
Thursday, February 16, 2012

[Vid & Pix] Hyung Jun at Incheon Airport 02.15.12

According to Hyung Jun he is off to Hawaii. Fans were curious until a later on it was known that it's for an overseas filming of 'Glowing She'.

Anyway, before he left Hyung Jun tweeted and attached photo to his tweet from the airport. Here is translation of his tweet courtesy of @xiaochu1004 on Twitter.

@HyungJun87 I'll have a safe flight to Hawaii. People who miss me. Byebye. Be careful of catching flu! I am top star Kangmin ~~~~~~^____^

Here are photos tweeted by JunusOfficial.

And here are video and photos from Prettyboy.

Courtesy of YT Channel


  1. sinthia8:15 AM

    Surely he deserves some vacations, but what about his drama? o.O

  2. Anonymous10:24 AM

    I swear I thought Baby was Jaejoong on that first pic. So handsome ^^

  3. Anonymous11:44 PM

    Awww, Baby's holding SS501's Persona photobook. he's taking it with him to Hawaii. How sweet! He must miss them so badly.

  4. Anonymous12:54 PM

    ^ ill bet a fan gave him the photobook to sign or somethign ...

    i wonder if there are triple S in hawaii that met him in the other airport lol

    i hope theyll all come to my city one day - ill go to the airport with gifts and signs and balloons - itll be awesome !

  5. Aloha!!!!!
    Welcome to the US!!!!
    Hmmm... Wonder which island he'll be filming on?
    Hang 10 Baby!!!
