
Friday, October 28, 2011

[Vid] Kyu Jong @ Music Bank 10.28.11

In Music Bank today, Kyu Jong was again one of the performers. He once again performed 'Yesterday' from his first solo mini album 'Turn Me On'.

Fan chants in today's show is awesome just like at M! Countdown yesterday. Seems that even non-fans are getting the hang of the song and amazed by Kyu Jong. Ei, did you noticed that he seems to be performing with a smile in his eyes (check 0:10 and 2:17 marks) despite the song as he said being sad? Our Kyu Jong seems so happy... and I am happy. Btw, it's the first time I have noticed that Kyu Jong is using suspenders with blingblings.

Here's Kyu Jong's stage in today's show courtesy of 's YouTube channel. Like it that that camera is focusing more on his face. Love how Kyu Jong teases us when he stares at the camera. Oh, one more thing, the way he made that wave in 1:20 is so different from the wave he used to do earlier. There's more force to this one. ^^


  1. sinthia8:25 PM

    Maybe Jung Minnie gave him classes on how to do a super sexy wave! xD

  2. i agree, liezle, KJ is shining today! and so are his suspenders. ;) love it!
    kya~ his cute-yet-hot expression at 0:22!!

    i also think the fanchants are louder because more TS show up to support both HJL and KJ. ^^

  3. 1. "Bling" on suspenders - Makes me want to "snap"!
    2. New "2nd Bling" on neck - Please "unbutton" 1 more!
    3. "Leather" (faux? - doesn't matter) - Sexy!!
    4. "Black" - Can the legs get any longer?!!!
    5. "Sexy Wave" - Wave on "baby"!!!
    6. "Smile" and "Twinkle" - Ahhhhh... makes me melt!!!
    7. "Fanchants" - YEAH! Rock ON!
    8. "THANKYU"

  4. etet, like Kyu Jong you seem to be getting out of your shell too. ^_^ KJ made you do that, yah? your post always gives me a big smile. it's so obvious that you are captivated by kyu jong.


  5. slimz18082:31 AM

    lotsa fan service from our SS center today ^^
    My friend in HS says this is his last week on Music shows stage coz next week he will be in Japan and drama shooting going forward.

    Gonna miss him lots =(

  6. ping011911:45 AM

    OMG his smiles and eye teases today~!!!!!!!!!! I screamed every time he did it and almost smashed my TV screen. MuBank is the only one I can see on TV, others I'd have to stream online (laggy and pixel-ed ==). Kyu made me so high and then very exhausted after his performance... lol. He seemed to be in a good mood today~
    This episode's cameraman did a very bad job, he did 360degree spin for most of the performances, I was made very giddy by them. How do you expect people to watch when the artistes are totally upside down?! Luckily the 360 sh*t did not apply to Kyu's performance ><
    Aaaahhhh no Kyu from this weekend onwards (Why was Inki cancelled?!)... 어떻게!! T_T

  7. Sayanggg12:09 AM

    Best perf of kyu ever! Don't you guys realize he has so so so so so much more eye contacts and all with the camera? That's why he ve been driving us insane!

    Kyuuuuuuu xoxoxoxoxo! Always and only!
