
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

[Article] Hyun Joong #1 on Oricon

Another Korean singer made it to #1 in Oricon chart and this time it's Kim Hyun Joong. With stiff competition not only amongst Japanese and Korean singers but as well as international stars Hyun Joong made it.



[News] Kim Hyun Joong reaches #1 on Oricon’s import albums chart
Source + Photo: Newsen, Hankooki
Courtesy of carolicity / AllKPop

Kim Hyun Joong has done it again.

The singer previously hit #1 on Oricon‘s import albums chart with his first solo album ‘Breakdown’, and he’s done it once more with his 2nd mini-album, ‘Lucky’.

Oricon’s weekly chart for November 14th revealed that Kim Hyun Joong came in 1st with ‘Lucky'. He was able to beat out globally famous artists like Coldplay and Lady Gaga, a feat that serves to prove his strong popularity in Japan.

Kim Hyun Joong stated, “Hearing about placing 1st on the Oricon in the midst of traveling around different cities to meet with fans has made me even happier. I will always remember the thoughtfulness of the fans who have been a great support to me, and will try my best to put on the best performance.”

In related news, the singer kicked off his fan meeting tour on the 9th, and will visit 8 different cities in Japan.


  1. Anonymous9:49 PM

    Congratulation to Hyun Joong.
    Great done.
    So proud to be your fan.

  2. Anonymous10:51 PM

    I'm so happy for him. He sure deserves it. Keep it up HJ and fans.

  3. Anonymous11:43 PM

    congratulation Hyun Joong, you are the best!!!!

  4. Anonymous3:54 AM

    How could he miss being on top not by wishing but performance of the heart,body and soul?

    But HJ wished to not being number one but the only one in his fans' heart.And we gave that to him .

  5. pengfoo7:39 AM

    Hyun Joong has the force and energy to drive a new wave of Korean entertainers to a new zenith on the international level in the entertainment industry.
    He is a power-house with high productivity and intelligent fore-sight to create a Korean revolution to conquer the world. He is versatile, and is very talented in just about every aspect of the industry. What he doesn't already know, he is willing to learn!
    Gone are the days when you can ignore him or underestimate his popularity. He is a real player on the international stage making fast in-roads into countries across the globe.
    I, would rather jump on his band wagon and enjoy the ride!

  6. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Hiyun Joong always works very hard, so he deserves the best result.
    Love him so much.

  7. Anonymous12:01 PM

    I agree Hyun Joong has the spark to stand out among so many artist.. He truely can capture the hearts of people not only with his works but also his persona which is so unique and so lovable.. anyone can become a celebrity but to be able to stir people's heart can be found only in a few.. He is an inspiration and a role model.. A global star.. No one can deny his influence now..
    Proud to be his fan and his admirer.

  8. Congrats Leader! im just so proud and happy...God bless you more!=D

  9. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Just so proud to be his fan! He is always charismatic leader!

  10. Anonymous12:45 AM

    Can't agree more to above comments of Penfoo and anony 12:01. Hyun Joong's unique charm can capture the people's hearts around the world. He has almost everything in him which a real star can possess in and out. So proud of him as his fan.
