
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Surge of Kyu Jong Pix from Yong Sang Shooting 04.09.12

Much thanks to Red for sending the following photos of Kyu Jong from yesterday's filming of 'Saving Ajumma Go Bong Shil' at Yong Sang. 

The folllowing wonderfully taken snapshots came from the blog of murya77 (  Loads of thanks to her for capturing Kyu Jong handsomely.


  1. Anonymous8:48 PM

    the truth is I don't like him in this drama, hope he will get more challenging role & more time scene

  2. Anonymous7:38 AM

    kyujong jjang~! omo so envious to Triple S/Thankyu's Korea....ahhh i miss him...i wanna see him in person again...he's really an angel...the way he interacted to can we not love this guy? he's perfect...those pics are awesome..handsomely much more in person?...we all know he's 501% more all the fans who were there thankyu so much for sharing all the vids and pics..u guysS are awesome like our boysS..ahh how can this man can be so cute, hot, and sexy?? gosh im dying...those eyes~! those smiles~! those long hands! aigoo..")

    SS501+Triple S the best! we will always be forever as one!
