
Sunday, January 29, 2012

[Vid] Kyu Jong in EP13 of 'Saving Ajumma Go Bong Shil'

Much thanks to HappyBoys_SS501 for tweeting the link to Kyu Jong's cut in 'Saving Ajumma Go Bong Shil'. Much thanks as well to for uploading in YouTube.

Yah so this how Kyu Jong when he is mad... manly, tough and hot.


  1. Anonymous12:48 AM

    simply love his acting. If somebody who doesn't know him watches him act, they will think Kyu Jong is very daring but in actual fact he's quite quiet

  2. Anonymous3:58 AM

    Our Kyu is really nailing his role. Even though his screentime is very little, he owns the scenes he is in. I totally want to see him in another drama is this year!

  3. Anonymous3:59 AM

    so handsome! Center!

  4. Anonymous12:21 PM

    time will come he's going to be the lead actor in a drama or movie...he's acting is great...")

  5. ping01191:19 AM

    I was so afraid when Kyu got mad and shouted at the boys TT
    Angry Nicky is scary!! Brrr... XD Good acting!
