
Friday, February 03, 2012

[Article] Kissing Scene & Swimming Pool Scene Soon in 'Glowing She'

Oh well, I knew it that others wouldn't like the bed scene from the drama but I hope that fans will be more open minded about scenes like bed scene and kissing scene since Hyung Jun is an actor as well. He has to try different things to be versatile.

Anyway since I've mentioned kissing scene, fans should now be ready as we will soon see once in the coming episodes. Also get ready for the swimming pool scene! These were all revealed by Hyung Jun from the interview from yesterday's presscon at the open shooting of 'Glowing She'. Much thanks to jbarky of Soompi for this which was shared on Soompi news.


[News] Kim Hyung Joon Press Conference "Fans Were Angry at My Bed Scene"

by: jbarky / Soompi News

On February 2 Kim Hyung Joon appeared on a “Glowing She” press conference. There he talked about the infamous bed scene. He stated, “For the first episode that was broadcast I had a bed scene. Fans said, ‘That was too racy,’ ‘How could you?’ and got angry with me.”

He continued, “I decided not to read the comments from fans that were written rashly. I thought I should try to be a better actor then reply and try to console my fans through words. I believe that if my acting improves, the fans’ anger will dissipate. Although I have a lot of things to improve, I would like to be an actor that improves a little every day and is loved for that.”

He also stated that the most memorable scenes for him were the bed scenes for him were the bed scene, swimming pool scene, and kissing scene.

Kim Hyun Joong said, “I had to shoot the swimming pool scene naked. I also remember the kissing scene that was filmed a few days ago. I had to be naked for a lot of scenes.”


  1. sinthia2:25 AM

    Sorry for say this, but some triple s are just so childish! Why getting angry by something like a scene? The guy was just doing his work! What fans should do is show him their satisfaction about his acting and enjoy his scenes, instead of giving him a hard time making him worried.

  2. I agree with Sinthia, Fans should have an open minded since Hyung Jun is an actor.. They should expect the unexpected when it's comes into acting... Actors just doing their jobs and for me, Hyung Jun needs to experience this in able to gain his experience in acting. And all we need to do is to support them 501%. Because I know our boys is happy of what they're doing right now.. ^^

  3. Anonymous7:24 AM

    shock at the first but at the second time I think HyungJun is not Baby anymore...

    oppa Fighting!!!

  4. I'm shocked to heard that. ah, so sudden action. em but if that right to his career, ya i will support him ^^

  5. Anonymous9:02 PM

    Why get mad to begin with, not like anyone knows him personally. Frankly the only one with the right to complain about anything isn't anyone who has to follow his life through online tabloids, magazine articles or interview snippets.
