
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

[Article] Hyun Joong in Yahoo! Celeb

This news was all over Kim Hyun Joong community last night when it first came out and many were excited and happy about this. I can't wait to see who would be able to interview Hyun Joong as well as the photos/evidences of the mission which some are kind of impossible. It would really be interesting to know who would win and from what country.


[News] Kim Hyun Joong becomes the first interviewed celebrity on ‘Yahoo! Celeb’
Source + Image: My Daily via Naver
by webe / AllKPop

Singer / actor Kim Hyun Joong will be greeting his fans all over the world fans through an entertainment site that Yahoo! Korea, called ‘Yahoo! Celeb.’

‘Yahoo! Celeb’ is Korea’s version of America’s ‘Yahoo! OMG‘ and specializes in entertainment news from both domestic and abroad that cannot be found anywhere else, and Kim Hyun Joong became the first celebrity to be interviewed by the site.

To commemorate the interview, an event will be held called, ‘Kim Hyun Joong and Yahoo! Celeb’s Mission Interview’.

A staff from Yahoo! Korea said, “Kim Hyun Joong has won three years in a row on ‘Yahoo! Asia Buzz Award”, which shows that he is truly one of the top stars not only in Korea but internationally as well. He has great influence all over and that he why he is the first celebrity to be interviewed on ‘Yahoo! Celeb.’”


  1. Anonymous12:52 AM

    It's great.
    I'm proud of yiu, Hyun Joong ah.
    All the best for you.

  2. Anonymous3:25 AM

    our 4 :DDDDDD LEADER

  3. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Daebak as always !
