
Friday, January 27, 2012

[Article] Kyu Jong is a Handsome Waiter in 'Saving Ajumma Go Bong Shil'

Yipee! I think we will be seeing more of Kyu Jong in the coming episodes of 'Saving Ajumma Go Bong Shil'.

Much much thanks to xiaochu of Quainte501 for sharing the translation of this article on their website.


[news] ‘Go BongShil’ Kim KyuJong, Transformed into Totally-Precious Waiter ‘Mother's smile automatically'
Credits : OSEN (reporter : + (English Translation) xiaochu @


*Totally-precious is a slang that is used to show affection for people/things, it's a combination of 2 words, perfectly/totally & precious/prized/valuable

From group SS501, singer Kim KyuJong transformed into a cute restaurant waiter.

Kim KyuJong gives off his warm attraction in the role of Nicky, a reserved, good looking, totally-precious cute guy, in TV Chosun’s weekend drama ‘Saving Ajumma Go BongShil’.

In the recently filmed episode 14, Kim KyuJong transformed into a handsomely tall restaurant waiter wearing a blue dress shirt and putting around a black apron that fits his body nicely. With a dotted bow tie and a bright smile, his cute attractiveness is gaining attention as it is a complete opposite of the prickly Nicky seen so far.

In the drama, Nicky started working as a flower boy part-time staff in SeokCheon (Hong SeokCheon)’s shop. Over here, Go BongShil (Kim HaeSook) accidentally met Park WonSook (Kim HyeOck) again after many years. Go BongShil and her Itaewon family’s exciting relationship will begin from here.

Drama representative said “When Kim KyuJong came out with the changed clothes, his handsomely tall image made the female staffs broke into all smiles. In addition, Kim KyuJong is usually very polite and shows that he is always working hard, so the big seniors as well as the staffs are all mesmerized by him. In the future, Nicky will be involved with the Itaewon family and InYoung (Luna), and will be showing even more charismatic image, so I think it will be worth to look forward to it.”


  1. Anonymous12:21 PM

    he's so cute.....i cant wait to watch...very excited....^_^ love him..:-)

  2. Anonymous12:47 PM

    I CANT WAIT! OMG! More Kyujong, more Nicky! Yes pleaseeee!

    You can't blame the staff for being mesmerized, this man is too good to be true!

  3. sinthia4:23 AM

    he looks good with any attire.
    can't wait to see more of our cute-handsome waiter hehehe. =3
    hope from now on he has a lot of scenes!

  4. Anonymous12:50 PM

    excuse me waiter!!! can i order you instead? take out please...omo~! our kyujongie so cute and handsome...innocently HOT^^ woot woot! fighting our kyu~~
