
Thursday, March 08, 2012

[Pix] Jung Min with Taiwanese Cosplayers in 'University'

At the recording of 'University' in which Jung Min was one of the guests that was recorded last month and was shown on the 6th of March in Taiwan there were cosplayers in the show.

Here are photos which I lifted from Baidu that came from ctitv.

One female university student whose name is Lolita wore 'Clairvoyant outfit' .

In the show Lolita confessed to Park Jung Min by shouting "I love you!" . Playful Jung Min responded "I love you too!" which made Lolita happy and she even further requested for a hug. Park Jung Min was okay with it and she 'flew' into her idol's arm. She was so happy that she tears.

Here is a photo of Jung Min with 红月司 during a break at the recording.

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