
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Highlights of Kyu Jong's 'First Romantic Party Gift' in Taiwan

The Valentine's date of with Kyu Jong dubbed as 'First Romantic Party Gift' held at Taipei International Convention Centre just ended. From the tweets of reena29shadow who went to watch, I can say the Kyu Jong made a lot of fans giddy with his talent, handsomeness, charm and cuteness. And as what he promised he made surprises (quite a lot) to the delight of the fans.

While we all wait for the photos and fancams, here are highlights from the fan meeting courtesy of the tweets from reena29shadow. Super duper loads of thanks dear for sharing the highlights from the fan meeting.
  • Kyu Jong's first song 'Perhaps Love'
  • He sang 'Wuss Up' in handsome black suit
  • Some lucky fans got rose from Kyu Jong when he was singing 'Perhaps Love'
  • He went to sing 'No More Yes'
  • During Q&A with fans
  1. Fans: 'which part do you start washing when you bath' Kyu: 'don't people start with washing hands and leg?' Fans: 'no, head' Kyu:'what if water very cold? You'll get a shock isn't it?' And he start demonstrating how he start bathing [liezle : so cute!!!]
  2. Fans: 'do you go shopping often? What do you buy most?' Kyu: 'food'
  3. Kyu Jong said that Jung Min sent him a message just now about him in Taiwan
  4. Fan : 'what were you doing on last year velantine' Kyu: 'what was i doing?' *shout across the hall to HyeongJin, 'what was i doing?'

  • After Q&A he sang 'Get Ya Luv'
  • Kyu Jong hide a card under fans chair, the fans who got the card was asked to close his eyes and he ran to stand right beside her.
  • Kyu Jong even sang Chinese song! He sang Wong Lee Hom's 'Forever Love'.. [liezle : Jung Min sang this before as well. From tweets I read, Kyu Jong sang the song well]
  • A video clip of Kyu Jong making chocolates was shown. The title of the video is 'Kyu Jong's Kitchen'
  • After the video, Kyu Jong sang 'My Love' with Young Saeng doing the rap portion in a video.
  • After singing 'My Love' he said that he was shocked when Young Saeng suddenly appeared at the screen at the back of the stage..
  • VJ Ken said that if Kyu Jong release Chinese album, he'll buy 100 copies... Kyu Jong force him to pinky promise with him.
  • Kyu Jong picked a lucky fan to give the chocolate that he made. [liezle : whoa!]
  • Kyu Jong scared fans don't know his birthday... he keep mentioning about his birthdate during the FM.
  • Five lucky fans got present from Kyu Jong . First present he gave out is the hat he used during 'U R Man' promotion
  • Second present is 5 pairs of earrings...
  • Third present is a pair of glasses... the glasses is the one he wore when he went shopping in Korea
  • Fourth present is a sweater... Kyu Jong said that he liked that sweater a lot but after washing a few times, it shrink and couldn't fit him anymore.
  • Fifth present is face massage.... he said this is the most practical gift.
  • After giving out the gifts, Kyu Jong said that all gift were taken from his room... they are all things he used before, please treat them nicely. [liezle : he is sooooo generous!]
  • Fans gave a surprise to Kyu Jong. They gave him a birthday cake.
  • All fans were holding happy birthday banner. Kyu Jong then asked Hyeong Jin to bring his handphone on stage for him to take photo from stage [liezle : ahh.... such a sweet gesture]
  • Kyu Jong's birthday wish :
  • (1) he hopes that his parents and everyone he knows including his team mates and his fans and friends are all healthy...
  • (2) he hopes that he can do well in all his work, be it singing or acting. He can show all his fans a better him.
  • To cap the night, Kyu Jong sang 'Yesterday'.
  • As when everyone thought that it's ending, Kyu Jong wrote/read a letter to fans in Chinese! Kyu Jong wrote that he hopes that he can be fans motivation in future and he will walk with us down the road in future.

Wow! It seems to be a really happy happy Valentine's date with Kyu Jong. All those who came are so lucky to have this moment on a special day with him. I wish I was there T_T. Anyway, thanks again Reena for sharing a lot tonight!

P.S. You guys may want to tweet @reena29shadow to thank her for tweeting the highlights of the fan meeting while the event is in progress. Such a very nice gesture.


At 9:21PM Kyu Jong posted on Twitter photo of him taken on stage with the fans at the background.

Here is translation of his tweet courtesy of @xiaochu1004 on Twitter...

2kjdream pretty gift.. That I received in Taiwan.. And.. Thank you got the valentine's day gift^^!!.. ThanKYU~ finished the wonderful happy fan meeting enjoyably~

Ahh... No words for me but just pure sweetness.


  1. sinthia10:36 PM

    Just like Jung Min says... OH MY GOODNESS OH MY SOUL!This fanmeeting was amazing!!! I said in another post that taiwanese triple s were lucky to have him there, but they were SUPER LUCKY!! Now I regret even more not have been there... T.T
    But anyway, I feel happy that Kyu's first solo fanmeeting has gone soooooooo wonderfully well!! ^^
    I'm sure not just fans but he'll bring memories of this day forever.
    ps: I loved the pic he took showing the fans' surprise. So cute!! *__*

  2. I really really envy the fans who attended his fanmeeting tonight. So jealous. ^^


  3. hello sinthia! i regretted not going too. sigh... i hope there will be another one like this.


  4. Hi Lois, as I was reading reena's tweet I am envious too. The fm in taiwan is very much different from the others.


  5. I am happy being one of his treasure moment. He gives a lot, i cry happily many times. Oh.. Kyu... Dear...!

    However, very envy those lucky fans!!

  6. peace, i am so happy that you're able to give once again your support to kyu jong and met many lovely ts and thankyus. this one is very much especially indeed bec it's not just an ordinary fanmeet but a fanmeet on heart's day.


  7. Slimz18082:03 AM

    Ahhh!!! I enjoyed myself alot ^^ makes me wanting more... Maybe he will be singing Thai song for bkk fm ... Lemme see if I add some to reena's. Hee...
    the host said the stage was designed by kyu... Full of pressies n. balloons.. Just like a child's bd party =)
    When he did perhaps love he distributed roses but ran out of them halfway thru his journey to the stage.. Such a pity....
    Get ya luv was a bit re-mix version..wait for fan cams ^^ he did a dance..ultra cute dance for it..makes me wanna go back n. chk out the lyrics to the song :p

  8. Ohhh..... Just so happy to see that many fans were able to travel to Taipei to support Kyu Jong... OMG.... the Taiwanese gals!!!! Two thumbs up for the warm welcome and surprises you provided... He looks so super duper happy! And that makes me happy!!!!
    Yeah... Wish I could have been there for those special moments but seeing the smile on his face puts a smile on my face....

    Agree with you Peace, "He gives a lot"

    A daily dose of Kyu Jong, will lift your spirits... I call it my "Daily Dose of Kyu Happiness"!!!

  9. Anonymous7:38 AM the support..wish i can be happy for u..

  10. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Asian fans are really really lucky. International fans, especially those in North America, have it hard, because no one comes here, or at least don't host fanmeets, just concerts.
    OMG! Kyu! Love you so much. I'm so glad to see how much fun you had and all the memories you made. All the bets to you, because that's what you deserve!

  11. ping01192:36 AM

    The song Kyu did for Get Ya Luv was super cute!! Made me think of ASCFY.

    He was perspiring non-stop during the Q&A session (after Wuss Up & No More Yes). He said he went for a sauna before the FM wanting to relax himself but instead he couldn't stop perspiring after the sauna XD He also said it was because of our enthusiasm & warmth.

    'Forever Love' was total sweetness TT I was completely mesmerized and couldn't stop squeaking keke. His chinese pronunciation was good too. The MC praised Kyu's good singing and chinese pronunciation and made pinky promise with Kyu that he would buy 100 copies if Kyu releases a chinese album XD

    MC suggested Kyu to put on the ear studs for the fan and he said he is even afraid to put on himself LOL.
    Though Kyu said the white sweater shrank, it seemed to fit him well when he measured it against himself XP
    He did a live demonstration for the face slimming massager, so the fan got it with his perspire ^^

    Kyu wanted to wait for HyeongJin to bring his phone on stage before making his wishes and blowing the candles. He was worried that pretties' arms would hurt after holding the banners for too long. Then the MC said our arms wouldn't hurt because we were leaning them on the chairs XP Kyu: "aah~ is it?", then gestured to raise our arms straight up and we followed XD But he immediately ask us to put down lol.
    He was a little teary when saying his 2nd birthday wish.

    Kyu again mentioned let's grow old together ♥

    After Kyu the Chinese letter, a fanmade video was being played (very well-made and touching). We thought it was the ending, but Kyu suddenly appeared on the 3rd floor to wave goodbye to us, and of course not forgetting his 90 degree bow~

    He was worried he couldn't do well and prepared very hard, but he did really well! He was sincere, thoughtful and sweet throughout the whole event.
    I feel fortunate and blissful to be part of Kyu's first overseas party and had a really happy and enjoyable Valentine's Day, ThanKYU ^^ Let's grow old together!! ♥

  12. ping01192:37 AM

    The *dance* Kyu did for Get Ya Luv...
