowing this.

    BUT! come to think of this...maybe, he's just slightly pressured of the fact that since he's the LEADER, the expectation on him is a lot more. -----> That is how I interpreted it. I'm not saying you believe it, I'm just saying a piece of my thought.

    >>No matter what each member says, in the heart of true blooded TRIPLES, THEY ARE ALL THE BEST. :))

  37. Anonymous7:31 AM

    @5:25 I take "Please stop acting like...." as an attack towards me personally. But I won't go there. I did not state anything besides the obvious about HyunJoong and Henecians, only. Controvercy does follow him (no one can deny that) and we show him support the best way we know how - through album sales. He is a singer, after all. He's competing with all k-pop artists just like any other artist. He has earned his popularity. He worked hard just like other artists to earn it. I never said HyunJoong was the best out of his group or looked down on them. I'll leave that as just that. And if you're wondering why I'm here, I have a soft spot for SS501 members because they're HyunJoong's bandmates, though I'm not a fan of there's. I come around just see what they are up to - not to bad mouth them.

  38. Anonymous7:58 AM

    anon@7:31 Sorry, I'm more defensive than I probably should be. I've just read so many comments where others have been making it out that HJL is the only one who ever gets criticized. When this is just not the case. I also never said that he didn't earn his popularity, just that he got a head start. I also stated that I'm aware that the other members may never get the success he has no matter how many solo projects they do. Before coming to this site I read the comments on Allkpop and alot of the comments there bothered me. There were so many comments of how his being the most popular already proved he was the best and your comment got lumped together with those in my mind. I tried not to offend when explaining how I think of the members situation but if I did, I apologize.

  39. Anonymous8:29 AM

    One of the things I like most about HJ is that he's honest. He's also self-aware. Remember when he said he hopes to someday become an artist that his fans won't be embarrassed to tell others about? He realizes that most people think his fanf mostly like him for his looks/charms rather than his talent (he has many natural talents, but doesn't really get to show them in this trend-obsessed k-ent business). I'm sure he hears that he's "the best" all the time. I think what he wants is for people to recognize his talent, not just his popularity ("highets sales" or "most popular" doesn't always equal "best"). Rather than being cocky or careless, I think his comment shows he's humble enough to admit he's not the best (most talented) in SS501, and like the others, always strives to improve himself and show his best.

  40. Anonymous9:00 AM

    @7:58 Please, no need to apologize. If I took it to heart, I would have voiced it. Your comments weren't bashing anyone and were very well thought out so I figured it was worded a bit off. Sorry, I came across as being defensive too. Like you, I was at Allkpop and saw the comments there. I came here for more peace but then I saw many comments made towards HyunJoong and Henecias that are not very nice. I just wanted others to know that we are out to support HyunJoong and not fan wars (my comment about battling on the charts). Sorry, I wasn't very clear in my first comment. I wanted to keep it brief. :) I do wish them all success, not just for HyunJoong. Nice chatting with you.

  41. Anonymous9:18 AM

    If the comment is really literally saying "I’m the best among all the SS501 members", it's not humble but the opposite, and is inappropriate - there's no excuse about it. However, I don't believe this is HJ's comment. From the Chinese version, my English translation is: "aside from SS501 (as a group), I want to be the best solo singer". This sounds more like him and the reality.

  42. Anonymous10:49 AM

    liezle, no doubt this is your blog and nobody would like to be negative or to create a bad atmosphere, i think everyone is entitled to their opinions, good or bad. i mean its good in a way that we have thoughts and concerns, this shows that we're mature and capable of engaging in intelligent conversations. i believe many triple S are not some 15 year old teenage fans but many are well in their 30s or even 40s so i think its alright to have heated arguments and exchange of opinions as long as we're not spouting vulgarities or calling each other names. we're not here to just read about the boys' latest happenings but because we're truly concerned therefore we speak our minds. if you lock the comment box then it seriously becomes boring and less engaging. i applaud you for not having done so this time.

  43. Anonymous12:04 AM

    Hmm I'm sad. I'm happy that Hyun Joong can be honest with this kind of things as we know its not easy to open up and spill everything. He even mentioned there ARE memberS that he doesnt contact with, so I guess, we as the Triple S know who he meant. Well, maybe there's something between them. Luckily they are good in keeping their problems or whatsoever far away from the reporters. I wish not to know anything from the aspects of problems. I hope they'll just keep it close to themselves. I dont want others to criticize these five men of my life.

    I dont expect SS501 comeback to happen this soon and as soon as I see HJL is coming back, I have the thought of "ohh very fast". I dont wanna have such thought but it is the real thing. I never see HJB and PJM tweet abt HJL comebacks or what and from there, we can think. But I beg to differ on that point. I keep myself positive because I truly believe in them. I know they are real.

    I just hope everyone will succeed in no matter what they do. And one more, Im sad whenever I see Kyu Jong. He's so obvious. He got that sadness in his eyes. Blahh. I better stop before I burst into tears.

    Whatever it is, TRIPLE S, lets keep on supporting them no matter what goes in the way! :) Hwaiting!

  44. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Everyone should speak per one's status. Just be careful when you speak because someone will get hurt for your "out-of-mind" statements. The fame to KHL came too fast and too great. As 22-23 yo guy, too sudden to be too famous. He speaks what he want to speak becasue he knows no bad thing will happen on him. A leader of SS501 should acts as a leader. Looks how KJ speaks. His message always positive and eventually get the focus back to SS501 because he cares. Be honest, HJL did not act well in BOF and playful kiss (don't shoot me). But thankful, without BOF, I wouldn't know SS501. Let us just accept him as an immature guy with fame and money. Hopefully, one day he will grow up. If we treat him as our little brother who alway makes mistakes, we still love him as a family member. No biggie.

  45. Anonymous1:50 AM

    I totally agrees with Anon 6:44 PM.

  46. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Clarified by anon 6:44 PM. KHJ was 22-23 yo when he played BOF. He was very attractive and acted very "awkward, unemotional" handsome guy.

  47. Anonymous8:37 PM

    @6:44PM I have to disagree with everything you said. HJ is far from being immature. He has always said that he wasn't good with words - having trouble expressing himself. He's not one to sugar coat things just for fans' ears. I'm sure he's well aware that what he says can cost him some fans along the way. It takes guts to do that and that alone shows his maturity. He's not riding on the fame of SS501 or needs to anymore. He's making a name for himself. He did his part when SS501 were promoting together. Now, it's his time to promote himself. He doesn't need to mention SS501 in every sentence that comes out of his mouth. If he did, people will say he's using the fame of SS501 to get somewhere in his solo career. It's a loose-loose situation for him. Fame and money did not consume him. He has had many free events for his fans and has given a lot of money to charity. These actions are not from an immature young man, but rather from a humble and compassionate young man. He has said many times before, he knows that fans are the reason for his success and without fans, he wouldn't be anywhere in the entertainment industry. He has worked hard for his fame and money, don't make it out as if he sat around doing nothing and it just came to him. BOF has opened doors for him but his hard work is opening more doors for him now. It was his big break and don't shoot him down for it. All stars have their big break but only some are able to hold on to that fame. I'm proud to say that HJ is able to do that.

  48. Anonymous2:03 AM

    I totally totally agrees with Anon 6:44 PM.

  49. Anonymous6:27 PM

    Apparently, anon @8:37 PM is the leader bias. I never said that leader doesn't work hard. We saw his heavy workloads after he signed Keyeast. You said, "It takes guts to do that and that alone shows his maturity." A mature person doesn’t act by gutsy (brave). Sugar coat things not just for fans but someone we believe he would care and we care. Speaking is an art. He just needs to improve this art. You have a good point. He knew he has trouble expressing himself. Accordingly, does he need to think before he talks? That is the difference btn mature and immature. You said leader is well aware that what he says can cost him some fans along the way. Did you mean he doesn't care if he lost some? As a SS501 fan, we would like him to admire every single one. If you agree with him, I think this blog may not be right for you (pardon me, liezle). I hope he cares and acts appropriately. All 48 arguments here were caused by his "trouble" with proper words. I believe, one day he will learn how to consider others. Grow is painful but necessary.

  50. Anonymous2:51 AM

    Money & fame can changed a person ...

  51. Anonymous3:48 PM

    @6:27 Stop trying to kick people out with different point of views than you. There's nothing wrong with people expressing what's on their minds as long as they're not attacking others while doing so. Maybe you should stop telling HJ that he needs to grow up and grow up yourself.

  52. Anonymous1:55 AM

    I totally agrees with Anon 6:44 PM.
