
Monday, January 23, 2012

[Notice from KeyEast] Hyun Joong Arrived in Japan

A notice from KE was posted earlier about Hyun Joong's arrival in Japan. Here is the translation of the notice courtesy of tzeyin28 shared on her FB fanpage. Thank you!


[Trans] Kim Hyun Joong arrived in Japan
Source: KHJ Japan official site (
Original article:
Chinese translation: 大毛 @
English translation: tzeyin28 @

Please re-post with full credits!

Hello everyone.

Kim Hyun Joong arrived at Haneda Airport on the night of January 22nd.

Everyone braved the cold weather and came to the airport. We’re really happy to arrive in Japan with so many fans’ support.

Japan debut single “Kiss Kiss / Lucky Guy” is finally going to be released on January 25th. It’s specially made for Japan fans. Please look forward to it.

We hope to achieve great success after his Japan debut. Please continue to support Kim Hyun Joong just like you always do.


  1. Anonymous8:53 PM

    Dear HJL, wishing you the best for your Japan debut! Hoping for your continued and greater success now and in the future! 800 fans? Woowee! You go, love!

  2. Anonymous10:48 PM

    Best wish for you and Japan debut, Hyun Joong ah.

  3. Anonymous1:06 AM

    Like the King.
    Love Japanese fans.

  4. Anonymous1:29 AM

    Our prince, love and support you forever.
