
Friday, January 27, 2012

[Trans] Staff Report Vol.2 – “Kim Hyun Joong, well done!”

Well done! and congratulations once again Hyun Joong!

I am pretty sure you've read the news on various sites how well the sales of Hyun Joong's album in Japan is doing. Here's the staff report from Henecia Japan translated and shared by tzeyin28 on her FB fanpage.


[Trans] Staff Report Vol.2 – “Kim Hyun Joong, well done!”
Source: Henecia Japan official site (
Chinese translation: wing @ Magic賢 (
English translation: tzeyin28 @

Please re-post with full credits!

Hello everyone.

As previously reported by the media, Kim Hyun Joong showed us his impressive achievement!

“The first overseas singer whose debut single sales ranked No.1 (highest) and broke through 72,000 copies on the first day of its release!”

It’s really a piece of exciting news.

Thanks to his fans~ Very grateful to all of you!

After the interview ended

To celebrate the impressive achievement of Kim Hyun Joong who made his solo debut in Japan and became the first overseas singer to rank No.1 on Oricon Chart

We (staff) are busy with preparations for it…

To be continued…


  1. Anonymous9:34 AM

    I was so hoping that he'd debut at #1 but oh well - at #2 and breaking a record is just as sweet, if not better. :) I'm so happy for him. I can't believe how much he has accomplished as a soloist. I hope it gets even better for him. HyunJoong, fighting!!!!!

  2. Anonymous12:53 PM

    i was not suprised that hj had a very successful debut in japan because he really works hard for what he deserves. all the best to you hyun joong ah! as your fan, i am always very proud of all that you have achieved!

  3. Anonymous9:20 PM

    Well, darling KHJ may not have achieved the number 1 spot but to have sold about 72 000 copies of his mini-album on the first day of his debut is quite impressive, in fact, it's daebak! For a solo artiste too! Have to admit it's rather hard to beat SKE48's more than 200 000 copies but it's not at all something to be disappointed about. It's something to be celebrated since it's another wonderful achievement of our KHJ, and much appreciation to all the fans, Japanese, Koreans and international fans too, i'm sure, for their united efforts! Hope he'll achieve enduring success in all his endeavours!

  4. Anonymous7:03 PM

    I didn't know that SKE48 was a 16 (I may have lost count) member girl group. I can see how they sold more than 200K copies of their CD on the first day now. I thought it was a duo since there was only 2 girls on the CD cover. LOL I don't follow KPop or JPop, just my one and only, HJ. :) Does it really take that many members to sing a 3 or 4 minute song? Sometimes I feel as if these companies are doing it on purpose just to make more profit - more members, more fans, more money. It's so unfair to soloist and smaller groups. Just my 2 cents. But whatever, HJ kicked a$$ with his album sales!!!! :)
