
Thursday, January 19, 2012

[Article] Interesting Interview by ISPlus with Hyung Jun

@tzeyin28 has another translation to share for all of us that I am shoving her from her FB fanpage. Much thanks again for your hardwork tzeyin28!

This is an interesting interview by isplus. He has matured and I am saddened by the fact because it means that I am really getting old. ^^ Nah, kidding aside, I am happy to see the progress of this boy/man (all the members).


[News] Interview: SS501 Kim Hyung Jun became an actor after going solo

Photo provided by S-Plus Entertainment
Reported by kjseven7 @
Chinese translation: Candy盛 + Crystal敏 @ 初心-金亨俊中文网 (
English translation: @tzeyin28 @

Note from tzeyin28 : I apologize for my grammatical errors. Please re-post with full credits!

In the KBSN cable drama “Glowing She!”, Kim Hyung Jun (25 years old) plays the role of Kang Min who is uneducated and will depict a sweet and romantic love story with the television script writer So Yi Hyun (28 years old). One of the reasons why Kim Hyung Jun received many comments on his drama debut is because he made his debut as a member of the idol group SS501 and he’s the main lead of a drama now. However, he has no time for those prejudices because he just wants to achieve his new year’s resolutions and surpass his colleagues who are better than him.

Kim Hyung Jun expressed, “I know there are a lot of things to worry about, but I’ve been practising my acting skills diligently over the past year. I want to show you what I’ve got and win a newcomer award at the year-end drama awards ceremony.”

Even though he caught a cold and couldn’t stop coughing, he still had the ambition to be an “Ambitious Idol” in the eyes of God.

---The “Ambitious Idol” began his acting career---

“I’ve always wanted to act and I think it’s the best way to express myself after going solo. I’ve been practicing my acting skills last year. Fortunately, I’ve been being a radio DJ for a long time and people tell me I’m quiet because of my vocalization. This is just the beginning, but isn’t a good start half way to success? So please anticipate it.”

---What’s the audience’s reaction to the first drama broadcast?---

“The drama casts and the director watched it together. The director said ‘You’ve worked hard. Just keep up the good work.’ The seniors also encouraged me ‘Don’t forget your initial determination. You can become a good actor if you keep up the good work.’ We’ve received a great response from the audience, I think it’s because I didn’t expect too much.”

---Lost 8 kilograms---

“People seem like they know why I lost some weight. I hope they can take a new look at me. I took a photo of myself before my workout and I couldn’t even recognize myself.”

---Uneducated Kang Min in the drama looks realistic---

“Come to think of it, my manager hyungs have made me cry before. I’ve been hurt by things they said. Kang Min doesn’t want to let others know he’s hurt so he deliberately does things wrong. If he met someone who understands he pain, he would open his heart to her. He would have feelings for her if she were to be his guardian angel.”

---Being compared to Kim Hyun Joong because of his acting skills---

“I think it’s a healthy competition. I was envious of hyung when he casted in “Boys Over Flowers” and I really wanted to act. Now I’ve begun my acting career too. I feel embarrassed when people compare me to hyung. I’ve worked 5 times harder in order to not defame SS501. I must receive a rookie actor award this year.”

---Received congratulatory phone calls from his group members---

“Not long ago, I talked on the phone with Kyu Jong. He said ‘I’m always watching your drama. Let’s have a drink after you finish filming your drama.’ Other members went overseas, so they sent me text messages instead. We’re all living our busy lives, thus we aren’t able to keep in touch with each other as often as last time. However, I know how much they miss me.”

---Falling in love with senior TV script writer So Yi Hyun---

“It’s tiring to fall in love with a noona (So Yi Hyun) who’s like a brother to me. However, she looks totally beautiful in front of the camera after applying make-up. Up until now, I had only been in relationships with younger women. When I was dating them, I was reluctant to accept the sad fact that I had to always take care of them. I’ve had some painful experiences, therefore I want to date older women from 2012 onwards.”

---Once dated someone in the entertainment industry---

“I’ve had feelings for a designer who’s the same age as me because we’ve got along with each other for a few months. When I was 20 years old, I easily had feelings for the girls whom I got along with. When attending dinners, I couldn’t help but pay more attention to them because their appearances attracted me. However, I’ve never contacted them.”

---Ideal type---

“My ideal type is Moon Chae Won. I like her voice so much. Her dignified and elegant appearance suits my style. Junior female group A Pink’s member Son Na Eun is very beautiful. 4Minute’s HyunA has sexiness that doesn’t match her age and no words can describe her charisma.”

---Became a senior idol---

“I feel like I’ve changed a lot as I’ve gotten older. I can fall asleep while cutting an apple or looking at my phone. I slept only 2 hours a day without feeling tired during my debut days. Nowadays, I need to adjust my sleep schedule. I eat deer antlers currently.”

---Artists he recently gets along with---

“Jang Geun Suk is the kind of friend who appears once every two invitations. I like his ‘coolness’. When I look at him 100 meters away, he still looks like an artist and he acts like we’re living in the same community. Song Seung Heon hyung would probably appear just once if I were to ask him out 10 times. Haha. We got closer after I attended his fanmeeting. I would like to thank him for coming to my birthday party.”

---Self-evaluation of his solo career in 2011---

“I have done some things well and made some mistakes. Seeing the idol groups that debuted together with us carry out their promotional activities makes me think ‘It would be great if we worked even harder in a year’s time in order to win a gayo daejun award’. I have regrets but I think we still have a chance. On the other hand, I have a clear conscience because I live up to my name ‘Ambitious Idol’ while carrying out my solo activities.”


  1. Anonymous10:30 PM

    Always envious with Leader.

  2. Anonymous11:35 PM

    @ Anon 10:30
    He is not envious. There is nothing to be envious about. They are successful in their own field. I don't think baby is ALWAYS envious of leader. Be careful of what you say. We all know that even if he said it's a healthy competition, baby still looks up to leader. Can't you just be happy for Baby that he has finally gaining the attention he deserves??

  3. Anonymous11:40 PM

    oi, 10:30 is another narrow minded person. think first before u write anything. possibly u r the one who is envious? peace!

  4. Anonymous11:50 PM

    hostile fan at 10:30
    Envious is a nice word to use. WHo is not envious of someone who does well? It's a compliment for KHJ. Envious is good, JEALOUS is not.

    You are probably KHJ's fan and is jealous to see articles of HyungJun (or even other members') running, and complimenting them aint you?

    IMO, HyungJun may not have that level of popularity KHJ enjoys but he does act better, so I don't know why you are fussing? (Or you are actually fussing because of this very reason?)

    Would you rather that, when HyungJun or other members are being asked about KHJ, he/they brushed KHJ aside by answering things like "He means nothing" "I don't think of him that much" or even "He doesn't bother me much"??

    I would beg you to loosen up and not cloud yourself with negativity everytime when KHJ name is being mentioned in HyungJun's or PJM's articles. Loosen up.

  5. I think Baby admire Leader's hardwork and he wants to do his best too :)
    anyway,,i found Baby's drama ep 1 engsub from Blackrose FB fanpage,,courtesy of sunshinejunnie from YT :
    did I credit it properly??hehe,enjoy girls :)

  6. correction : BlackRose50101 FB Fanpage^^

  7. Anonymous12:26 AM

    you people are funny, the first commenter getting attacked like that for one word she said - envious. what the hell? calling yourselves fans when you're so defensive and non-tolerant and impatient of others. shame on you.

  8. Anonymous1:31 AM

    @Anon 12:26

    Even a 3-years-old child can realize the maliciousness in the first comment. How old are you?

    If you are Leader's fans, dont leave the comment like that. Pls make him proud of you!

  9. Anonymous2:40 AM

    @anon 1:31 - you're truly disgusting. if judging from words you can sense "things" you're a real bloody oversensitive person. you should be the one asking how old you are.

  10. Anonymous4:02 AM

    Thought I would actually make a visit here since I hadn't been on this blog in a long time. See that nothing has changed so I'm out of here once again.

  11. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Since when are green peas so aggressive? Guys, let's stay peaceful and calm, there is no reason to get worked up about anything. There is always going to be someone who will want to break the peace/cause trouble, but we need to ignore them and just enjoy what we get. Maknae looks up to Leader, we all know that, an envious is a form of flattery. It doesn't diminish anyone's worth. A lot of people admire how hard Leader works, so what's wrong with that? Our Maknae has always admired his hyung. Triple S know this.
    I hope all green peas stay the way they were before, supporting all five and not causing trouble. Remember that THEY don't like it when we fight, and THEY are the reason we are here :)
    Yay Maknae! You are doing great, keep the good work up. I see an even brighter future ahead!

  12. slimz18089:34 AM

    its such a nice article .. gals get a hold of urself..
    I seriously dont sense anything with the first comment .. kyu says that all the time too... but anyway, that's only 1 line outta the whole article..

    what caught my attention in the article is.. baby changed his ideal type?!!no more BOA!! heeee.. in her place is 3 other females .. ^^

  13. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Thank you so much for posting this up Liezle. I'm really happy for baby! Indeed, he has matured a lot. It's also nice to know that he still want SS501 to achieve an award. Like him, I also believe that they still have a chance.

    Much as I would like to ignore, I hope the people who come and check this blog would focus more on the article and not the other people's comment. It takes certain amount of time and Liezle is doing a great job of keeping all of us updated about our boys. She deserves more credit for this.

  14. sinthia11:00 AM

    yay!our baby is such a adorable guy! He's always so honest in his interviews. Love his ambitious attitude. I think he'll achieve his goals very soon. I'm so glad that people are putting attention on him now.I also hope he gets an award for his acting.Our maknae really deserves all recognition.^^
    Thanks Tya for the link! I was anxious looking for the eng sub.
    Hyung Jun fighting!

  15. Anonymous1:00 PM

    The translation here is not accurate. There are things she translated wrongly probably "lost in translation", some she left it out. Only jun has translated it now. Please re-read it to get the whole pic

  16. Anonymous1:46 PM

    I read the first published article translation and at first i had thought "oh gawd baby has put his foot in his mouth ... what will triple s say?" but now that i read the other translation on onlyjun i really see how he matured and is so humble.

    first I thought that he was embarrased to be associated with hyunjoong leader because he worked 5 times harder than leader on his acting and as a result is beign praised for it whereas people normally make fun of leaders acting. even tho i love baby i was a little taken aback.

    The version of translation posted on onlyjun said that he was really envious to begin with and wanted to act too just liek leader but now that he has started he feels he is not up to leaders level yet so when people compare them he feels he is still lacking and therefore gets emabrrased.

    Confession- I love glowing she - its one of my fave dramas of all time so far and i think baby is AMAZING at acting - more so than leader! but i love that baby is so humble <3 all of our boys are so sweet!! I remember in one arabic radio interview at kbs world they were all asked what they thot of leaders acting and they all said he was great - then the lady laughed at them and was like "really?" and they were bewildered bc they werent lying but they truly think well of eachother and support eachother all the time.

    Truly i feel that SS501 is unlike any other group out there because they are so humble and always trying to improve themselves. they are true brothers and love and respect eachother so much. Im so porud to be a triple S - a fan of such amazing sweet men!!

  17. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Humble and always trying to improve - yes. true brothers - maybe not. at least its not happening between some of them. Plus I suspect JM is always in overseas purposely to avoid everything, such as keeping in contact or avoiding the possibility of a comeback. I mean whoever travels so frequently? Just my $0.02.

  18. Anonymous6:40 PM

    I wish the media stay away from questions involving hyunjoong its heart crushing to see fans like this.Maybe hyunjoong is crying somewhere...but maybe he likes his members to be competative with him just like in kyujongs interview he dont mind a friendly competition with his hyung but what do you expect they are on a solo mission right now so an ex idol got to do what an ex idol have to do regardless who like it or please stop this squabble and leave hyunjoong alone.Just my tot dough....peace peeps
