
Thursday, March 15, 2012

[Media Pix & Vid] More of Hyun Joong from AEON Coolish Fact PressCon 03.14.12

More media photos of Hyun Joong came out in Japanese entertainment portals when he went to Japan to attend the AEON Top Valu Coolish Fact Press Conference yesterday in Japan.

Here are photos from and Much thanks to @_tomato99 for the tip on Twitter.

I am liking so much the dark brown hair shade of his hair.

It seems that his arms are more bigger than before.

And here is a video from the presscon from the YouTube of . In the presscon, the new CF in which Hyun Joong was seen on the bed sleeping comfortably with the female model was revealed.

After the presscon in Japan, Hyun Joong went back to Seoul on the same day.

Here is a fancams at Gimpo Airport of Hyun Joong's arrival.

Courtesy of YouTube channel.
Do not re-upload & re-edited this video clip.

Courtesy of
Lifted from the YouTube channel of
Do not re-upload ,re-edit & erase the logo ( no capture & no flash video)
Do not move this video to everywhere that are related "We got married"

Courtesy of YouTube channel.
Please DO NOT re-upload and re-post
in any other streaming sites including YT.


  1. Anonymous9:54 PM

    I so like leader's hairstyle & color now. It really suits him. He and the lady model looks great together. :)

  2. Anonymous10:09 PM

    Hyun Joong looks good for every hairstyle.
    Always handsome, lovely and cute.
    OMG, his smile...
    I want to see him everyday.

  3. Anonymous11:24 PM

    a simple white tee even makes him so puerrrfect. love his hair n arms too.

  4. Anonymous12:33 AM

    want to hug this sexy boy :)

  5. This boy looks good in everything! Love him1

  6. Anonymous10:14 AM

    The actress is lovely and I concur they look good together. Hj is good on any hair color . Of course being Asian our skin tone is really for suited for darker pigmented hair.

    Yes,he has gained weight. Look at his fuller cheeks and bigger neck,not only the arms. Btw,his attire at that UN program has already gone tight for his arms and the pants was hanging higher than usual.

    LOl ,if you are keeping that weight HJ ,better get a new wardrobe.

    But additional weight looks good on him,he looks well rested and very fresh.No wonder on him even old favorite white Tee and denims is given a new lease on its life .

  7. Anonymous9:55 PM

    I've always loved darling HJL in whatever hairstyle he's spotting^^ though I've to admit perhaps less so with the shorter 'Ji Hoo' style..... Don't know why - or perhaps at that time he was too skinny, so not too fond of that memory. Aside from that, love them all especially his long blonde hairstyle(2006) and the recent shorter blonde during his TFS Asia Tour in August last year~ Well actually, as long as I'm able to see him I'm content^^

  8. Anonymous11:23 AM

    An angel in simple white T-shirt.
    Love and miss him so much.
    All best for him.

  9. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Agree to 9:55 but the fact that any hair style suits for him means he's a perfect beauty. He'll shine in a rag, haha. Love and support him forever!

  10. Anonymous1:03 AM

    Oh i still like hyunjoong whenever or whatever and i think during the UN presentation he borrowed younseang suit that was why he was running apologetically in a hurry because he needs to return it to youngseang asap cause seangie needs it for his shedule....oops i forgot its only hyunjoong who is supposed to be 4D....mianhe

  11. Anonymous11:40 AM

    @ 1:03 AM

    You gave me a good laugh... His suit did look a little tight and short on him. LOL

  12. Anonymous7:55 PM

    he gained weight...and it looks good...he looks good..oh well, when ever did he not look good, silly me...miss our boys so much...
