
Monday, October 17, 2011

[Vid] Kyu Jong at KBS 'Gag Show' 10.16.11

KBS Gag Show was shown last night where Kyu Jong was one of the guests. The video has been uploaded by on her YT channel and you can watch it from below. Thanks to veggiedelight for the tip.

Geez, just look at how tall and handsome Kyu Jong in this show. And when he expanded his arms check he almost got the whole frame of the monitor. He towers everyone!

I am so happy that he's doing really good many shows he's that he's attending. He seems to be really more confident know. I hope that one day, Kyu Jong will be MCing too. He's seems to have the ability to do it.

1 comment:

  1. LOL....

    happy to see him laughing and enjoying himself.....
