
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

[Trans] S/Tweet Treat from Jung Min

It's been ages since Jung Min tweeted! Woot! Woot! He choose to tweet on White Day! (White Day in Korea is when the men are paying back women who have given them chocolate on Valentine's Day with candy instead of chocolate).

As I wrote in my tweet,I just went for a short bladder break (before hitting the bed) then I heard a lot of chirping. Then from afar I can see Jung Min's column on my TweetDeck moving so fast as if there is some kind of a marathon. ^_^

Here is tweet translation of Jung Min courtesy of @SGLove501's tweet. Heaps of thanks!

@JungMin0403: A report of survival after a long time~!^^ There's no candy so I'm replacing with a cake instead~!!^^ And also I… the fact is i had a son! His front view is still a secret~! ♥


  1. Anonymous12:49 AM

    when I saw his tweet on my timeline my heart started racing like crazy,hehe,only JungMin can make me lose my mind,missed him tweeting so much.

  2. Anonymous1:37 AM

    i miss him so much...and i'm so happy to see his tweet ^_^

  3. Anonymous5:50 AM

    the puppy is so cute !!!

  4. Anonymous8:58 AM

    his son is adorable lol

  5. When first saw the post I nearly passed out when I read 'Son'!!!! But have to admit that when I saw his 'son' I could tell that Jung Min was the 'Daddy"... Both so adorable and cuddly....
    As they say, you begin to look like your pets (or is it the other way round)...

  6. Anonymous7:58 PM

    I wonder if he will name d puppy "米恩" since he had numerous lines in Fondant Garden that 米恩 is cute as a puppy. :)

  7. Anonymous8:56 AM

    I want to see the puppy's face !

  8. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Awww! So cute. His son must be so happy to have a good daddy. I also missed him tweeting, but I'm glad he's back & not alone! Lol!!;-)

  9. Anonymous7:11 PM

    omg jungmin. i missed u. ur dog looks so cute!!
