
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Photos of Hyung Jun from The Daily Focus Interview

It's been so quiet for the past couple of days and most of the news and tweets that I have been seeing are about Hyung Jun because currently, he's the most visible because of the drama 'Glowing She' and Music High.

I just came from Prettyboy and saw this interview with new photos of Hyung Jun from The Daily Focus which was posted HERE. In this interview he talked about his new drama, his role in the drama. There was a bit of a mention about SS501 and Kim Hyun Joong and BOF. At the end of the interview there was a postscript in which Jang Dong Gun was mentioned and that Hyung Jun mentioned that he also want to act in a movie.

I hope that later, someone will be able to share the English translation of this interview. Meanwhile, as I am not much of help, I will just shove here the photos.

Btw, I just read that from AGB Nielsen Media Research, amongst the cable drama being shown, 'Glowing She' ranked the highest in terms of viewing rate with 1.04%. Congratulations to the Hyung Jun and the casts of the drama.


  1. Anonymous10:40 PM

    In my country, I read news that Korean's audience complain about the bed szene.
    Hope it not impacts negative to the image of SS501.

  2. slimz180811:34 PM

    issit... hmm..i tot its fine.. r korean shows normally less 'hot' or this noona here has higher threshold..
    perhaps the parents r worried abt their kids who idolise him?
    i think its a gamble. rem when kyu came out wif his album pic, there were people who were negative abt it too. people who din like the idea of cross dressing. but now all the big fuss has died down ..

  3. Anonymous12:13 AM

    seriously whats the big hooha? its really nothing compared to some of the korean RA movies like song ji hyo and jo in sung in the frozen flower. nowadays bed scenes are really common and the bottomline is, if you're a real supporter you support whatever they do.

  4. i'd be the first to say that i don't like bed scenes just for the sake of being a bed scene. but if it's needed to develop the character and fits who the character is... then that's OK.

    Womanizer, Self Centered, Arrogant? Yeah, think the scene fits the character. For most actors doing something out of their comfort zone is difficult. That's acting..... Meez thinks it great that "Baby" is developing as an actor...

  5. latchimi12:09 PM

    I felt that he's really putting in a lot of effort into his acting and it shows. Acting is no joke & it requires a lot of hard work & especially acting in this kind of harsh weather.

  6. Anonymous8:56 PM

    Just saying and not trying to start anything but i remember when Leader acted in 'Playful Kiss' there were some really negative remarks about the kissing scenes to the point that some of the 'fans' even stated that they didn't like them so won't be watching the drama. Even going so far as to say that he deserved the low-rating or something really petty/spiteful. Now with this scene of Baby making out, unsurprisingly there's not much disapproval. Have been a neutral though interested observer for some time now and i think it's true to some point when Leader's fans say that as long as it's other SS501 members, the other fans will support them most passionately but when it comes to him, there's always this group of fans who will disparage or belittle his efforts especially when it comes to acting. I find that to be off-putting and I'm beginning to understand why his fans are so very supportive of him and only him. Perhaps I'm wrong to think so but whatever it is, i'm really glad that the members are now beginning to find their individual wings in whatever field they are interested in. However i still wonder how those fans who were strongly against them going solo feel now, especially those who viciously bashed the Leader for supposedly 'breaking them up'. Do you think they ever felt remorse for that and for being so short-sighted? @liezle Sorry for the long rambling~just my pov
