
Saturday, March 10, 2012

[Full Vid] Fondant Garden EP 3 03.09.12

For three consecutive Fridays now, I always look forward to 10PM and stay tuned to CTV at five minutes before ten to watch 'Fondant Garden'. It's a rare opportunity for me to watch drama (real time) on TV in HD as I always depend watching on live streaming (most of the times buffering) or other streaming sites after the drama has been uploaded.

In last nights's episode, the romantic-comedy drama started off by showing Jung Min. As the drama progresses, we hardly saw Jung Min. Episode three showed more scenes between Jian Man Shu and Kingone. Also, there were many back trackings. Don't get me wrong, I am not complaining, I am just looking for more of Jung Min. ^_^

Anyway, though Jung Min has less screen time tonight, in this episode you will get to see him show different emotions. For the past two episodes, we have seen Jung Min as funny and bratty. But last night, you'll see Jung Min looking melancholy in some few scenes, but there are still more of the funny and cute Jung Min . In the scenes where he's looking doleful, I find Jung Min doing a good job. He doesn't look stiff and his eyes can express the right emotion.

Now, let me segue to the NG part. First part of the NG is the NG of Kingone and Jian Man Shu in Seoul. The second part was the very cute NG of Jung Min and Jian Man Shu when JM was carrying her to get the comforter on top of all the stuff piled in the stockroom. If the kiss scene has 15 NGs, this scene has 13. Ei, just imagine how tired JM carrying JMS (despite being petite) after all the takes. Tsk... tsk... poor JM.

Okay, won't keep you long now... here is episode 3 in parts. Enjoy watching. Much thanks to and to veggiedelight for the tip.

Done watching? Episode 4 is something to look forward to again, right? I looks like that the love line between our two protagonists will already be starting. From the short preview above, we've to brace ourselves for some cute scenes between JM and JMS next week .

Here is NG vid.

Btw, the more I look at Jian Man Shu the cuter she gets. You think so?


  1. Anonymous2:39 AM

    I love the drama !

  2. Anonymous6:12 AM

    omg the next episode is going to be good !!!!!

  3. Anonymous3:35 PM

    What is the rating for this drama...anyone knows

  4. Anonymous5:11 PM

    This episode made JM as an idiot. He ate customer's cakes (store-in slice cake or pre-order birthday cake) because "I am hungry! What is the problem? I think the scriptwriter is an idiot. JM is loss his memory but not loss his mind or mental disorder.
