
Thursday, January 19, 2012

[HQ Vid] Hyun Joong's 'Kiss Kiss' Japanese Version MV

We waited for the HQ version and here it is now. Loads of thank you to for sharing on her YouTube channel. Much thanks as well to veggiedelight and candy for sending the link on where to view this nice music video of Hyun Joong's 'Kiss Kiss' Japanese version.

Here's the vid for everyone's viewing pleasure.


  1. Anonymous10:31 AM

    I love this MV, it's too adorable for words! I loved the part where he fished the gift, so cute! And his dancers as his helpers were cute too!
    Even the girl was really cute, for a second I thought it was Hani from PK! :D

  2. Anonymous11:16 AM

    The scarf looks like the scarf Hwangbo made for him (⌒▽⌒).

  3. Anonymous9:41 PM

    the scarf part does reminds me of Joongbo :) cute video!

  4. Anonymous11:13 PM

    Hyun Joong is so cute & lovely.
    Hope his debut in Japan successful.

  5. Anonymous12:12 AM

    It seems people are reminded of persons paired with him before.Can't be helped.

    Wishing Hj bountiful harvest for all his hardwork in Japan debut.

  6. Anonymous1:40 AM

    Wha, kakui! This seems so ideal.^^ Too cute to be true.^^

  7. Anonymous8:22 AM

    this MV is just TOOO cute~!!!!!!!!

    i was smiling from beginning to end (and i think i see shades of hyun joong's personality in it......

    some of the playful stuff seems completely like what he'd do..... keke ^^)

    hyun joong, hwaiting~!!! o^0^O love ya!

  8. Anonymous1:53 PM

    The mv is so cute. HJ looks amazing as always. I love the fact that HJ always has Artmatic in his vids. He's always sharing his spotlight with them. :)
