
Friday, January 27, 2012

[Trans] Staff Report Vol.3 – “Kim Hyun Joong’s interview with Universal Music Japan”

This was yesterday Staff Report post that was just translated to us by tzeyin28 over at her Facebook fanpage. Much thanks again.

As in this report says, Hyun Joong will be at the Music Station which actually happened tonight. I have re-tweeted the clips as well as made a blog post prior to this post but unfortunately ASAHI is so fast that it has been taken down from YouTube due to copyright violation. Anyway, I hope later on the vids especially that 'Kiss Kiss' performance of Hyun Joong will be up soon.


[Trans] Staff Report Vol.3 – “Kim Hyun Joong’s interview with Universal Music Japan”
Source: Henecia Japan official site (
Chinese translation: wing @ Magic賢 (
English translation: tzeyin28 @

Please re-post with full credits!

We went for an interview with Universal Music Japan today.

The staff of Universal Music Japan gave us a warm welcome.


(Hyun Joong is) Going to make a guest appearance on “Music Station” that will be broadcast live tomorrow!

Please stay in front of your televisions tomorrow night at 7:59p.m. and don’t walk away from them (TV)!

Everyone in front of the TV please cheer for Hyun Joong~

To be continued…

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