
Saturday, January 21, 2012

Highlights of the 2012 Kim Hyun Joong Fan Meeting in Seoul 01.21.12

The two hour ‘2012 Kim Hyun Joong Fanmeeting in Seoul which was attended by many fans of Hyun Joong from many country just finished. The FM was held at Jamsil Stadium.

From the tweets, Hyun Joong sang, 'Let Me Go', 'Breakdown', 'Please', 'Thank You' and 'Happiness' in the first half of the show followed by an interview.

Below are tweets of wonderrrgirl during the interview. Super thanks wonderrrgirl for taking the time to share some of the highlights from the interview.

  • After being introduced the MC welcomed HJ on stage HJ said "Thank you everyone, so many of you for coming. I'm Kim Huun Joong"
  • At the course of the interview, Art and Matic, Hyun Joong's dogs came.
  • Matic (male) loves Art (female) he keeps finding her. Hyun Joong said "don't love her! Don't love her!"
  • According to wonderrrgirl, Art and Matic live at the training school so HJ cannot see them often.
  • Hyun Joong said about his dog "if Art go first, Matic will surely follow after her"
  • Hyun Joong's plans for 2012? He said "New album, world tour"
  • Activity with fans : choosing the 'worries' fans have. (fans wrote their worries just now)
  • To one fan Hyun Jong said "your worry... I don't know what to do either honestly (smile) let me think about it. "
  • According to the interview, Hyun Joong spends 2hr a day to take the dog for walk and give dog massage. Then a fan said Fan: 'that's takes alot of time.. " HJ: "..honestly, u don't like dogs right?"
  • Hyun Joong wrote to one of the fans: "I hope a boyfriend will appear for you"
  • Hyun Joong said he is planning for a new album this June
  • At the end of the interview he then sang 'Love' . He said this is the song that he really want to sing to the fans

Second part started when he sang 'Love'. Other songs he sang 'It's Fortunate' (with a lucky fan!), 'Kiss Kiss', 'Do You Like That', 'Lucky Guy', 'One More Time', 'Lucky Guy', 'I'm Your Man' which is his last song. But fans still wanting an encore. For his encore he performed, 'Because I'm Stupid' and 'Lucky Guy' once again.

Fan meeting ended. Much thanks to @Hyunniversal0606 and to @wonderrrgirl for tweeting what is going in inside the concert. We now wait for high quality videos and photos.

For the meantime, here are just few photos I picked up from Twitter mostly re-tweeted by cll_slam10 from the tweets of @khjean14, thanks slam! Much thanks as well to those who painstakingly took the photos below and shared with us.

tweetted by @wonderrrgirl


  1. Anonymous7:19 PM

    Thanks for all the updates, liezle! Were there 2 sessions and how many lucky fans in all came? Looks like a lot! Hoping to see lots of fan-cams and pics~

  2. Hello 7:19. You are welcome. There is only one session of FM.


  3. Anonymous10:28 PM

    Love Art and Matic.
    Hyun Joong is cute and 4D as always.

  4. Awesome! All the fans who attended the FM were so lucky for having the opportunity to be in the same room with HJ. It must have been an incredible experience for everyone. For us, who couldn't be there, we are so thankful of these videos and photos. Thank you Liezel. Ahhhhhh... HJ is so handsome and I love his voice always... and who doesn't .

  5. Anonymous5:32 PM

    Thanks lezle for the updates! By the way, i thought there was an event before the FM? Something to do with Lotte DFS? Sorry, not too sure about the event's name but what was the turnout for this event? Was it for only a small amount of lucky draw participants?

  6. @Anon 5:32pm

    It was for the Japanese fans only. it was part of the Lotte DFS' marketng strategy to carry out a star's fanmeet with its Lotte promotion.
    and yah, it began before the real KHJ fanmeet at 6pm that day, about afternoon time 2pm+.
