
Friday, February 17, 2012

[Trans & Vid] Fan Made Video for Kyu Jong's Fan Meeting 02.14.12

The fan made video that was shown during Kyu Jong's 'First Romantic Gift Party' has been posted on YouTube and a kind visitor of my blog by the name of Y-mini sent me the link to YouTube channel where it was uploaded. In order for the English speaking fans to appreciate the fan made video, Y-mini translated the the messages on the video. I am really grateful to her for doing so.

I will be sharing first in this post the translation then the video. It would really be nice to know first what the messages on the video before you watch it.

From the accounts that I've read and was told, Kyu Jong's fan meeting in Taiwan was so far the best. Someone even said that she really felt Kyu Jong's sincerity as well as the fans in this event which she never felt in the other activities she had attended. I honestly believe so after seeing quite a lot of videos and from hearing from friends. The venue I was told was overflowing with love from fans and Kyu Jong himself.

Here is the translation.

[Trans] Message on the Fan Made Video for Kyu Jong

Video Title : 2012.02.14 金奎鐘 - 為你鐘情台灣見面會 - 四站聯合應援影片
Video courtesy of Jong Sing, Kyu's, TripleS.TW, and
Lifted from the YouTube Channel of
Translation courtesy of Y-mini

Please re-post with full credits
  • Kyu Jong:
  • We are getting more alike
  • Ya! Ya! Ya!
  • Through you, we see the world differently
  • Those places we both visited are always in our memories
  • As well as the scene behind the door
  • We became like a child who has a pure/innocent heart
  • Your each facial expression is always in our minds
  • When we are exercising
  • When we are writing
  • When we see “___” (some kinds of Korean food?)
  • Even when we are elected to be the class president, we want to be the vice president instead. (Mom: why did you not want to be the president? Child: because Kyu Jong was a VP)
  • The “Only” day, we both think about each other.
  • Even though only through the screen
  • We want to tell you
  • No matter where and when, these words are always in our hearts
  • Time went really fast, right?
  • Today is the 2,442th days since we have met each other
  • Kyu: I am Kyu Jong who is always hard-working. Thank you.
  • Do you still remember the greenhorn/naive young guy, Kyu?
  • Those days you sweated to pursue your dream
  • Those days when you cried alone
  • They just like happened yesterday
  • Those days when you were hesitated or afraid/uneasy/nervous
  • They became the stories of your life
  • You are the one who is always having a lovely smile to face to any challenge
  • You are the one who is always thankful for what you got
  • You put yourself aside and hold back your tear
  • You are the one who always give us comfort and strength
  • You are the most precious lovely person for your Thankyu (Kyu’s fans)
  • You are always the Center of SS501 for Triple S
  • Please believe yourself
  • No matter what stage you are on or what role you play
  • You are always did your best in front of us
  • You are the shiny star in our hearts more than anyone else
  • At the time when you feel tired and lonely
  • Don’t forget to turn your head, look behind you
  • We are always there for you
  • No matter what, we want to protect your smile
  • Because, if Kyu Jong is happy, we are happy
  • Even though we cannot often see each other
  • Even though we cannot express ourselves in the same language
  • We wish you can see our hearts
  • We will stay with you as we always do
  • We love Kyu
  • Because of Kyu Jong … we are blissful/delightful/joyful
  • Let’s stay together … smiling to turn old


P.S. Visitors of my blog who watched the fan meeting shared some more highlights in this post HERE. You may want to read them and know how they felt during and after the FM. Thanks to slimz1808 and to ping0119 for their sharing.


  1. Anonymous8:25 PM

    Thank you so much !! <<33
    suddenly I cried !
    TS Taiwan you did great job <<33

  2. Slimz180810:45 PM

    I cried when kyu read his Chinese letter to us.. Then he went off stage.. Then they showed this next which made me continue tearing! Sobzzz ... Really touched .. Beyond words..
    TS n ThanKYU going for Bangkok FM, prepare tissues!!!

  3. Anonymous10:48 PM

    This made me cry too! I love Kyu Jong he is my favorite member!Its so great to see he has such wonderful fans and thank you for sharing this with us!

  4. Anonymous1:27 PM

    a very nice fancam oh his no more yes performance he's showing his dance ability....i love how he maintain his position at the center of the deed he is the eternal center... and here is wass up perf.. he really dance well...") stunningly handsome baby! singing it like no tomorrow..he really gave his best! he's not even out of breath...he owns the stage ne?

  5. Anonymous4:51 AM

    no doubt it is the best fm so far, the tw fans did love kyu with their full hearts.
    they united & made a great mv to welcome kyu to visit their country; they showed kyu how much he is value in their heart.
    first time i notice the tw fans so great when come to their love.
