
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

[Notice from KeyEast] HyunJoong won't be attending the 26th Golden Disk Awards ceremony

Much thanks to for tweeting the English translation of this notice from KE.


[Notice from KeyEast] HyunJoong won't be attending the 26th Golden Disk Awards ceremony
Chinese translation: 敏敏 @
English translation: @tzeyin28 @

Hello everyone, this is KeyEast.

Temperatures vary from day to night these days.

Dear fans, please take care of your health.

Unfortunately, HyunJoong won't be able to attend the 26th Golden Disk Awards ceremony which will be held in 2012 January.

Due to a scheduling conflict, we had a discussion with the organizer and found it difficult to coordinate his schedule so we decided not to let him attend the awards ceremony.

We know this is a piece of bad news for HyunJoong who has carried out his solo album activities throughout the year and his fans who are looking forward to participating in the awards ceremony but we hope you understand.

Thank you.


  1. Anonymous10:47 PM

    not a good news but have to accept it, hope Hyun Joong has more rest after his busy schedule in November

  2. Anonymous11:45 PM

    Hyun Joong should focus on his first album in Japan.

  3. Anonymous12:45 AM

    he is busy, we all understand ^^
    take good care of yourself, leader :)

  4. Anonymous12:47 PM

    He wasn't even nominated why attend if there are more urgent and important other commitments to fulfill as well.If it is ok with HJ it ought to be okay with us,too.

  5. Anonymous2:25 PM

    With his jammed packed schedule why would he go to an awards show that completely snubbed him of a nomination? I know I sure wouldn't it. I don't know a whole lot about the Golden Disk Awards but by looking at the nomination list it doesn't hold much legitimacy in my opinion. There is no Kim Hyun Joong, TVXQ, Big Bang, or JYJ on that list. Those are 4 of the top sellers of albums this year. Just ridiculous.

  6. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Is it true that the GDA has a no show/no award policy? So if you can't go to the awards you are taken off the nomination list? If that's true then him not being able to attend would explain why he isn't nominated. Anyone know?

  7. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Seriously, no nominations??? What is wrong with them??? HJ did really well this year. I'm glad he's not attending.
