
Thursday, March 22, 2012

[Article] Hyung Jun's Cute Morning Selca

I have share earlier new image of Hyung Jun in his upcoming drama 'I Love You' for the past days there have been quite a number of photos of him shared on tweeter with his new look. Here's an article from OSEN which featured Hyung Jun's tweet early morning of yesterday.

Much thanks to Honeyeee of Love501 for sharing this article on Facebook.


[News] Kim Hyung Jun, mischievous expression overflowing in morning selca "Snaps"
Source: OSEN
Translation: Honeyeee @

Re-post with full credits.

Singer Kim Hyung Jun reveals a morning selca sporting a mischievous expression.

In the forenoon of the 21st, Kim Hyung Jun tweeted "Let's go shooting! Sleepy" along with the picture.

In the picture, Kim Hyung Jun was seemingly in the beauty saloon and was wearing a white gown. With his eyes and mo

1 comment:

  1. sinthia8:51 AM

    hsuahsaushaus his dark circles are almost like mine!! >.<
    but serious, baby has been overworking lately,he needs some rest!
