
Friday, January 13, 2012

[Article] Lower Age Bracket for Sunshine Girl

Oh, I thought all along that the show is 15 and up since I read earlier that most of those who are watching are teen to their twenties. Anyway, happy to read about this. Honestly, I find the drama enjoyable to watch.

Thanks to xiaochu or Quainte501 for the tip on this article.


[News] ’19 or older’ no more! ‘Sunshine Girl,’ now rated ’15 and up’
Source: TV Report
Translation by dkrogers @

The first episode of KBS’s series Sunshine Girl was rated 19 and up and caused a furor among viewers. From the second episode on, the series will be rated 15 and up.

On January 11, KBS N, drama agency, said that the series will be rated 15 and up from now on. As a result the first episode will be also rated 15 and up for a repeat.

The first and the second episodes of the series aired on the same day, on January 7, but only the first episode was rated 19 and up and made many people wonder why.

Since Kim Hyung Joon, who debuted as an actor through the series, has lots of teenage fans, the supporters voiced their complaints: “I was eagerly waiting for the series to air but my parents didn’t allow me to watch it.” “I can’t watch the series after all?”

Kim’s foreign fans also left comments on their social network services, including Twitter and Facebook: “Why was the series rated 19 and up?” “I’m worried that the series may be rated 19 and up even when it is exported.”

But the second episode of the series was rated 15 and up. A repeat for the first episode will be edited to be rated 15 and up.

The series is about writer Jun Ji Hyun (played by So Ee Hyun), producer No Young Woo (played by Park Kwang Hyun), and top star Kang Min (played by Kim), who will form a love triangle.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:39 PM

    thank god for that. it was pretty awkward to see that. glad they decided to change it
