
Thursday, February 16, 2012

Another Teaser of 'Fondant Garden' (cute!)

Oh! This one minute preview of 'Fondant Garden' is cute! I am really excited to see it. It looks hilarious. Can't wait to see Jung Min in this romantic comedy series that will start on the 24th of February at 10PM over at CTV.

Watch below for your enjoyment. Much thanks to for sharing on her YT channel. Likewise, thanks to AllforPJM @ Sina Video and @yyann for the tweet.

Opps, let me just give a warning... there is a kiss in this preview. ^^

Here's vid with English subs courtesy of 's YT Channel.


  1. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Real cute. But well, I hope it get dubbed... in Korean...hahaha, even though I understand Mandarin but not Korean.

    One more addition to my TV shows.

    Anybody know which other dramas did this Director directs?


  2. Anonymous11:51 PM

    hehe...he's so cute..^^
    i can't wait for this drama

  3. Anonymous12:45 AM

    haha in the drama he's the heir of CNR? funny!!

  4. sinthia8:17 AM

    I'm getting more anxious to see this drama!! I'm sure we'll have a lot of fun watching our sexy charisma. ^^

  5. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Okay, our Minnie looks so cute! The kiss! Ahh~ He looks Japanese, hahaha.
    If they are dubbing his voice, it better be a good dub. I don't want him super sexy voice butchered!

  6. Anonymous12:50 PM

    it seems like itll be partially dubbed - his korean parts still sound like him but his chinese parts sound like someone else ...
    im really sad - he worked rly hard learning chinese and he spent so much time there when he couldve just done a korean drama instead - it seems like his effort was all wasted :(

    they didnt appreciate him at all - i cant beleive theyre dubbing his voice grrrr

  7. Anonymous12:31 AM

    Jung Min is so cute. They should dubbed his Chinese so that the conversation sounds smooth even though he plays a character of someone who came from Korea but I hope they have a korean version as well. At least then can hear his actual voice. Wonder why not have him speaking Korean and the Taiwanese speaking Chinese. That should be interesting...

