
Tuesday, April 03, 2012

[Pix & Vids] SS501 Attended a Wedding

At the Renaissance Hotel in Yeoksam-dong Gangnam-gu Seoul tonight former and current idols managed by DSP attended the wedding of B2M CEO Gil Jong Hwa.

In attendance to the delight of SS501 fans are Heo Young Saeng, Kim Kyu Jong and Kim Hyung Jun. In several articles it was also written that Kim Hyun Joong also attended. Only our birthday boy, Park Jung Min who was not able to attend. Also at the wedding are members of Fin.KL, Kara, Rainbow. Of course Lee Hyori was also there.

Here are media photos that I lifted from Naver and Daum.

And here is video of SS501 sub-unit who sang a song for the newly weds. They are so cute and funny. Made me miss them again.

Thanks to for the upload of Madeleine's video on YouTube. Please DO NOT re-upload in any other streaming sites including YouTube.

Here is another video from the wedding. Thanks to one Anonymous for the tip on the comment box.

One more video and this time lifted from the YouTube channel of

Prettyboy has another vid from the wedding.

Video from HeStory shared on  is also up! Much thanks to rainaftershine for the tweet.


  1. Anonymous10:07 PM

    Here's another fan cam
    I saw Steven Lee as well on this fan cam (if not mistaken)

  2. It is wonderful to see the three of them together, happily singing. I just couldn't stop smiling seeing them. Now I know I really miss them pretty badly.

  3. Sinthia10:50 PM

    aaaaaah I'm so happy hearing they introducing themselves as SS501 again. *-*
    Serious, if they comeback even as the sub-unite I'd be super happy!!!!!!
    They seem so happy together, specially Kyu.whoaa...It's really amazing their friendship.^^

  4. aww.. i've never seen YS smiling soo bright before.. and Kyu was talking a lot.. and Baby looked really really happy.. ^_^

  5. one of my friends is saying that she saw some info on twitter that Jung Min was not invited to this wedding. I wanted to ask if anyone knows this is true or not?

    1. Anonymous6:25 AM

      It's true. Only JM not attended.

    2. Anonymous7:47 AM

      JungMin attended a fashion show last night as a model so he didn't present at wedding. It doesn't mean that he wasn't invited :)

    3. Anonymous9:42 AM

      Fashion show was not yesterday. JM had no official schedule known so far yesterday.

  6. and THANKYU soooo much for this post <3
    This made my day ^_^
    joy and happiness can obviously be seen from their faces <333

  7. Anonymous5:56 AM

    why are the fanclubs there? LOL

  8. Anonymous8:41 AM

    AHHHHHHHHHH! Their smileee sure knows how to melt TripleS' heart!! They are gorgeous! LOOK at Young Saengieee's bright bright smile! I haven't seen that smile for soooooooo long! OMO <3 this news made my day!

  9. OMG... they are just so freaking cute and adorable!

    So you have Kyu Jong, the ring leader of the gang... Hyung Joon, who is happily playing along but can you just see him pointing fingers if caught!.... Then there's Young Saeng, who doesn't quite know what to do but would be the one looking at the ground and not saying a word if scolded! These "Boys"!!!! Love them to death and these really shows why!!!

    LOL with Anon@5:56... how in the heck did all 3 fan clubs get these absolutely precious vids?

  10. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Thee was a fashion show attended by JM yesterday.
    See previous post for that.

    1. Anonymous11:51 AM

      Fashion show time was pm8 wedding time pm6, and two places are near. If u r JM, think who is more important to u.

  11. Anonymous10:54 AM

    aigooo...KyuJong-ah ThanKyu so much! read this info ont twitter:

    [INFO] Kyu jung kept mentioning that he was waiting for Hyung jun to arrive at the wedding & apparently jun participating in the song :)

    [INFO] at B2M wedding~ Hyung Jun participating in the song was a last minute decision ..

    KyuJong is always a big bro to our maknae...remeber what baby said during X-concert? if KYU weren't there then it's too though for him...remember during Mpick's hidden Cam? baby thought it's for real because it's Kyu who got mad..this SS501 bonds...can't compare to any idols right? This 3boySS just made my day.. baby's is so baby around his hyungs! Thanks for all the fancams...they are too hot to handle^^

  12. slimz180811:05 AM

    news portal and hearsay leader went .. but no photos of him ... he left early?
    anyway its really nice seeing them together and the moment they intro themselves "SS501" .. OMO i got teary ='(

  13. Anonymous11:44 AM

    I got teary eyes when watching this....this is happiness :-)

  14. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Fashion show time attended by JM yesterday was PM 8, wedding time was PM 6 and two places are not far away. I heard leader also had schedule so he had visited before wedding time and staye just 10 minutes. It's very different.

  15. @10:54am agree with you that Hyung Jun is really very relaxed and baby when his brothers are around. As though he doesn't have to care even if the sky will to drop down :) I still cannot get over seeing them together. They are really enjoying the moment.

    But YS with Madeleine's camera on him, he can still behave very naturally and comfortably. That lady ran off the moment she saw the camera. Hahaha!

  16. @10:54am agree with you that Hyung Jun is really very relaxed and baby when his brothers are around. As though he doesn't have to care even if the sky will to drop down :) I still cannot get over seeing them together. They are really enjoying the moment.

    But YS with Madeleine's camera on him, he can still behave very naturally and comfortably. That lady ran off the moment she saw the camera. Hahaha!

  17. Can some people stop spoiling our happiness?

    Just enjoy and be happy. That isn't difficult, right?

  18. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Wait... So I am confused. Was Leader really there or not? cause I don't really trust AllKpop.

    other than that I am so happy to see these guys together.
    I would be happy even if they came back as a subunit again.

  19. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Leader was there. There are fan accounts at twitter.

  20. latchimi3:37 PM

    thx a lot for this post

  21. Anonymous5:17 PM

    Agreed with Kelly. Afterall, they r all in diff agencies now and there maybe different rules that need to abide to. We don't know the actual reason behind therefore it's unfair to judge just base on wat we "see/hear".

    We shd gv our full trust n support to them and keep believing that they will return one day as our beloved SS501! :)

  22. Anonymous6:22 PM

    I am so happy to see the boys together! :) They are so lovely together. I still think they sound the best when they are singing together! Not to say, they are really cute and comfortable. Afterall, they have known and worked with each with other for Years. Haha.

    In my opinion, I don't think there is a need to kick up the fuss over such little thing. Regardless whether they are there or not, busy or not, it's their own business. We'll don't know and will never know the reason why unless anyone of you know Jungmin (or perhaps, his manager) himself. And my take is, even if the Fashion show starts at 8pm, I believe Jungmin cannot simply reach the venue at 8pm. He needs to rehearse and get his makeup done. He cannot afford to screw up other people's fashion show too right? Think from the bright side. There must be a good reason why he isn't there.

    And btw, when they introduced themselves as ss501, my heart melted. It's been such a long time since I heard them introduce themselves as 501!~

  23. Anonymous9:29 PM

    If Leader didn't leave early because of a prior engagement, and if only Minnie had attended the wedding (obviously he couldn't because of the fashion show.) then all 5 of them would've been together. As it was, only the sub-unit group was there. Even so, it was a treat to us fans.

    When they introduced themselves again as SS501, my heart melted. When I saw them singing the song, it was as if I was watching their To My Boyfriend performance all over again, for the members were all playful, especially baby. When he's along or doing solo activities, you can see that he has really matured, but when he's around his hyungs, he becomes a baby all over again. Which is quite nice. ~^ Kyu is becoming very talkative, and Saengie, it's okay even if he won't say a thing, his bright smiles are enough for me. ^^

    And because of this, among many other things, I'm dying for their comeback. :D

  24. Anonymous1:11 AM

    not attend do not mean less favor !!
    well, if he can attend, then it is good; if he is busy with his schedule, but you miss him that much, then support his activities, go check out his current ones!!
    his work is more important than anything else.
    happily he is doing good. this is the most important thing to us who love him concerning about the most ;!

  25. Anonymous1:13 AM

    peace !!

  26. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Totally agrees with Anon 1:11 AM

  27. Anonymous11:44 AM

    It is just B2M , it is NOT dsP! why must have a reunion there !!
    Some really love to make a fuse of nothing.
    As long as their bias is there, they feel the whole stage have been filled up by their favorite. Actually they do not really that care who is not there.
    some have claimed it would be happy for them just see the ss301, even 201 ......
    that really have nothing to do with me, but what make me feding up is they really love to make believe ;(
    Unfortunately, if their bias is not there, I do not think they would be that high participating even with the ss401 or another ss301 there.
    just saying, stop pretend and make the other look bad #______-

  28. Anonymous1:27 PM

    The lady that run away when she saw the camera was one of the boys original cordi (stylist)

  29. Anonymous12:04 PM

    love the part when they introduced themselves as SS501...

    kyu has changed a lot! well its more like, he is talking a lot... hope this continues and see more of his activities very soon!!!
