
Monday, April 02, 2012

[Pix] Hyung Jun in Leather Jacket and Helmet

SBS Plus released images of Hyung Jun today from the filming of the upcoming drama 'I Love You' based on the popular comic by Kang Pool that has already been turned into a movie.

The photos released today shows Hyung Jun wearing leader jacket and a motorcycle helmet.  In another photo he is seen reading a motorbike.

In 'I Love You', which will be shown on the 16th of April at 9PM over at cable channel SBS Plus,Kim Hyung Jun will play the role of a smart public service personnel named Jung Min Chae. Jung Min Chae is naturally smart, and was accepted to Seoul National University (South Korea’s equivalent of Harvard) through his exceptional college entrance exam score. While he is still in school, he develops a game for his school’s game club and becomes a legendary figure within the game industry. Because Min Chae is so smart and talented, he seems like he would be the heir to a big company, but he actually has a tragic family history. While working as a public service personnel at the Community Service Center, Min Chae bickers with his co-worker Kim Yeon Ah (played by Kim Yoon Seo) and forms an adorable love line with her. (lifted fromAllKPop article courtesy of ehkim35)

Here is the photos of Hyung Jun.  Let's all anticipate for the broadcast 13 days from now.

1 comment:

  1. Sinthia6:22 AM

    I'm soooo looking forward to this drama!! I'm still enjoying glowing she but I can't wait to see him in this character because seems like will be more intense than Kang Min. whooa I'm so happy we'll be able to enjoy baby's acting doubly!! \o/
