
Thursday, April 12, 2012

[Article & Vids] Hyun Joong in MBC's ‘K-Pop Stars Captivating the World’ Pilot Episode

This news has been on Twitter and other networking sites since last night.  And today, my timeline is flooded with this king of articles and video of the said program which will feature Hyun Joong on its pilot show with JYJ's JaeJoong in a short interview.

Don't forget to mark your calendar on the Sunday, 14th of April for this.


[News] ‘K-Pop Stars Captivating the World’ to follow around Hallyu star Kim Hyun Joong
Source + Photos: Mydaily via Nate

Singer and actor Kim Hyun Joong will be sharing his hidden passions through an MBC special titled ‘K-Pop Stars Captivating the World‘.

The program will be following top K-Pop stars like Kim Hyun Joong, CNBLUE, B2ST, and IU and go through a full 24 hour day with them to see just what is behind the scenes, in an effort to better determine whether the Hallyu wave can continue to grow all over the world or eventually run stagnant.

The focus will be on Kim Hyun Joong, especially since he’s created a Hallyu empire with just his name. One Japanese critic had stated, “In 2012, the direction of K-Pop will change to focus on solo artists, and Kim Hyun Joong is expected to stand as leader of that change. All eyes are on him.”

‘K-Pop Stars Captivating the World’ will give a glimpse into his international activities and the preparation he undergoes for his concert at the Yokohama Arena.

The program airs on April 14th.

Here is teaser of the said program courtesy of .

Another clip courtesy of . Thanks to @wonderrrgirl for the tip on Twitter.


  1. Anonymous9:49 PM

    So glad with this news.
    Your successes bring me happiness.
    Nice to see his best friends.
    Go go, my prince.

  2. Anonymous10:50 PM

    Hyun Joong is recognized more and more.
    His hard working & warm heart are paid.
    Love and support him forever.
    Looking for the program.

  3. Anonymous3:12 PM

    can't wait to watch this! glad to see hyunjoong being recognized for his hard work.

    take over the world, hyunjoongie!!!! lol

  4. Anonymous3:58 PM

    I don't know why I happen to love this guy so much. To hear he is successful is really make me happy. He is really special one the more i know of him the more I like him. At fist I like his look but now I love his heart and soul.
    I'm really looking foward to seeing his new drama and new album. He always bring a very nice surprise to his fans and really make us happy.
