
Friday, January 13, 2012

[Vids & Pix] Kyu Jong @ 'Let's Go! Dream Team' Filming 01.12.12

We waited until last night for clear photos and vids now they are finally on the net. Here are vids and pix of Kyu Jong from the filming of 'Let's Go! Dream Team' yesterday in the very cold place somewhere in Seoul.

For the following videos thanks to kyuloveaki153 for sharing on her YT channel.

And for this set of photos, thanks again to kyuloveaki153 ( Lifted these photos from the post of 00lanse in Baidu

I am adding here two more photos of well covered Kyu Jong courtesy of kja11010 from the post of Kyu_Polar in Baidu

1 comment:

  1. ping01195:07 AM

    I think you posted the wrong link for the first video.. That's from the previous DT 111127 instead of the latest 120112 one. Should be this ? ^^
