
Tuesday, November 01, 2011

[Vid & Pix] Kyu Jong at Busan 10.31.11

Kyu Jong had a fan singing event in Busan yesterday and so far I've seen only few photos. I'll be sharing them at the end of this post but let me share with you first this video from taken at Busan train station where in Kyu Jong was seen taking KTX (Korea's high speed rail system). By taking KTX, Kyu Jong will be in Seoul in three hours. Which means he will have some timebto take a nap.

Here's the video shared on YT. Please do take note that owner of this video 안녕, 왕자님 ( has requested everyone to please DO NOT re-upload this video.

Much thanks to veggiedelight for the tip.

How can you not like this young man? Look at how he greets his fans... just like his friends. So adorable, nice and kind Kyu Jong. Sigh...

Here's is a set of photo from the fan signing in Busan that I lifted from Baidu which came from


  1. I love the way kyujong is loving his pretties. Always so sweet <3...Mr. Handsome Nice Guy Kyujongieslyc

  2. Okie dokie... Can't believe how absolutely 'superlicious' he looks! What is it about him???? Or am I having 'hallucinations' because of a really horrible case of Kyufever?!?! Just want to 'lick' the screen... Hey remember I'm delirious because of 'Kyufever'...

  3. Anonymous12:43 PM

    So adorable and kind. Gently and sincerely nodding his head to greet his fans. I am totally mesmerized and attracted by Kyu. Hope he come back SOON.

  4. so handsome and so can you possibly not love this person! i wish KYU all the happiness!

    thanks for this video! good job guys! ^^ it never fails to nourish our SS501 cravings hehehe
