
Friday, April 06, 2012

[Pix] Kyu Jong & Young Saeng @ B2M CEO's Wedding 04.03.12

I am shoving here photos of Kyu Jong taken at the wedding of B2M CEO. Much thanks to kajenoiro and Kyu's as well as to @eednaka for tweeting the tweets of ♥ManiaKYU♥.

Here is a set of photos of Young Saeng from the shutterbugs BestYS that I lifted from Baidu

Seeing Young Saeng, Kyu Jong and Hyung Jun together at the wedding and knowing from reports that Hyun Joong also dropped by made us want to know when is the next event we will going to see all of together again, right? Well, who knows, it may happen sooner or later. Let's continue to believe.


  1. Anonymous11:45 PM

    "lets continue to believe" makes me wonder if you're as doubtful as us. i bet my last dollar that they will never appear together just cuz leader and baby are avoiding each other for some reason.

  2. Anonymous1:17 AM

    its strange we saw videos of the ss301 but not leader? did leader arrived late that no fans are able to record any viewing of him? anon11.45 your comment is speculating just my two cents dough...

  3. Liezle, thanks so much sharing the photos. I am just too lazy to search the net for them :)

    Have watched the videos a few times. Never fail to bring smile to my face. These boys are just so darling.

  4. Anonymous12:01 PM

    thanks for sharing... love to see them together! soo precious!

  5. Anonymous5:46 PM

    wherever hyunjoong goes, people are sure to follow irregardless of time. its impossible nobody could get a pic of him unless you say he arrives far later, say, 1am in the couple's hotel suite then MAYBE. please, you need to inject more common sense into your comment, anon 1:17.

  6. Anonymous12:11 PM

    I don't know where people get the idea that 'this' member is avoiding 'that' member. I'm tired of these people who are always speculating. Unless the news comes from the members themselves then it's official. What we feel is not always the truth.

  7. Anonymous2:17 AM


    oops my apologies 4 my comments to irritates you as i may be
    less thoughtful
    but at least i dont spread rumours about ss501 members.Btw i saw leader's fanpic in another ss501 site but no ss301 fanpic/vid there so i guess its my fault to cause you to be irritable.Anways peace to you and chillax...cheerios

  8. Anonymous3:14 AM

    If they're avoiding each other then just let them be. We're not them and we can't make them like each other if they don't. Just keep supporting who we support.

    It may be true that there are no pictures (I haven't seen any) but that doesn't mean that HyunJoong wasn't there. Anyway, does it really matter? This wasn't an official SS501 reunion anyway.
