
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

[Vids] 'Glowing She' X-Files

Whoa! Get ready ladies to see how Hyung Jun did the filming of the bed scene in 'Glowing She' in video 1. And geez, in vid number 3 at 2:21 Hyung Jun exposed himself!!!

As I watch the vids cannot help to notice the fun atmosphere surrounding the filming. Ei, it's not only fun to watch the drama but the bts as well, yah?

Much thanks to for sharing the following vids in their YT channel.

Yeah, yeah... I know, I know, I am late in posting this. I actually saw this before I went to sleep last night but forgot all about it until someone reminded me about the vids.


  1. sinthia12:55 PM

    When the director was explaing the bed scene he was looking so nervous. xb

    It's a bit shocking see our sweet baby showing a hasty behaviour as Kang Min. >.<

    It must be really hard for him do an arrogant guy as he is a sweet to everyone around him.

    So lucky that fan!! I'm envious... =p

    Looks like baby is having fun doing this drama. I'm very happy seeing him smiling like that.^^

    I wish he receives a lot of recognition for his acting.

    Hyung Jun fighting!!

  2. Anonymous1:30 PM

    seriously i think baby's acting is WAY better than leader's! in fact i was really impressed, he's such a natural and most of all i'm glad he's given the lead role. i can't stand the other guy in the show though, the 1st male lead :-/

  3. These were good! Thanks for sharing them!
