
Sunday, March 25, 2012

[Pix] Hyun Joong @ Gimpo Airport 03.24.12

Shoving here photo of Hyun Joong's departure yesterday to Shanghia via Gimpo. Much thanks to nomad0606 for taking the snapshots and to 原名小贤四次元 for sharing on Baidu.

Hyun Joong went to Shanghai to attend the TGS Fashion Event at Mercedes Benz Arena. In the show he performed two songs. Other than Hyun Joong, Park Shin Hye was also in attendance to take the catwalk.


  1. Anonymous2:52 AM

    mr. jung is stealing leader's limelight lol

  2. Anonymous9:13 PM

    lol @ anon 2:52 am's comment

    i think you're right. he has his own followers now. :p

    hyunjoong is looking so good. i love his hair.

  3. Anonymous10:37 PM

    Agreed with @ 2:52. I think mr. jung has potential to be a celeb himself too. :)

  4. Anonymous11:45 PM

    R u sure? Above anonymous:) In my eyes i can see only hyunjoong:)

  5. Anonymous12:07 AM

    Aww please dont break hyunjoong's heart he worked hard for that limelite.As much as i like jeong ajoshi i want the spotlight for the one only hyunjoongshi.

  6. Honeypizza1:20 PM

    Hi all, i would like to share my observations too. You are right guys Mr Jung is indeed looks good ^ ^ however, can't change my mind the fact that Hyunjoong still the best in my eyes :) PEACE !!!
