
Saturday, October 01, 2011

[Vid] Kyu Jong Debut at Music Core 10.01.11

Today is Music Core and Kyu Jong was there to perform the carrier single 'Yesterday' for his 1st solo mini album from 'Turn Me On'.

Here is Kyu Jong's performance courtesy of YT channel. Kyu Jong performed without wearing a coat today.

Today's stage is nice and Kyu Jong performed with much confidence. The dancing is more sharper too than the previous performances.


  1. Anonymous8:36 PM

    i agree his performance today is much better than the previous two! he's expressing himself more and getting into the song :)

  2. Anonymous8:53 PM

    The stage is really very beautiful, Its awesome!!! & the way KJ is singing & performing with so much confidence.. The awesome stage + KJ Confident performance => best of both world..

    KJ fighting !!!

  3. ping01192:16 AM

    Today was much better. Be more and more and more confident and kill all of us~~!

  4. Haha! Yes! I totally agree with the above comments. I think he has gotten much better over the past few days. You can see the confidence from his eyes today! So loving his performance. And I am so sure that this boy will continue to improve! Loving him so much!

  5. Sayanggg2:27 AM

    Oh dear. Why you look so handsome!
    I'm fainting kyuu

  6. Anonymous6:05 PM

    agree!probably this is his 4th comeback stage if I'm not wrong.He must already fit himself into stage performance,that's why he can do better than the previous one.Improve is a good thing!Keep on improving!Kyu can do it!

  7. sinthia8:51 AM

    Yeah, you can see he's more confident than in the previos perf. He only needs time to get used doing this coreography.I think he's doing really well yet, because he gets me drooling for him!
