
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

[Vid] Kyu Jong Watched 'Three Musketeers' 11.15.11

Kyu Jong gave a lot of support to Young Saeng's maiden performance at last night's 'Three Musketeers'. He not only sent flowers and watched the whole time but also went home together with him as you can see from this video taken by HeStory. And as they were leaving the building, he even cheered Young Saeng together with the fans waiting for them outside the venue.

Here the video from HeStory uploaded on , their official YT channel. Please DO NOT re-upload vid in any other streaming site including YT.


  1. Happy to see that Kyu Jong appears to be feeling better after getting back from Japan...

    And isn't he always our eternal center? He stands by the moto of 'One for All and All for One'...

    Totally Off the Subject~~~~~~

    Is the stage door always by the Ladies Room??? Wahaha~
    (have been home with a fever so not thinking straight...sorry... But wasn't this true also at Yong Theatre?)

  2. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Thanks for sharing the video. Kyu is always the adorable one. I like your motto-One for all; All for one. He was the one started the cheering (clapping hands) among the fans. Kyu got an reward-a yellow box of (?) candies/snacks! YS looked relax after the show. Hope we can see more about the musical.

  3. Anonymous4:49 PM

    how can i not love this sweet boy?kyujong ah ur always sweet...u have such a good heart...more blessings to u...u always interact with ur pretties... #kyuisthekindestidol we loveu;)

  4. Anonymous4:51 PM

    one thing i also notice...if u pause the vid @0.05 there's He' it edited?
