
Sunday, March 04, 2012

[News] Hyung Jun @ 'Glowing She' 1st EP Premier Q&A in Tokyo

Hyung Jun is in Japan to promote 'Glowing She' in Japan which will soon broadcast on the 10th of March as well do series of concert tours. A special screening of episode 1 happened over the weekend and Hyung Jun gladly answered questions during the Q&A. Here are just part of it as translated and shared by cll_slam10 on her blog. Heaps of thanks again dear Lin!


[Trans] Kim Hyung Jun, Intense Bed Scene “Being Forced to Take Off!”
Source: ticket-news japan
Chinese Trans: 狸子 & 初心-金亨俊中文网
English Trans:
Pls repost with credits

5 member idol group SS501 maknae, Kim Hyung Jun as a solo singer with huge popularity, went to Tokyo to attend his 1st special screening of “Glowing She” 1st ep which he is also starring, during which he has this Q&A session.

Using the entertainment scene as a background, it depicts the images of the women wavering between 2 men, Kim Hyung Jun is acting as this headstrong, wilful and rude TopStar KangMin. Although Kim Hyung Jun did participated in drama and musicals before, but this is the 1st time being in the main cast. Kim Hyung Jun stated frankly, “This is my very 1st time being starring in a drama having such a big role, (when being ask by the filming side) it's nervewrecking. When reading the scripts, at times I would question 'Can I really played the role of KangMin well' feeling uneasy about it."

Under the challenge of the drama, other than preparing to bear the brunt of his acting, he is also actively doing physique transformation, so as to show his muscular body in the drama. “Will run 2hrs everyday in the office,weight training for around 1 and half hrs, but now I have stopped halfway thru (smile). Dont really like those tender fragile kind of body, so decide to shape myself into manly physique as a target. If you wanna know how I have shaped my body, please anticipate my performance in the drama!” Regarding the bed scene on the 1st episode which shows off his masculinity, Kim Hyung Jun said, “Obviously I started to build up my body all due to the bed scene, but just as I was shaping up halfway, they started to shoot that scene, I was being forced by director to take off... Maybe the director thought that because this is my 1st time filming bed scene, thus he wanted me to relax, but this made me even more tense (smile). At the filming scene the director originally said, 'Be good pali take off! Anyway I wont even use it' But in this end, he still broadcast it.” causing everyone to roar with laughter.

In addition, Kim Hyung Jun was answering halfway and started chatting with the audience, walking around the stage just like a 1 person show, this shows his unique charm, making the fans wanna love, care and concern him more.

“Glowing She” will be broadcast with effect on 10 Mar(Sat) at KNTV.

On the other hand, Kim Hyung Jun will be having his concerts at Osaka (29 Mar), Zepp Naogya (31 Mar) and he will be attending the promotions of “Glowing She”in Tokyo (6 Apr). Concerts and promotions tickets will be on sale on 10 Mar(Sat) 10am.


  1. Anonymous1:27 PM

    I miss Leader so much whenever any news about other members.

  2. Anonymous10:36 PM

    Hahaha Hyungjun is so ADORABLE! Especially when he talked about the bed scene. He sounded so cute and naive! Haha! He sounded like a little boy that needed some coaxing before he was willing to do that scene. Thanks for sharing! ^^
