
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

[Vid] Kyu Jong in EP10 of 'Saving Ajumman Go BongShil'

Much much thanks to for uploading this cut from Episode 10 of 'Saving Ajumma Go Bong Shil' on YouTube. Thanks as well to cll_slam10 for tweeting the link.

Too short... but he is such an eye candy.

Oh well, I hope he'll have more scenes later. And I wish that next drama stint, Kyu Jong will have a bigger role. I think he's ready for it.


  1. Anonymous12:01 AM

    i wish he had a bigger role too, our boys are not meant to do cameo appearances! i wish he'll become the lead actor just like leader, else, 2nd lead. but good start though.

  2. sinthia1:19 PM

    It's frustrating see him getting so few scenes in this drama! ¬¬
    Hope his character appears more in the next episodes. His acting is too good to be wasted in few lines!^^

  3. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Haha! I love his acting! I love all his expressions and smirks. <3

    yes, I agree that it is pity, especially for us fans, to see him acting in so little scenes. But I believe in Kyujong's choice. If he wants to take up small role, let him be. I believe that he knows what he wants and his own capability. Sometimes, it might not be that bad an idea to take things slowly. Let him take things slowly and get use to the new industry. Sometimes it can be quite intimidating to join a new industry as a new-comer. So let's not rush him! ^^

    Anyway, Kyujong is fabulous regardless whether it is his acting or his looks. Loving him more and more! :D

  4. Anonymous4:23 AM

    his acting skill is upon the others even its a minor role;
    the others have to stand aside if he is the lead role;
    he shines super !!!!

  5. Anonymous12:55 PM

    i've only been watching his scenes on your site, so first of all, THANKYOU LIEZLE for posting his scenes!

    also, i wish someone would add english subs cuz I don't really know what's going on; however, Kyu's acting is so good, that I can still figure out what is going on :)

    also, just by his role, I think he will get more scenes later on. I feel like this story (between Kyu and Luna) is one that is going to build slowly, but at the end, it's going to be SUPER cute that will just make us fall in love with him even more!
