
Thursday, December 01, 2011

S/Tweet Treats 11.14 to 20. 11

Tweet compilation on week 3 of November. Much thanks to xiaochu fo doing this.

Only on his first few performances and Young Saeng seems to be enjoying musical. I guess we'll get to see him in more later.

I enjoyed so much reading all the tweets from this week. Much thanks again to xiaochu of Quainte501 for the translation and compilation.


[Trans] S/Tweet Treats 11.14.11
Korean to English translation by xiaochu @

Re-post with full credit please.

2011-11-14 @ 2:21 AM
ljhmj85 HyunWoo and YoungSaeng kekeke Sorry HyunWoo-yah You are older and bigger.keke

2011-11-14 @ 4:38 PM
JUNUSofficial Completed posting^^ @new_puture @ss_thankyu @kylinangela @goddess0501 @ysjkhj501 @k_hyebin @7_7777777 @misspmm @hostory3253 @dsfoojh @1993yeun

2011-11-14 @ 6:10 PM
HyungJun87 Why am I so tired today

2011-11-14 @ 6:16 PM
ocd75 @HyungJun87 HyungJunah.. Let's strive on.. My lips are dried up...TT_TT

2011-11-14 @ 7:44 PM
lik0918 @HyungJun87 Piropiro -*
xiaochu : *piro also means tired


[Trans] S/Tweet Treats 11.15.11
Korean to English translation by xiaochu @

Re-post with full credit please.

2011-11-15 @ 1:37 AM
mystyle1103 Rainbow is already 2 years (debut) anniversary??keke Congratulations!! Be a group that develops even greater in the future too!! Congrats^^

2011-11-15 @ 1:41 AM
Osh_yoru @mystyle1103 YoungSaeng hyung!! Hwaiting for your performance today!!

2011-11-15 @ 1:54 AM
mystyle1103 @Osh_yoru Thanks~~keke I must do it wellTT TT Come to the theatre and support!!!keke

2011-11-15 @ 2:04 AM
musical717 @mystyle1103 YoungSaeng-ah~~Congrats for your first performance today!!^-^ Do it like what you've done always, Hwaiting~~~~~~!!!!

2011-11-15 @ 4:03 AM
Ljyvery @mystyle1103 Heo'tagnan are you able to sleep well??It's your first performance~].[Hope you have a sweet dream....

2011-11-15 @ 7:56 AM
Jisook718 @mystyle1103 Oppa T T Thank you~]_[!!! We will work hard and become the juniors you can be proud of!!!!

2011-11-15 @ 8:25 AM
sethshinsungwoo keke Really nicely drawn!! Hwaiting for the performance today too! Today is YoungSaeng's first performance!! Hwaiting!!

2011-11-15 @ 8:28 AM
poimin73 @sethshinsungwoo Hwaiting!! It feels like challenging YoungSaeng country bumpkin to a duel today keke Let's so it lightly^^

2011-11-15 @ 8:32 AM
portos724 @mystyle1103 Good morning!!!! SungWoo hyung-nim has already woken up Quickly go so as to do well for the rehearsal! Hwaiting for your first performance!!

2011-11-15 @ 8:34 AM
poimin73 @portos724 @mystyle1103 YoungSaeng has to go early because it is his first performance?? Anyways, country bumpkin Hwaiting!!

=2011-11-15 @ 10:18 AM
poimin73 @mystyle1103 YoungSaeng-ah, hwaiting for your first performance today!!!See you at the theatre!!And today's coffee should be treated by you, YoungSaeng!!!!keke The performance will then go well keke
2011-11-15 @ 10:20 AM
musicalactorKSH @poimin73 @portos724 @sethshinsungwoo Sure~ke @mystyle1103 YoungSaeng-ah~ Treat us~~~kekeke

2011-11-15 @ 10:21 AM
musicalactorKSH @poimin73 @mystyle1103 Starcoffeeshop* ice americano venti... This is our style keke
xiaochu : *I guess it's starbucks

2011-11-15 @ 10:34 AM
musicalactorKSH This week started with my timeline jam-packed with our hyung-nims' mentions and watching the congratulatory messages of award ceremony...! This week is YoungSaeng's open... and bye JiHoon, JunMo... KyuHyun haven't even started...kekeke^^; Anyways, guess will perform today with pretty much of nervousness....keke YoungSaeng-ah! Crash!!~^^

2011-11-15 @ 12:50 PM
Yoonhye90 @mystyle1103 Oppa heehee I only saw it now heehee!! Thank you. We will be nice juniors. Will work hard! Three Musketeers Hwaiting

2011-11-15 @ 2:09 PM
mystyle1103 @musical717 Thank you~~keke By the way, I couldn't really get to sleep today TT TT

2011-11-15 @ 2:10 PM
mystyle1103 @Ljyvery I didn't have a nice dream TT TT I couldn't even sleep well TT TT Please look after me today!!!keke

2011-11-15 @ 2:12 PM
mystyle1103 @sethshinsungwoo Thank you for yesterday!!keke I had some runs on my own before I went to sleep.. Even after one round of run, I couldn't get to sleepTT TT Please look after me today!!keke

2011-11-15 @ 2:13 PM
mystyle1103 @portos724 keke Today is totally!! I must show Heo'tagnan!!ke See you later!! Hwaiting~~~~keke

2011-11-15 @ 2:14 PM
musical717 @mystyle1103 What are you going to do since you couldn't sleep...ToT Nevertheless you will do well~^-^But.....Jack the Ripper team and actors/actresses, students are watching it today.... keke Do your rehearsal and come soon~~ kekekeke

2011-11-15 @ 2:14 PM
mystyle1103 @poimin73 Coffee~~~~~~keke If I get jinx for this....TT TT Hwaiting!!!!

2011-11-15 @ 2:15 PM
poimin73 @mystyle1103 Jinx???????What???!!!

2011-11-15 @ 2:15 PM
mystyle1103 @musicalactorKSH @poimin73 Wow!!!!!!!!! keke

2011-11-15 @ 2:17 PM
mystyle1103 @musical717 Gasps..This......the stress index........TT TT

2011-11-15 @ 2:17 PM
mystyle1103 @poimin73 Jinx..that the performance will go well only if I buy coffee..kekekeke

2011-11-15 @ 2:18 PM
poimin73 @mystyle1103 kekeke Maybe only if you do that then you'll do well kekeke

2011-11-15 @ 2:19 PM
Ljyvery @mystyle1103 Kyahahaha!!!Come quickly!!!Heo'tagnan!!Everyone is waiting for you!!!!kekeke

2011-11-15 @ 2:27 PM
musical717 @mystyle1103 keke Hwa..i..ting!!!^-^ But~ Rehearsal is using a cover TToTT We will be working hard too!! keke

2011-11-15 @ 2:42 PM
poimin73 @Ljyvery @mystyle1103 You haven't go yet??Heo'tagnan??keke
2011-11-15 @ 5:20 PM
b2ment [Heo YoungSaeng] Heo'tagnan! First performance is coming up in a few hours. heart throbbing ♥ heart throbbing ♥

2011-11-15 @ 5:28 PM
Hyejin0813 Today is Kim HyunJoong Japan Tour Fan Meeting 4th city Hiroshima~~~~

2011-11-15 @ 5:56 PM
seanalexander23 Hyun Joong Beats Out Gaga and Coldplay - KHJ is #1 this week in JAPAN! smile.gif yayyy!

2011-11-15 @ 6:23 PM
Osh_yoru @mystyle1103 My heart has already went there..TT YoungSaeng hyung hwaiting!!!

2011-11-15 @ 8:13 PM
No_Eul @mystyle1103 Oppa Thank you~!^^Ha-it That's right~ It's cold so be careful not to catch a cold!

2011-11-15 @ 10:34 PM
JUNUSofficial Thank you for the confirmation shot^^ RT @KylinAngela:@HyungJun87 @JUNUSofficial This is the confirmation shot of the pepero! heehee I was feeling blue cos I didn't do well for Suneung exam but I felt better when I won the pepero!][ Thank you! HyungJun oppa Jjang!^TT^I love you ♥ ♥

2011-11-15 @ 10:56 PM
leejeehoon79 YoungSaeng-ah - Did you do well?keke I'm curious

2011-11-15 @ 10:54 PM
2kjdream I became a fan of Heo'tagnan... TT Heo YoungSaeng handsome guy.. Ah ah Great Jjang!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2011-11-15 @ 11:15 PM
poimin73 @leejeehoon79 He did well!!!!^^

2011-11-15 @ 11:16 PM
poimin73 @mystyle1103 Well done and thanks for your hard work!!! Try to think back again what you've done well and what you have not done well today^^

2011-11-15 @ 11:24 PM
poimin73 What is scary about that......“@00001_: Gasps..ScaryRT @poimin73: @mystyle1103 Well done and thanks for your hard work!!! Try to think back again what you've done well and what you have not done well today^^

2011-11-15 @ 11:27 PM
leejeehoon79 @poimin73 @mystyle1103 That's great.. Anyway, I'm glad that it went well without any big accidents.. Thank you for your hard work^^Thank you for all the hyungs' hard work too ke

2011-11-15 @ 11:32 PM
poimin73 He bought us coffee though keke “@HSKMJlove: Done well for the performance, and thing he did not do well is not buying coffee.....? RT @poimin73 @mystyle1103 Well done and thanks for your hard work!!! Try to think back again what you've done well and what you have not done well today^^

2011-11-15 @ 11:32 PM
mystyle1103 @leejeehoon79 Euheok~~ Extremely strenuous!!keke Even so, I did my best!!!keke Please monitor on me next time!!!ke

2011-11-15 @ 11:33 PM
mystyle1103 @poimin73 Thank you~~keke I must think deeply into it today!!!keke

2011-11-15 @ 11:35 PM
poimin73 YoungSaeng did very well today for his first performance But even us, actors, will have to reflect on our performance every time... What we've done well and what we have not..If we've done well, we will hold on to it and if we have not, then we must change. This was what I meant^^ I am not saying that YoungSaeng did something wrong. Please don't be mistaken^^

2011-11-15 @ 11:36 PM
mystyle1103 Finished my first musical performance Three Musketeers today!! Relieved~~~keke Thank you very much to everyone who came today!! Hyung-nim and Noo-nim who were together for the performance!! Everyone in the ensemble~~ All the staffs~~You've worked totally so hard!!!!!!!^^ Three Musketeers Hwaiting!!!!!!!!keke

2011-11-15 @ 11:36 PM
poimin73 @mystyle1103 YoungSaeng-ah, your fans seems to have misunderstood me keke I'm not scolding, everyone^^ is like a mother and teacher to him

2011-11-15 @ 11:37 PM
musicalactorKSH @mystyle1103 You've gone through alot, well done...^^ Have a good rest and come back after you've recharged again~ Let's give an even better (performance) on Thursday~ke

2011-11-15 @ 11:41 PM
wndks1116 @mystyle1103 Hyung, I also want to go ..! And it's my birthday tomorrow

2011-11-15 @ 11:48 PM
zippoxv @mystyle1103 Congratulations~^^ You've worked hard~

2011-11-15 @ 11:51 PM
zerotic0124 @mystyle1103 You've worked hard~~~!!!!!!!!Ssaeng~~


[Trans] S/Tweet Treats 11.16.11
Korean to English translation by xiaochu @

Re-post with full credit please.

2011-11-16 @ 12:03 AM
b2ment [Heo YoungSaeng] First performance of Three Musketeers musical has ended. Thank you for the hard work~Heo'tagnan! You will be busy visiting fans' dreams today~ Good night

2011-11-16 @ 12:05 AM
musical717 @mystyle1103 Very well done today^^ Thanks for your hard work!!! Clap clap clap~~~!!

2011-11-16 @ 12:13 AM
wltofha123 @mystyle1103 Oppa, congratulations for having a successful first performance today~~!^^ Strive on for the remaining performances~!!Hwaitingg!!keke

2011-11-16 @ 12:15 AM
blackjosunho @2kjdream heehee Three Musketeers is sure great~~

2011-11-16 @ 12:24 AM
ljhmj85 @mystyle1103 Thanks for the hard work!!Country bumpkin!!You were great!!

2011-11-16 @ 12:33 AM
hanzangsuk @mystyle1103 You've went through alot. It's your first performance, but sorry I couldn't go. I will definately go on Thursday or if I couldn't make it, I'll find some other time to go^^* Have a good rest Heo'tagnan!!

2011-11-16 @ 1:12 AM
jjjjjin2yo @2kjdream Did you go watch it alone!! - -

2011-11-16 @ 1:12 AM
jjjjjin2yo @mystyle1103 Looking forward to Heo'tagnan keke

2011-11-16 @ 1:25 AM
Ljyvery @mystyle1103 You've went through alot today~ You should have taken a pic before you went off~?ke So cold-hearted...kekeke See you again when you're doing your next performance~ Let's go for a drink when you have time~Hope Heo'tagnan will be a big success~Very well done for your first performance

2011-11-16 @ 2:42 PM
jooyoung0224 @mystyle1103 Oh oh keke Thanks for your hard work!!! Should go and watch it together keke

2011-11-16 @ 7:26 PM
boxjoon @mystyle1103 You've done well for your first performance~ I'll go and watch it soon! Control your condition well until the very end, Hwaiting! ^^

2011-11-16 @ 8:57 PM
Hyejin0813 Kim HyunJoong Yokohama performance ends~~ Singer.Dancer.Staffs you've worked hard. Fans' support were great ke Now going on to the 6th city Nagoya


[Trans] S/Tweet Treats 11.17.11
Korean to English translation by xiaochu @

Re-post with full credit please.

2011-11-17 @ 1:23 AM
HyungJun87 RT @90KKB: Friday, 18-Nov Made in BS JAPAN I am appearing in the live telecast at 6pm

2011-11-17 @ 12:14 PM
leejeehoon79 @sonya3543 @mystyle1103 I should be going to watch it in December ke

2011-11-17 @ 7:08 PM
Ljyvery Heo'tagnan!!! Your face is moribund!!!!!keke

2011-11-17 @ 7:20 PM
JUNUSofficial PIC : offer a sacrifice to spirits for DRAMA. Always cheer me up!!!!

2011-11-17 @ 7:19 PM
JUNUSofficial Releasing the GoSa ritual* scene from KBS N Drama [She's Completely Insane!] which HyungJun is acting in~!! We hope that the drama will become a huge success.. everyone, please give your utmost support~!!

*GoSa ritual = shamanistic ritual in which food is offered to the spirits in order to avoid misfortune and bring good luck

2011-11-17 @ 8:55 PM
JJangNew After practise, eating a whole chicken with KyuJong hyung and HyeongJin hyung nyam nyam..

2011-11-17 @ 9:07 PM
2kjdream @JJangNew Nyam nyam .. !! Nyam nyam .. !! It's delicious !!! ^^

2011-11-17 @ 11:20 PM
sonya3543 @mystyle1103 YoungSaeng-ah~Well done today^^ I should have done even better, sorry~^^ Let's do it even better on Saturday~^^

2011-11-17 @ 11:35 PM
wndks1116Takes 1 hour and 30 minutes from YoungSaeng hyung's house to my house, on the train with Park JiBin


[Trans] S/Tweet Treats 11.18.11
Korean to English translation by xiaochu @

Re-post with full credit please.

2011-11-18 @ 12:36 AM
Ljyvery @sonya3543 @mystyle1103 Noona~^^Heo'tagnan~^^ You've went through alot today~heehee I want to try and have even more fun when we go and have our other district performance kekekeke

2011-11-18 @ 1:22 AM
mystyle1103 Am I really such a lucky person? Hyung-nim..Noona.. Emsemble actors who are doing the Three Musketeers with me.. are all great!! It is my first musical.. but is even possible for me to even do it with such nice people? Those who did that.. Thank you very very much!!^^ My second performance! Ends~~~ kekekeke

2011-11-18 @ 1:30 AM
musicalactorKSH @mystyle1103 It's because you are a nice kid, kiddo~keke Thanks for your hard work and have a good rest~^^

2011-11-18 @ 1:41 AM
wltofha123 @mystyle1103 YoungSaeng oppa, you were very very cool today too~~!!kekeke We will be very very happy if we get to meet such a kind 'tagnan oppa like you oppa kekeke Oppa, thanks for the hard work today too kekeyou are a nice kid, kiddo~keke Thanks for your hard work and have a good rest~^^

2011-11-18 @ 2:01 AM
ljhmj85 @mystyle1103 Treat us to...bomb shot* heehee
xiaochu : *Bomb shot = beer mixed with soju

2011-11-18 @ 2:04 AM
wltofha123 @ljhmj85 @mystyle1103 Oppa treat us to sashimi or something kekeke you're always only saying keke

2011-11-18 @ 2:05 AM
ljhmj85 @wltofha123 @mystyle1103 Wanna come my house?

2011-11-18 @ 7:43 AM
portos724 @mystyle1103 Kid!!! Hyung too............

2011-11-18 @ 12:35 PM
bibarijy2094 @mystyle1103 It's all due to YoungSaeng, your good fortune keke We're also good to have known you. Hwaiting for the remaining performances too!!!

2011-11-18 @ 3:18 PM
mystyle1103 @musicalactorKSH Thanks for your hard work too for the performance today!!!keke

2011-11-18 @ 3:20 PM
mystyle1103 @ljhmj85 Bomb shot!!!!keke Should treat for once!!!keke

2011-11-18 @ 3:19 PM
mystyle1103 @wltofha123 You must be tired since you're always doing the performance!!TT Girl~~~ Keep it up for the performance today!!ke

2011-11-18 @ 3:21 PM
musicalactorKSH @mystyle1103 Yea~^^ Have a good rest and let's play again tomorrow~^^ke Ah...! Can't come today...? It's JiHoon and JunMo last performance....hee

2011-11-18 @ 3:22 PM
mystyle1103 @portos724 keke Pirate King Porthos!! Hwaiting for your performance today too!!! ke

2011-11-18 @ 3:23 PM
mystyle1103 @poimin73 Such great words...... Kya~~^^ Nice~~

2011-11-18 @ 3:24 PM
mystyle1103 @sonya3543 Must work even harder in the future!!!keke It's a fun performance so I will work hard while enjoying!!! Ajaaa!!ke

2011-11-18 @ 3:25 PM
wltofha123 @mystyle1103 Yes oppa~~!^^Gave me strength keke Today is JiHoon oppa's last performance TT TT We'll shout nicely that we will put in our best kekekekekekekekekeke

2011-11-18 @ 3:25 PM
portos724 @mystyle1103 Yea Thank you Heo'tagnan

2011-11-18 @ 3:25 PM
mystyle1103 @bibarijy2094 keke Thank you!! For the remaining performances to come!!14 performances~~~ Hwaiting!!!^^

2011-11-18 @ 3:27 PM
mystyle1103 JiHoon hyung~~~~ Today's your last performance!!! Strive on!!!^^ I am always supporting you!!!!!^^ All for one!! Three Musketeers Hwaiting!!!

2011-11-18 @ 3:52 PM
Actor_ParkJiBin @mystyle1103 Hyung, why are you writing so much of ~yot*
xiaochu: *in YoungSaeng's last tweet, he use 'yot' instead of 'yo' in his sentence..

2011-11-18 @ 4:30 PM
Hyejin0813 Kim HyunJoong Japan Tour 6th City Nagoya!!!! In the 3 days in Nagoya, we didnt go anywhere else besides attending schedules and dorm ke Today's support at the performance is no kidding ke

2011-11-18 @ 5:36 PM
Actor_ParkJiBin @mystyle1103 Hyung, I was going to confess I came out wearing a white zip-up hoodie yesterday...went off in it... I'll return it tomorrow~

2011-11-18 @ 4:52 PM
mystyle1103 @Actor_ParkJiBin So what do you expect me to do about it! - -

2011-11-18 @ 6:03 PM
HyungJun87 I am a guy doing GoSa ritual!

2011-11-18 @ 6:04 PM

2011-11-18 @ 6:07 PM
mystyle1103 I am not performing 16 times of Three Musketeers..It's only 14~TT TT Why am I already feeling sad...TT TT

2011-11-18 @ 6:19 PM
wonjhan @HyungJun87 Do well for the filming...Let's go sing after you finish the filming..!!

2011-11-18 @ 6:48 PM
KKong81 @HyungJun87 HyungJun-ah, it'll be a big success!!!!!

2011-11-18 @ 8:44 PM
HyungJun87 She's completely insance. Daebak!

2011-11-18 @ 8:55 PM
ocd75 @HyungJun87 It'll be a big success~~~~ HyungJunah~~~

2011-11-18 @ 10:15 PM
JUNUSofficial [Notice] With everyone's fervent support, we have decided to release digitally, My Girl repackage album that was included with the DVD. It will be released on 21-Nov at 00:00, we hope for your much support. (More details at official homepage)

2011-11-18 @ 10:22 PM
JUNUSofficial [Notice] DVD Album(is repackage album of [MY GIRL]) digital release~!!! on November 21 00:00. (Official Homepage :

2011-11-18 @ 10:42 PM
JUNGYEON1023 @HyungJun87 Viewship rating 40% ke ke


[Trans] S/Tweet Treats 11.19.11
Korean to English translation by xiaochu @

Re-post with full credit please.

2011-11-19 @ 12:04 AM
HyungJun87 @KKong81 I miss you

2011-11-19 @ 12:05 AM
KKong81 @HyungJun87 Me too!!!!! Should run HyungJun-ah... Should have given you sunglasses but I'll give you a call soon, be careful not to catch a flu

2011-11-19 @ 12:17 AM
Ljyvery @mystyle1103 They told me to let you know that it's 17 performances including Daegu?? heehee Don't feel so sad~!!

2011-11-19 @ 12:20 AM
junefuck @HyungJun87 @KKong81 How about me?

2011-11-19 @ 12:26 AM
KKong81 @junefuck @HyungJun87 I'm always missing hyung

2011-11-19 @ 1:48 AM
JungMin0403 Aht! It's SuNeung tomorrow? JungMin is supporting you from Taiwan! Strive on~!!!! I will work hard everyday just like taking exams~!!^^ I've uploaded this because I couldn't find any photos! Rice cakes! Please stick~!

xiaochu : *Rice cakes are given to students taking Suneung as a good luck for the exam. Because the rice cakes are sticky, they are supposed to 'help' you stick to your good grades.

2011-11-19 @ 1:52 AM
mystyle1103 @leejeehoon79 Thanks for your hard work for your last performance!!!^^ I will miss you~~ TT TT

2011-11-19 @ 1:53 AM
mystyle1103 @Ljyvery If count the ones at Daegu...keke That's still so far away~keke Last month of 2011 with Three Musketeers~~~keke

2011-11-19 @ 1:53 AM
eunjinsocial @JungMin0403 JungMin-ah~~~!!!Suneung has long ended, you're just talking about it now~~!!kekeke

2011-11-19 @ 1:54 AM
Ljyvery @mystyle1103 In a sense, because I gained alot of people~^^ I like it alot..keke and also tweeting to Heo'tagnan like this kekeke

2011-11-19 @ 2:39 AM
leejeehoon79 @mystyle1103 I will go and watch^^

2011-11-19 @ 3:51 AM
dde_lee @HyungJun87 : I'll go to the filming set!! First darama as male lead. Have a huge huge success~^^

2011-11-19 @ 10:24 AM

2011-11-19 @ 11:42 AM
babyj616 @HyungJun87 Jjun-ahng~But seems like the hospital gown sleeves is too short for you?!!!TT kekeke Do well for your filming Hwaiting!!!

2011-11-19 @ 2:32 PM
2kjdream @eunjinsocial I also voted (agree with) for what noona said !! hee

2011-11-19 @ 2:33 PM
2kjdream @HyungJun87 Hospital gown.. looks sick.. treat me to dinner..!! heehee

2011-11-19 @ 4:02 PM
Hyejin0813 Kim HyunJoong Japan Tour, 7th city, Tokyo!!!!!!! It is raining today-

2011-11-19 @ 8:28 PM
HyungJun87 Fun drama filming.

2011-11-19 @ 8:30 PM
glowb_0730 @HyungJun87 Should match with me too besides JaeGu oppa..


[Trans] S/Tweet Treats 11.20.11
Korean to English translation by xiaochu @

Re-post with full credit please.

2011-11-20 @ 2:34 PM
mystyle103 I hope there won't be anyone taking photos during the performance today~~

2011-11-20 @ 2:44 PM
HyungJun87 Ah. CF filming is tiring

2011-11-20 @ 2:54 PM
wonjhan @HyungJun87 If it's too tiring, I can always stand in for you...kekekekeke

2011-11-20 @ 4:26 PM
yejupark @HyungJun87 You...looking ...too..tired...aren't you..kekekekekekekekekekeke Well-taken~~

2011-11-20 @ 9:49 PM
HyungJun87 @ocd75 TT-TT I am an asshole.
xiaochu :*He said that cos he failed to go and watch ocd75's performance

2011-11-20 @ 9:50 PM
ocd75 @HyungJun87 No~~It's okay~ You'll definately come next time right?

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