
Friday, January 06, 2012

[Media Pix] Hyun Joong @ Beijing TheFaceShop Promo 01.04.11

Here are media photos from that were from TheFaceShop Promo Tour in Beijing by Hyun Joong that happened yesterday.

Whoa! There are l fans got 'heart' from Hyun Joong. They're so lucky!


  1. Anonymous2:49 AM

    Just love the way he tries to look at all the fans from the upper floors. He may not give the best fan service, but he sure tries. Love him for that. :)

  2. Anonymous3:23 AM

    love leader's red shirt, it really match the atmosphere of this month in China. red is symbol as lucky in China.
    hope leader will have a wonderful time with all the Chinese fans there.
    leader, all the best, good luck to you ^^

  3. Anonymous6:53 AM

    What is best fan service? Always smile and wave the crowd?
    I don't think so.
    Best fan service comes from his heart, free concert for fans.

  4. Anonymous7:52 AM

    hi, @6.53am
    in my opinion, all the things you mentioned are considered the best fans service.
    they can warm the fans' heart up or make the fans feel the happiness.
    But curiously, why you suddenly come up this subject but in this article ?!
    you know very well your topic will bring some "good chat" in this one.
    is it want you expecting, are you rally that appreciated him ?!

  5. Anonymous7:58 AM

    sorry, iam 7:52am, the word "rally" should be "really" in the last sentence.

  6. Anonymous12:18 PM

    @ 6:53 Well of course its free because he made a lot of money these past few years! He has the chance to have a free concert and I know that some idols would love to have a free concert but they can't now ... so some just stick to smiling and waving which is always good (: Anyways I love that leader is showing love and appreciation to his fans. I wish the best of luck for him and the other ss501 members for 2012 !!! (:

  7. Anonymous2:09 PM

    i agree some of your view, but the free concert is not because he make a lot of money. it is his ways to thanks the fans supports & by his side of these years.

  8. Anonymous3:26 PM

    I lve the way Hyun Joong shows to his fans, not others.

  9. Anonymous8:11 PM

    he is so handsome but looks a bit tired. or is it only me feeling?

  10. Anonymous9:29 PM

    Not a valid reason saying that since HJL'd made a lot of money that's the reason why he gave free concerts. I believe there are a lot of artistes who make a lot of money but i don't hear them giving free concerts now, do they? He has always stated that he'd like to give free concerts to his fans even before earning big bucks or the present explosive fame. That has never changed and knowing HJL, it'll happen again cos he's not one to be stingy with his money especially when it comes to his fans. He's a man of his words and that's the best fan-service, in my humble opinion.

  11. Anonymous12:08 AM

    9:29 PM
    Total agree with you.
    For me HJ has best fan service.

  12. Anonymous5:44 AM

    9:29 PM
    Totally agree with you.

    in addition, HJL introduced lottery system in music program seats for his fans.
    so only his fans doesn't need to wait all night long to get the tickets.
    there are a lot of singers in K-Pop industry, but only HJL did this for his fan's safe and convinience.
    do you know how many fandoms envy this?
    smile and wavig might be just an attitude, but HJL's thoughtful action is extremely distinguished one.

    i think HJL has the best fan service ever, too.
    he is really the 'only one'.

  13. Anonymous6:03 AM

    Yup i do agree Hyun Joong gives the best fan service and it comes from the heart.. Others may say they love their fans.. smile, wave, blow kisses, act cute, tweet pics, selcas.. Its brings a smile to the fans faces but showing the love in action.. free concerts, cheap tickets, looking out for fans safety, convenience, making sure his Korean fans are not forgotten when he goes to Japan, charity, giving peppero to fans on peppero day.. these actions warms anyone's heart.. I agree that its not only about having money coz not all idols making money do that.. its actually the thoughtfulness of the person..

    I am totally satisfied as a fan.. and BTW fan service also includes his awesome albums, dramas, performances.. which were just mind blowing.. He is our one and only..

  14. Anonymous6:37 AM

    I think the best fan service is

    -when he says buy only his album if they can afford it

    -when he tries to stop auctioning his personal belongings because the prices are going up

    -when he tells his fans to go home because it is becoming unsafe

    -when he gives free food because he came late to a fanmeeting

    -very personalized meet and greet

  15. Oppa is definitely the best, he is so caring and nice, but oppa is looking so tired and it's getting older I thought I would never think that..stop drinking so much oppa take care more of yourself T_T

  16. pengfoo9:33 AM

    Hyun Joong is ever so caring & loving of his fans. He always acknowledges their support and thinks about them in every way and more, as listed by all his fans above. He may not be all smiles all the time but he uses more tangible ways to reach out to his fans' hearts.
    Love is much more than just a smile. If you are a fan you know all he has done but if you are not you will only look for what he has not.
    Hyun Joong is LOVE and all about it.
