
Wednesday, December 07, 2011

[Article] No More 'Speed' for Hyun Joong Due to Busy Sked

Alright, after a few days KeyEast now is saying that Hyun Joong will no longer be doing the drama earlier rumored as he will be busy with his Japanese album. Hmm, I think there is again another change in plans for Hyun Joong in 2012. I remember earlier that it would be world tour, then later on changed to drama, and now it's going to be Japanese album. Oh well, whatever is the plan next year, I am sure it will still be anticipated.

Hmm, I wonder if the decision has something to do with the fans reaction. Anyway, let's wait for more news on which drama Hyun Joong will be doing next year.

Thanks to Stephanie for sharing this on her blog.


[News] Kim HyunJoong Rejects TV Chosun 'SPEED'..'Tight Schedule'
Source: Nate
English translation: Stephanie (@5StarsAs1/
Please leave the credits remain intact when repost. TQ! :)

Singer-actor Kim HyunJoong had reached his final decision whether to cast in the TV Chosun's drama 'SPEED'.

According to Kim HyunJoong's agency KeyEast director, Shin JeGwang to OSEN, he said 'We will definitely review optimistically if we received any good drama offers, however, because Kim HyunJoong will be releasing his first official album in Japan on January and followed by the promotion activities throughout China on February-March, it will likely be very difficult to arrange his busy schedule together with the drama.'

'SPEED' is scheduled to air next year on March-April, a blockbuster drama that depicts the battle of the car-racers & dealing with the fates. The director for this drama, Yang Yoonho have also directed for the KBS2 TV drama 'Iris'.

Thus, Kim HyunJoong have rejected the offer to cast in this drama. Aside from Kim HyunJoong, they are currently still discussing actor Lee JungJae and SNSD member, SooYoung to star in this drama.


  1. Anonymous8:39 PM

    I had a feeling that it has more to do with fans reaction to reject this role. If it is so, then I have respect for KeyEast. KE actually care about what fans think.

    I do hope KHJ will get a role similar to the one he was supposed to get for Speed, but for one of the main broadcasting stations. I hope they will not cast him in anymore role like his previous dramas for a while.

    Looking forward to see him in a drama, hope they didn't cancel plan for a drama altogether.

  2. Anonymous2:01 AM

    I can not believe that he decided not to accept this drama . First My Pet and now Speed. I hope his Korean Fans are happy now. Isn't Kyu Joong drama also in TV Chosun ?

  3. Anonymous2:39 AM

    I am gld he did not chose you are my pet.. He never suited the role.. he is too tall and manly to play a pet and I believe it didnt do well in korea plus the controversy with men's association in korea.. Well, i was actually keen on seeing him in Speed but I guess KE knows what is best. though in my heart i feel khj really wanted to do this.. i could sense his excitement when he said he is doing a drama.. i hope he is not to disappointed..
    But does this mean he is not doing any drama next year.. they say he has tight schedule.. comon we are dying for a drama from him and hopfully something like speed and for the fans sake in a major tv station..

    I just hope khj is happy with what he is doing..

  4. Anonymous5:56 AM

    drama about cars dont seem so Interesting
    to me and idont like him to act with snsd girl coz he need real actress and snsd have the worst fans ever so he better of

  5. Anonymous5:57 AM

    @Anon 2:39- I share your thoughts re KHJ's excitement about doing a drama around these said months that he couldn't even wait for the official announcement. Like you I hope he is happy with his management decision.He always say that is the difference between DSP and KE ,that the latter lets him do what he wants.

    It seems KHJ is so popular that there are those who can't resist riding the anti bandwagon because only by saying something different that they can manage to stand out. But they are in denial or they are actually KHJ closet fans, otherwise how can they make those comments if they did not watch his dramas. Which is in a way good if the criticism has been made with good intentions and not out of maliciousness.Any body in public eyes need criticism for improvement.

    I don't know how valid are fears that KHJ drama rating will suffer in Chosun TV.There are good dramas already being shown in cable TV and 9 including Speed is slated next.Many stars are in them and broadcast people already made their transfer.

    Those in SK should not involve stars in their politics (if indeed that is the one of the fears)and made "guilty"by association. After all it is bread and better -nothing personal,just work.

    As far as rating is concerned,of course cable TV is just starting to get their share in the viewing pie,so expect low rating initially.But if they offer good content in their programs, eventually they should be at par with the terrestial biggies-MBC,KBS and SBN for viewers. Even SBN took awhjile to get into the league bigtime.

  6. Anonymous8:17 AM

    @anonymous 5:57 AM - I absolutely agree with everything you said.

  7. Anonymous12:19 PM

    leader, what ever choice you made, we are the fans always support you !!
    leader, excited for the coming album.
    love you more for being caring ......

  8. Anonymous1:00 PM

    what is the "closet fans" ?!
    isn't you spend 15 minutes to type your message here just to speak out your own opinion ?!
    khj Leader is the one being offered the role. he has the final right to say yes or not, so ?!

  9. Anonymous2:20 PM

    It felt more like KE & KHJ was bullied out of the role than "listening to the fans". Airing on regular channels such as KBS & SBS did not guarantee rating either, so why not try the cable channel? Just look at HBO, Showtime & the awards they collected in recent years.

    Was this just another smoke screen by SM to push out the competition so its artists can monopolize the drama industry? Or is it some so-called fans with hidden agenda that did not wish KHJ to move too far ahead? This whole thing stinks.....

  10. Anonymous10:06 PM

    I don't understand,what's wrong with this channel?Why are objections everywhere?Can someone tell what's really going on?I'm really confused...

  11. hi 10:06.

    Just to let you know and the others who do not know what the fuss is all about, TV Chosun is a new channel and it's a cable channe. It was just recently launched. It was allegedly said that the CEO running that station had some political links to the ex-president.

  12. Anonymous12:34 AM

    I really hope the victim here is not our darling boy, Hyun Joong-ssi! What I meant was, I hope he wasn't forced to reject the drama cause the fans or anti-fans were giving extremely negative response. He was so looking forward to acting again, and who knows, his sudden trip to Hollywood, aside from doing some music planning with SL, might also be an opportunity for him to forget his disappointment... I hope he's alright though! Take care, Hyun Joong-ah!

  13. Anonymous2:35 AM

    hi, @12.34
    He & his fans just like a big family.
    he is loved by us, that is why there are many participating on that.
    he respects his fans opinions, but I do not think that becomes the burden to him. Leader is a guy clarified brain !!
    He has us, he also have KeyEast. he gets the advices from his agency. they analyze things with him together.
    I believe leader is the one who make the final decision based on the acquiring info & his plan ahead activities next year.
    So no worry, just do our best to support him in everything he does.
    thanks ^^

  14. Anonymous2:47 PM

    yes! I agree with anonymous 12:35AM ....leader n KE know what they must do....don't worry...just give our love n support to our leader....

    just wait what are the activity for leader soon.......

    KHJ Leader fighting!
    Triples S fighting!
    Henecia fighting!

  15. Anonymous6:24 PM

    Agree with 2:35AM.
    Hyun Joong knows what is best for him.
    Love and support Hyun Joong whatever he does.

  16. Anonymous1:43 AM

    Hj is a very wise young man. He knows what is best for him and his career. And he also have KE who stands behind him. So far, i'm very impressed with the way KE is taking care of our hyun joong! Whatever it is, we should support Hj all the way! good luck hj! and i heard he's in my hometown currently. ahhh... wish i can bump into him before he goes back to korea! that would be awesome cuz he not's in LA often!

  17. Anonymous7:10 AM

    wow, a lot of conspiracy theories and unnecessary worries. with hyun joong, changes are inevitable as he wants to accomplish a lot of things despite limitations, most important of which is time.

    all i do as a fan is enjoy KHJ in any way i can in any media possible. all in good stride and all according to how KHJ see fit. am happy that he is busy with projects so that i can experience him in the near future.

    so U:zoosin, choose well and fighting!
