
Tuesday, December 06, 2011

[Pix] Kyu Jong @ Drama Filming Site

Since yesterday, we've been seeing photos and videos of Kyu Jong from Twitter and some fora filming for the upcoming drama 'Saving Ajumma Go Bong Shil'. Here are two photos from@kajenoiro which I am shoving here that I got from the tweet of @yyann.

'Saving Ajumma Go BongShil' will start airing on the 17th of December at TV Chosun (same cable channel as 'Speed' of Hyun Joong (if he's really going to do it). Kyu Jong will appear on epsisode 7.

1 comment:

  1. sinthia3:51 AM

    WHAT????? We have to wait till episode 7!! woah such disappoint news. =\
    well.. at least we can see him acting!! \o/
    I'm so excited about this drama. Hope it receives a lot of attention!Can't wait to see our Kim Kyu JJANG in action.^^
