
Tuesday, November 08, 2011

[FanCams& Pix ] Kyu Jong & Young Saeng @ Gimpo 11.08.11

Happy to see HeStory and Madeleine are sharing again videos of Kyu Jong on and Young Saeng on YouTube channels. These two fanclubs are amongst the best when it comes to capturing our favorites be it on video or snapshots. Also, I am adding here wonderfully taken photos from BestFriend (

Here are videos of Kyu Jong taken by HeStory with Young Saeng from Madeleine, with their managers and dancer checking-in at Gimpo Airport for their flight to Japan for tomorrow's Seoul-Tokyo Music Festival 2011 at Saitama Arena.

I noticed that when Kyu Jong and Young Saeng left on the 2nd of November, we were treated to see happy gatherings of their entourage at the check-in counter. We have seen both Kyu Jong and Young Saeng happily talking to each other as if they've not seen for quite a long time.

In today's videos, I am happy to see again such happy scenes. When come to think of it, all of them have just been together only just a few days ago. ^_^ The scene of Kyu Jong and Hyeong Jin hugging each other made me smile because it was only last Sunday that we saw them hurrying to go out of Gimpo to catch Kyu Jong's schedule at 'Love Sharing', right? Anyway, I can't help wondering though what made that big hug. Hee, if only we know. ^_^

And here is the set of photos from BestFriend which I lifted from Baidu.

Thanks to veggiedelight for the tips!


  1. Anonymous5:35 AM

    kyu is always the one catch people's attention ^^
    kyu you are the best of best !!!!

  2. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Kyu took off his sunglasses twice to show his glasses to his companies. I wonder why? Anyway, why did Kyu hug Hyeong Jin who showed his big thumb up? Thank you for the videos.

  3. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Young saeng so cute...All da best Kyu and Saengie..

  4. Anonymous1:35 PM

    kyu ah hyu ah,
    the most handsome one among all ^^

  5. Anonymous3:35 AM

    kuyjoongie, the most attractive one, NO one can compare with you ^^

  6. Anonymous10:26 AM

    KYU kyu you are so so handsome ^^
    shengie is cute.

  7. ping011912:53 PM

    KyuSaeng are so handsome and cute and lovely and sweet ^^

  8. Anonymous9:13 PM

    Aigoo... Really luv the hug!! So sweet... Also kyusaeng interaction with their dancers..
