
Thursday, January 12, 2012

[Pix] Kyu Jong in Another 'Let's Go! Dream Team' Filming 01.12.12

Whoa! We will be seeing Kyu Jong again in 'Let's Go! Dream Team'.

Today, photos of Kyu Jong covered with layers of clothing due to the very cold weather in Seoul from the shooting of the show can be seen in related KJ/SS501 related fora, blogs and especially on Twitter.

Here are few raw photos I've seen which came from the tweets of . Thanks! Hopefully, high quality photos as well as videos will be shared on the net later.

I am glad to hear/read something new about Kyu Jong today. As I've said earlier, it's been so quiet and slow with regard to news about our favorites.

1 comment:

  1. slimz18083:17 AM

    these remind me of the 5 in COward MV shooting...
