
Monday, December 05, 2011

[Article] Hyun Joong to Appear in Chosun's 'Speed'?

Much thanks to Stephanie for the translation of this news article which some of us have already been been hearing/reading. Since the rumor about this came out, Korean fans have been discussing this on different fora and message boards. I heard that many are not happy that Chosun is the broadcast station.

Anyway, the title says that it is 'confirmed' that Hyun Joong is starring in this. But when you read the article it says that no contract has been signed yet and from KE offer has been made.

For now, let's wait and see for KeyEast's final confirmation.


[News] Kim HyunJoong, Confirmed To Cast In TV Chosun's Drama 'SPEED'

Source: Nate
English translation: Stephanie /@5StarsAs1/
Please leave the credits remain intact when repost. TQ! :)

Debuting from the idol group SS501, singer Kim Hyun Joong is confirmed to star in Jongpyun channel, TV Chosun, upcoming latest drama 'Speed' as the lead cast.

As reported from broadcast medias, Kim Hyun Joong is confirmed as the lead actor for the expected new mini series drama next year April called 'Speed'.

According to the TV Chosun's authority on 5th December through the line with MyDaily, 'We've already discussed with the agency regarding the details of Kim HyunJoong's casting in the drama. Still, we have not sign the contract'.

On the other hand, Kim Hyun Joong's agency, KeyEast's representative said, 'We received the offers and we are currently reviewing positively'.

The blockbuster drama 'Speed' depicts a car-racing plot and it garnered many attentions as the director for this drama, Yang Yunho have also directed the movies 'Libera Me', 'Fighter In The Wind', and also KBS2 TV drama 'Iris'.

Aside from Kim Hyun Joong, actor Lee JungJae and SNSD's member Sooyoung are also expected to join the cast. It is known that Kim HyunJoong will be putting aside his solo singer's activities and focus on the acting industry in the first half of 2012.


  1. Anonymous11:11 PM

    Good luck for Hyun Joong in the new drama.
    Love and support him forever.

  2. Anonymous6:53 AM

    what ever Hyun Joong does, singing or drama i will always support him.

  3. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Practice makes perfect -HJ will become a better actor the more dramas he work in. Even the good actors once upon a time took many, even small roles,some were child actors before they made it big on the small and big screen. Only very few actually become good actors at first attempts. Even dancing and singing HJ himself said he trained hard for them (2 yrs as trainee,5 yrs as SS501 member,plus training/practice for BD and Lucky and all other performances.Nothing comes free.

    So he needs every opportunity that comes along to perfect his craft and we can only support him and cheer him on.Fighting !

  4. Anonymous10:57 AM

    leader, all the best.
    will support whatever you do.

  5. Anonymous5:27 PM

    I agree, practice make perfect. However, I rather he be in supporting roles with veteran actors than be the lead with idol actors.

    I don't know what to think about this drama since the Korean fans are so against it. If the reasons they stated are valid, then I'm worried for him too.

    I know that KE has been good to him, however I question KE choice of dramas for KHJ. Playful Kiss was not a good choice. He should not have acted in another remake with a similar character for his first leading role.

    And with the controversies of Speed, it's not a good choice either. The role of race car driver seems perfect for KHJ, however the issues surrounding the drama make this fan nervous. Not to mention the lead lady might be from SNSD. So many more issues will come up.

    Anyway, whatever his choice will be I hope it will be a successful drama. Can't wait to see him on TV again.

  6. Anonymous2:55 AM

    I believe this role could make him into a global star if he accept it. I remember a lot of his korean fans were very against him taking the role of My pet so he ends up rejecting the offer. We all know who ends up getting the role instead ( JKS ). Even SM already said that ratings in South Korea means nothing if you can not sell it to oversea market. The success of the drama is based on how many countries it is being sold to. I really hope that he accept the role because he will be working with a great director and a great co-star actor LJJ.
