
Sunday, February 19, 2012

Young Saeng Played Hoops on 02.16.12

It was reported that Young Saeng played basketball last Thursday, 16th of February. It was also the day when he attended the presscon of 'Sent from Heaven' (a.k.a. 'I need a Fairy') rtogether with the full cast.

Below are photos from the basketball game I lifted from the post of 00lanse on Baidu which originally came from ATIBasket site.

From the photos you may say that Young Saeng went to the game after the presscon as his hair is still has the same curls he had despite the sweatband.

1 comment:

  1. I like to hear about YS exercising. It will help in his singing. And it shows that he is having work life balance :)

    Thanks liezle for transferring my comments out from spam box. I am using chrome now to access the blog, so hopefully it helps. If it doesn't, don't bother. Just let it be spam them :)

